Faculty Directory

Liu Dan

Associate Research Professor

Address: Koguan Law School, No. 1954 Huashan Road
Email: liudan2015@sjtu.edu.cn

  • Educational background

    Sep 2008-June 2011, PHD of International Law, Fu Dan University, Shanghai, P.R China
    Sep 2001-Jun 2003, LLM (Major in Public International Law), Transnational Law and Business University (TLBU), Korea
    Sep 1994-Jun 1998, LLB (Major in International Economic Law), Department of International Economic Law, China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL), Beijing

  • Professional Experience

    Dec 2015-Jan 2016, Stefansson Arctic Institute, Iceland, visiting research fellow
    Sep 2002-May 2015, Law School, Shanghai University of International Business and Trade, law faculty
    July-Aug, 2014, East Asia Institute, National University of Singapore, visiting research fellow
    Aug-Dec 2010, Albany Law School, visiting scholar
    June-July 2009, Marie Curie Summer School, Global Training Program on International Criminal Law for PhD Candidates, Grotius Centre of Leiden University, the Hague, the Netherlands
    March-May 2006, Legal Office, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS), Hamburg, Germany, intern
    Oct-Dec 2004, Consultation Department, Shanghai WTO Consultation Centre, China, intern

  • Research Interests

    Public International Law, Law of the Sea, Polar Law and Policy, International Environmental Law
  • Research Projects

    June 2013-, Legal Status of Ryukyu Islands Viewed from Diao Yu Islands Dispute, National Social Science Foundation of China (13CFX123);
    June 2013-, Legal Status of Ryukyu Islands under International Law, The 53th China Post Doctoral Funds (2013M531152);
    Dec.2012-Dec.2013, Legal Issues of the Trusteeship over Ryukyu Islands, granted by China Oceanic Administration;
    May-Dec, 2012, Feasibility Study on International Litigation of Diaoyu Islands Disputes, granted by Japanese Research and Exchange Centre, Shanghai International Studies University.
    May-Dec, 2012, Study on the Factor of “Inter-temporal Law” and “the Critical Date” in Territorial Disputes, granted by China Oceanic Administration.
    Jan-May, 2012, Official Positions of Major Countries over the Sovereign Rights of Diaoyu Islands, granted by China Oceanic Administration. .
    2010-2013, Professional Curricula Construction - Public International Law, granted by China Oceanic Administration.

  • Publications

    Dan LIU (2012), International Law on the Protection of Marine Living Resource, Shanghai: Shanghai People's Publishing House, 2012
    Dan LIU (2018), Territorial Status of Ryukyu Islands: History and International Law, Beijing: Ocean Publishing House, 2019

    Journal Articles:
    Ren, Yuanyuan and Liu, Dan (2018), “A Rule Follower, a Challenger, or a Learner? Recasting China’s Engagement in the Arctic”, The 2017 Yearbook of Polar Law.
    Liu, Dan (2017),“Current Dilemma and Solutions for the Cooperation on Marine Environmental Protection in the South China Sea (SCS): A Case study on the SCS Arbitration Case", Foreign Affairs Review, 2018, Vol.6.
    LIU, Dan (2017),“The 2015 Oslo Declaration on Arctic High Seas Fisheries: Starting Point towards Future Fisheries Management in the Central Arctic Ocean" , The Arctic Yearbook, 2017.
    Dan LIU (2016), The Antarctic Whaling Case and the International Law on the Regulation of Whaling, In Myron Nordquist eds., International Marine Economy: Law and Policy, Brill, 2017. Dan LIU (2016), Article 298 (Optional Exceptions) of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: Evaluation on the Jurisdiction Issue of the South China Sea Arbitration, Chinese Review of International Law, Vol. 6, 2016.
    Dan LIU (2016), The Historical and Legal Status of Pre-modern Ryukyus and the Sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands, China Oceans Law Review, Vol. 24, 2016.Jing GUO and Dan LIU (2016), On Archipelagic Theory and the Practise of Continental Countries on the Outlying Archepelagos, South China Sea Studies, Vol.2 , No.2, 2016.
    Dan LIU and Zhengqing DAI (2016), Legal Issues of Island Construction and Building under International Law: A Related Analysis of Environmant&sustainable Development on the Martimes Features of the South China Sea, International Law Review of Wuhan University, Vol.19, No.2, 2016.
    Dan LIU (2016), Preliminary Observation on the Procedural Issues of the South China Sea Arbitration Case, Chinee Yearbook of International Law, June 2016 (Beijing : Law Press, 2016)
    Dan LIU and Ling Zhu (2014), Assessing China's legislation on compensation for marine ecological damage: A case study of the Bohai oil spill, 50 Marine Policy 2014, 18-26.
    Dan LIU (2013), The “Critical Date” in Judicial Decisions of the Territorial Disputes and Its Enlightenment on Diaoyu Islands Dispute, Pacific Journal, Vol. 7, 2013.
    Dan LIU (2012), Ryukyu Trusteeship Viewed from International Law: A Related Analysis of the Sovereignty Problem of Diaoyu Islands, Pacific Journal, Vol. 20, No. 12, 2012, pp. 82-97.
    Dan LIU (2012), Interaction of Jessup Moot Court and the Bilingual Teaching of International Law: Exploration and Practice, Journal of Yunnan University (Law Edition), Vol. 5, 2012.
    Dan LIU (2012), The Philippine Sovereign Claims over Scarborough Shoal: Loopholes from the Angle of International Law, Social Observation, Vol. 6, 2012.
    Dan LIU (2012), International Law on the Regulation of Commercial Whaling, International Law Review of Wuhan University, Vo. 12, No. 1, 2012.
    Dan LIU (2012), Legal Problems of the Compensation on Marine Ecological Damages: Angle of Oil Spill in Bo Hai Bay, Hebei Law Science, Vol. 4, 2012.
    Dan LIU (2011), Global Governance on Piracy: An Angel of the Law of the Sea, Exploration and Free Views, Vol. 10, 2011.
    Dan LIU (2011), Application of International Law in the International Commercial Arbitration, Law Edition Journal of Yunnan University, Vol. 5, 2011.
    Dan LIU (2011), Study on the International Disputes of Marine Living Resource, Hebei Law Science, Vol. 8, 2011.
    Dan LIU (2009), Inter-temporal Law and the China-related Marine Territorial Disputes, Jin Ling Law Review, Vol. 2, 2009.
    Dan LIU (2007), Maritime Delimitation in the East China Sea: Preceding Cases, Delimitation Principles and Prospect of the Disputes, Law Review of Shanghai Maritime University, Vol. 1, 2007.
    Dan LIU (2005), Analysis of Chinese WAPI Standard in Relation with the WTO-TBT Agreement, World Trade Organization Focus, Vol. 8, 2005.
    Dan LIU (2005), Analysis of Trade of Services under CEPA Framework from the Angle of International Law, World Organization Focus, Vol. 1, 2005.

    Contribution to medias:
    Dan LIU, “the South China Sea Lawfare: Balancing the Weight Between Diplomatic Argument and Legal Reasoning”, the Global Times (http://www.globaltimes.cn/), 24 June, 2016.
    Dan LIU, “Comment on the UVV Accident from the Angle of International Law”, The Papers (http://www.thepaper.cn/), 12 Dec, 2016;
    2013年10月12日,《中国-东盟推进海上务实合作》,Wen Hui News (http://whb.news365.com.cn/), 12 Oct, 2013;
    Dan LIU (2013), China Coastal Guard’s authority Need to be Clarified, the Global Times, July 25, 2013.
  • Courses

    Law of the Sea, Public International Law, Law of International Dispute Settlement

