Xiang Liu, Assistant Research Fellow, School of Ocean and Civil Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, won the 2023 Outstanding Paper Award for Young Scientists of COSPAR (Committee on Space Research). This award, which will be presented at the COSPAR 2024 Scientific Assembly in Busan, South Korea, has been officially notified by COSPAR president Pascale Ehrenfreund in a letter signed on April 5.
The winning paper is “Nonlinear model order reduction and vibration control of a membrane antenna structure, Advance in Space Research, 2023, 71(12): 5369-5385.” Paper link: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asr.2023.02.017. In this paper, a nonlinear model reduction method for large space membrane structures is proposed, and a novel nonlinear vibration control strategy by using cable actuators is proposed. The research findings provide significant insights for the surface accuracy maintenance of large membrane spacecraft.
Bio of recipient of the award:
Xiang Liu, Ph.D., is an assistant research fellow of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, whose research interest is dynamics and active control of large flexible spacecraft. He has more than thirty publications in peer-reviewed Journals, and he has won many awards and honors such as the best doctoral dissertation of Chinese Mechanics Society, the best doctoral dissertation of Shanghai Mechanics Society, the outstanding young scholar of Shanghai Mechanics Society, et al. He serves as an Associate Editor of International Journal of Dynamics and Control and as a young editorial board member of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics.