The School of Ocean and Civil Engineering held a Mental Health Education Event for International Students

Date:2024-10-18 Reading: 425

On September 27th, the School of Ocean and Civil Engineering conducted a mental health education event for international students. 


Ms. Zhang Yimin emphasized the importance of mental health and the psychological well-being of university students. In addition to the common pressures of academics, research, and social life, international students often face the added challenge of adapting to an unfamiliar cultural environment. To address and alleviate these psychological concerns, she provided guidance on managing academic stress and improving cross-cultural communication skills to enhance the mental health of international students.


The event introduced an engaging and entertaining approach by screening the movie "Inside Out," helping students understand psychological concepts and recognize the positive value of negative emotions. This helped them learn to manage their emotions more effectively, fostering better interaction and cooperation within the community.


This event successfully raised awareness of mental health among international students, disseminated relevant knowledge, and highlighted the support provided by the School for mental health issues. The School of Ocean and Civil Engineering plans to continue hosting mental health-related events to continuously monitor students' psychological well-being and ensure a healthy campus life for all.


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