Gao Zhen

Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering


Address: #800 Dongchuan Road, Ruth Mulan Building, Minhang District, Shanghai, China, Postcode 200240

  • Biography

    Born in 1977; Distinguished professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU); Member of Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences (NTVA). 

    Work experience: 

    2022.12- :        Distinguished professor, School of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Civil Engineering, SJTU 

    2015.7-2022.12: Professor, Department of Marine Technology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) (sponsored by DNV for the first five years) 

    2011.9-2015.6:Researcher, Centre for Ships and Ocean Structures (CeSOS), NTNU 

    2008.3-2011.8:Post-doctor fellow, CeSOS, NTNU 


    2003.8-2008.2:PhD, Marine Technology, NTNU 

    2000.9-2003.3:MSc, Design and Manufacturing of Naval Architecture and Ocean Structure, SJTU 

    1996.9-2000.6:Bachelor, Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, SJTU 

    My detailed CV can be found here.Full CV - Zhen Gao - June 2023.pdf

  • Research Interests

     Offshore renewable energy 

     Integrated load and response analysis for offshore wind turbines 

     Safety assessment of marine operations 

     Numerical simulations and real-time forecasting of ocean waves 

     Stochastic dynamics of marine structures

    Please contact Prof. Zhen Gao via email ( ) for the recruitment of postdocs, PhD candidates and master students.

  • Academic Services

    Member of academic associations:

    ● ISSC (International Ship and Offshore Structures Congress)

            ■ Specialist Committee V.4 Offshore Renewable Energy (2009-2012: committee member; 2012-2015, 2015-2018: committee chair)

            ■ Technical Committee II.1 Quasi-Static Response (2018-2022: committee member; 2022-2025: committee chair)

    ● EMB (European Marine Board), Working Group on Marine Renewable Energy (2021-2023: member)

    ● ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) (2014- : member)

    Member of editorial board for international journals:

    ● Marine Structures (2015- : editorial board member; 2018- : associate editor)

    ● Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (2017- : associate editor)

    ● Journal of Ship Mechanics (2015- : editorial board member)

    ● Journal of Marine Science and Application (2016- : editorial board member)

    ● Green Energy and Intelligent Transportation (2022- : editorial board member)


    Member of technical committee for international conferences:

    ● OMAE (International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering), Structures, Safety and Reliability Symposium (2011- : technical committee member)

    ● Honouring Symposium for Prof. Torgeir Moan at OMAE2017 Conference (with Prof. Carlos Guedes Soares as co-organizer)

    ● WESC (Wind Energy Science Conference) (2019- : technical committee member)

    ● RENEW (International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore, Lisbon, Portugal) (2014- : technical committee member)

    ● CORE (International Conference on Offshore Renewable Energy, Glasgow, UK) (2013-2019: technical committee member)

  • Research Projects

    Research projects at NTNU:

    ● RCN (Research Council of Norway) projects (coordination): InteDiag-WTCP, INTPART TechNOII

    ● RCN projects or research centres (participation): SFF CeSOS, SFF AMOS, FME NOWITECH, FME NORTHWIND, SFI MOVE, SFI BLUES

    ● EU projects (participation): MARINA Platform, MARE-WINT, EWEM

    ● Industry projects (participation): EMULF, EMULF2

  • Selected Publications

    ResearchGate personal website:

    Google Scholar personal website:

    By 2023.01, published in total 240 papers, including 145 journal papers and 95 conference papers. Google Scholar citation 6588, H-Index 47.

    List of the papers, mainly between 2018 and 2022.

    Doctoral thesis:

    ● Gao, Z. (2008). Stochastic Response Analysis of Mooring Systems with Emphasis on Frequency-domain Analysis of Fatigue due to Wide-band Response Processes. Doctoral Thesis, Department of Marine Technology, NTNU.


    Book chapters:

    ● Gao, Z., Bingham, H.B., Nicholls-Lee, R., Adam, F., Karmakar, D., Karr, D.G., Catipovic, I., Colicchio, G., Sheng, W.A., Liu, P.F., Takaoka, Y., Slätte, J., Shin, H.K., Mavrakos, S.A., Jhan, Y.T. & Ren, H.R. (2015). Report of Specialist Committee V.4 Offshore Renewable Energy. In: Guedes Soares, C. & Garbatov, Y. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 19th International Ship and Offshore Structures Congress (ISSC 2015), 2: 669-722, September 7-10, Cascais, Portugal.

    ● Gao, Z., Bingham, H.B., Ingram, D., Kolios, A., Karmakar, D., Utsunomiya, T., Catipovic, I., Colicchio, G., Rodrigues, J.M., Adam, F., Karr, D.G., Fang, C., Shin, H.K., Slätte, J., Ji, C.Y., Sheng, W.A., Liu, P.F., Stoev, L. (2018). Report of Specialist Committee V.4 Offshore Renewable Energy. In: Kaminski, M.L. & Rigo, P. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Ship and Offshore Structures Congress (ISSC2018), 2: 193-277, September 9-14, Liege, Belgium and Amsterdam (The Netherlands).


    Journal papers:

    ● Christakos, K., Gao, Z., Furevik, B.R., Björkqvist, J.-V. & Aarnes, O.J. (2022) In-situ Coastal Observations of Wave Homogeneity and Coherence. Applied Ocean Research, 129: 103390.

    ● Cao, Q., Bachynski-Polic, E.E., Gao, Z., Xiao, L.F., Cheng, Z.S. & Liu, M.Y. (2022). Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Wind Field Effects on the Dynamic Responses of the 10MW SPIC Floating Wind Turbine Concept. Ocean Engineering, 261: 112151.

    ● Mehlan, F.C., Nejad, A.R. & Gao, Z. (2022). Digital Twin-based Virtual Sensor for Online Fatigue Damage Monitoring in Offshore Wind Turbine Drivetrains. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 144 (6): 060901.

    ● Zhao, S.J., Meng, X., Gao, Z. & Li, H.J. (2022). Numerical Modeling of Nonstationary Hydrodynamic Forces and Induced Motions of a Coupled Offshore Floating Installation System. Ocean Engineering, 246 (1): 110618.

    ● Dong, X.C., Gao, Z., Li, D.M. & Shi, H.D. (2021). Experimental and Numerical Study of a Two-body Heaving Wave Energy Converter with Different Power Take-off Models. Ocean Engineering, 220: 108454.

    Wu, M.N. & Gao, Z. (2021). Methodology for Developing a Response-based Correction Factor (Alpha-factor) for Allowable Sea State Assessment of Marine Operations Considering Weather Forecast Uncertainty. Marine Structures, 79: 103050.

    ● Cho, S.P., Choi, M.J., Gao, Z. & Moan, T. (2021). Fault Detection and Diagnosis of a Blade Pitch System of a Spar-type Floating Wind Turbine Based on Kalman Filters and Artificial Neural Networks. Renewable Energy, 169: 1-13.

    ● Touzon, I., Nava, V., Gao, Z. & Petuya, V. (2021). Frequency-domain Modelling of a Coupled System of Floating Structure and Mooring Lines – An Application to a Wave Energy Converter. Ocean Engineering, 220: 108498.

    ● Wu, M.N., Stefanakos, C. & Gao, Z. (2021). Multi-step-ahead Forecasting of Wave Conditions Based on Physics-based Machine Learning Models for Marine Operations. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 8 (12): 992.

    ● Xu, K., Larsen, K., Shao, Y.L., Zhang, M., Gao, Z. & Moan, T. (2021). Design and Comparative Analysis of Alternative Mooring Systems for Floating Wind Turbines in Shallow Water with Emphasis on Ultimate Limit State Design. Ocean Engineering: 108377.

    ● Moan, T., Gao, Z., Bachynski, E.E. & Nejad, A.R. (2020). Recent Advances in Integrated Response Analysis of Floating Wind Turbines in a Reliability Perspective. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 142 (5): 052002.

    ● Jiang, Z.Y., Yttervik, R., Gao, Z. & Sandvik, P.C. (2020). Design, Modelling and Analysis of a Large Floating Dock for Spar Floating Wind Turbine Installation. Marine Structures, 72: 102781.

    ● Li, L., Gao, Z. & Yuan, Z.M. (2019). On the Sensitivity and Uncertainty of Wave Energy Conversion with An Artificial Neural-Network-Based Controller. Ocean Engineering, 183: 282-293.

    ● Verma, A.S., Vedvik, N.P. & Gao, Z. (2019). A Comprehensive Numerical Investigation of Impact Behaviour of an Offshore Wind Turbine Blade due to Impact/Contact during Installation, Ocean Engineering, 172: 127-145.

    ● Zhao, Y.N., Cheng, Z.S., Gao, Z., Sandvik, P.C. & Moan, Y. (2019). Numerical Study on the Feasibility of Offshore Single Blade Installation by Floating Crane Vessels. Marine Structures, 64: 442-462.

    ● Verma, A.S., Jiang, Z.Y., Vedvik, N.P., Gao, Z. & Ren, Z.R. (2019). Impact Assessment of a Wind Turbine Blade Root during an Offshore Mating Process. Engineering Structures, 180: 205-222.

    ● Cheng, Z.S., Gao, Z. & Moan, T. (2018). Wave Load Effect Analysis of a Floating Bridge in a Fjord Considering Inhomogeneous Wave Conditions. Engineering Structures, 163: 197-214.

    ● Cho, S.P., Gao, Z. & Moan, T. (2018). Model-based Fault Detection, Fault Isolation and Fault-tolerant Control of a Blade Pitch System in Floating Wind Turbines. Renewable Energy, 120: 306-321.

    ● Luan, C.Y., Gao, Z. & Moan, T. (2018). Comparative Analysis of Numerically Simulated and Experimentally Measured Motions and Sectional Forces and Moments in a Floating Wind Turbine Hull Structure Subjected to Combined Wind and Wave Loads. Engineering Structures, 177: 210-233.

    ● Guo, X.X., Yang, J.M., Gao, Z., Moan, T. & Lu, H.N. (2018). The Surface Wave Effects on the Performance and the Loading of a Tidal Turbine. Ocean Engineering, 156: 120-134.

    ● Ghane, M., Nejad, A.R., Blanke, M., Gao, Z. & Moan, T. (2018). Condition Monitoring of Spar-type Floating Wind Turbine Drivetrain Using Statistical Fault Diagnosis. Wind Energy, 21 (7): 575-589.

    ● Ren, Z.R., Jiang, Z.Y., Skjetne, R. & Gao, Z. (2018). Active Tugger Line Force Control for Single Blade Installation. Wind Energy, 21: 1344-1358.

  • Teaching

    Teaching at NTNU:

    ● PhD course: Stochastic Methods Applied in Nonlinear Analysis of Marine Structures

    ● MSc course: Design of Ocean Structures

    ● MSc course: Integrated Dynamic Analysis of Wind Turbines


    Teaching at SJTU:

    ● Graduate course: Stochastic Methods and its Applications in Ocean Engineering

  • Honors and Awards

    2022: Chang Jiang Chair Scholar of the Ministry of Education, China 

    2022: High-level Oversea Talents Program in Shanghai

    2017: OMAE Conference Appreciation Award

    2015: ISSC 2015 Award

    2008: ExxonMobil Research Prize for one of the two best doctoral theses in applied research among 268 doctoral graduates at NTNU

    2001: 'Three-A' Model Student, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2001

    2000: Shanghai Excellent Graduate

    • Phone:86-21-34206196/34205291



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