Xiao Te

Department of Civil Engineering

Email: xiaote@sjtu.edu.cn

Address: Rm B522, Ruth Mulan Building, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

  • Biography

    Dr. Xiao is an Associate Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. His main research interests include geotechnical risk and reliability, machine learning and digital twins. Several positions are available for PhD/MPhil students and Postdoc fellows. Candidates with majors in civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, or engineering geology are preferred. Interested applicants may contact Dr. Xiao through email (xiaote@sjtu.edu.cn).

    Education Background

    2013–2018, PhD in Hydraulic Structure Engineering, Wuhan University

    2009–2013, BSc in Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering, Wuhan University

    Work Experience

    2024 to present, Associate Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

    2021–2023, Research Assistant Professor, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

    2018–2021, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

  • Research Interests

    Geotechnical risk and reliability

    Machine learning and digital twins in geotechnics

    Uncertainty characterization in site investigation

    Landslide hazard chains

    Risk-informed decision-making

  • Academic Services

    Assistant Editor & Editorial Board Member, Georisk: Assessment and Management of Risk for Engineered Systems and Geohazards

    Member, ASCE Geo-Institute Embankments, Dams, and Slopes Committee

    Member, Youth Committee of Risk and Insurance Research Branch of China Civil Engineering Society

    Corresponding Member, ISSMGE Technical Committees TC304 (Risk) / TC309 (Machine Learning) / TC222 (Digital Twin)

  • Research Projects

    NSFC Excellent Young Scientists Fund (Overseas), PI, 2025–2027

    NSFC Young Scientists Fund, Methods for regional landslide spatiotemporal prediction and risk-informed early warning using incomplete data, PI, 2025–2027

    RGC Theme-based Research Scheme, Digital twin-empowered landslide emergency risk management, Co-I, 2024–2028

    NSFC-RGC Joint Research Scheme, Evolution of landslide hazard chains triggered by strong earthquakes and the associated dynamic risk management, Co-I, 2021–2024

    Consulting Project for Geotechnical Engineering Office of HKSAR Government, Uncertainties and target reliability of slopes, Co-I, 2023–2024

  • Selected Publications

    Publish over 30 SCI-indexed journal papers and one monograph.

    Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=blUFYi4AAAAJ

    ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Te-Xiao-2


    [1] Zhang, J., Xiao, T., Ji, J., Zeng, P., Cao, Z. J. (2023). Geotechnical Reliability Analysis: Theories, Methods and Algorithms. Springer, Singapore. 310p.

    Representative Papers

    [1] Xiao, T., Zhang, L. M.*, Cheung, R. W. M., Lacasse, S. (2023). Predicting spatio-temporal man-made slope failures induced by rainfall in Hong Kong using machine learning techniques. Géotechnique, 73(9), 749-765.

    [2] Xiao, T., Zhang, L. M.* (2023). Data-driven landslide forecasting: methods, data completeness, and real-time warning. Engineering Geology, 317, 107068.

    [3] Ju, L. Y., Xiao, T.*, He, J., Wang, H. J., Zhang, L. M. (2022). Predicting landslide runout paths using terrain matching-targeted machine learning. Engineering Geology, 311, 106902.

    [4] Xiao, T., Li, D. Q.*, Cao, Z. J., Zhang, L. M. (2018). CPT-based probabilistic characterization of three-dimensional spatial variability using MLE. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 114(5), 04018023.

    [5] Xiao, T., Li, D. Q.*, Cao, Z. J., Au, S. K., Phoon, K. K. (2016). Three-dimensional slope reliability and risk assessment using auxiliary random finite element method. Computers and Geotechnics, 79, 146-158.

    [6] Zhang, L. M.*, Xiao, T., He, J., Chen, C. (2019). Erosion-based analysis of breaching of Baige landslide dams on the Jinsha River, China, in 2018. Landslides, 16(10), 1965-1979.

    [7] Li, D. Q.*, Xiao, T., Zhang, L. M., Cao, Z. J. (2019). Stepwise covariance matrix decomposition for efficient simulation of multivariate large-scale three-dimensional random fields. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 68, 169-181.

    [8] Li, D. Q., Xiao, T., Cao, Z. J.*, Zhou, C. B., Zhang, L. M. (2016). Enhancement of random finite element method in reliability analysis and risk assessment of soil slopes using Subset Simulation. Landslides, 13(2), 293-303.

    [9] Li, D. Q., Xiao, T., Cao, Z. J.*, Tang, X. S., Phoon, K. K. (2016). Auxiliary slope reliability analysis using limit equilibrium analysis and finite element analysis. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 38(6), 1004-1013. (in Chinese)

    [10] Li, D. Q.*, Xiao, T., Cao, Z. J., Zhou, C. B., Phoon, K. K. (2016). Slope risk assessment using efficient random finite element method. Rock and Soil Mechanics, 37(7), 1994-2003. (in Chinese)

  • Software copyright registration and patents

    Software copyright

    Nonintrusive geotechnical probabilistic analysis (NIGPA), 2017SR016335

    Geotechnical spatial variability modeling and reliability analysis, 2014SR092563

  • Honors and Awards

    National Excellent Young Scientists (Overseas), 2023

    Shanghai Magnolia Talents (Youth), 2023

    ISSMGE Bright Spark Lecture Award,2023

    HKIE Geotechnical Paper Award,2024

    Géotechnique Early Career Award,2023

    Georisk Best Paper Award,2018

    Georisk Most Cited Award,2020

    Outstanding Doctoral Thesis in Hydraulic Engineering, 2019

    • Phone:86-21-34206196/34205291

    • E-mail:oceglobal@sjtu.edu.cn;

    •               oce@sjtu.edu.cn

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