Transportation Engineering
Address: Ruth Mulan Chu Chao Building, No. 800 Dongchuan Road, Minhang District, Shanghai, China.
Work Experience
2019.12-present: Senior Research Fellow, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
2015-2019: Research Fellow, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
2012-2014: Postdoctoral Researcher, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
2008-2012: Ph.D., Traffic Information Engineering and Control, Tongji University
2005-2008: M.S., Urban Planning and Design, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
2000-2005: B.S., Architecture, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Planning Strategies for Age/Child-Friendly Cities
Urban Governance Oriented Towards Carbon Peak and Neutrality
Land Use and Transportation Integration and Optimization
Youth Committee Member, Academic Committee of Urban Transport Planning, Urban Planning Society of China
Youth Committee Member, Road and Traffic Engineering Professional Committee, Shanghai Society of Civil Engineering
Committee Member, World Transport Congress, Technical Committee on Travel Behavior Modelling and Simulation
Member of World Society for Transport and Land Use Research
Member of the International Association for China Planning
Selected Projects as PI:
Planning Strategies for Age-Friendly Transportation Systems under the "Healthy China" Strategy, National Natural Science Foundation, 2018-2023
The Influence of Built Environment, Household, and Personal Characteristics on Public Transport Behavior of the Elderly, National Natural Science Foundation, 2013-2015
Strategies of Building a Barrier-free Environment in Shanghai, Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality, 2021-2022
Strategy of Elderly and Child-Friendly Transportation System: A Case Study of Shanghai, Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality, 2020-2021
Case Study of Hammarby Health and Eco-New City in Stockholm, Sweden, Research Center of Shanghai Municipal People's Government, 2019-2020
Travel Behavior of the Elderly in Shanghai Based on the Built Environment, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, 2013-2014
Urban Road Traffic Emission Evaluation System and Optimization Design, Key Project of National Engineering Laboratory for Highway Maintenance Technology, 2016-2018
Travel Patterns of the Elderly and Disabled Based on Multi-source Data Fusion Data, Ministry of Transport, Key Laboratory of Advanced Urban Public Transport, 2020-2022
Nonlinear, threshold and synergistic effects of first/last-mile facilities on metro ridership in Shanghai. Transportation Research Part D, 2023, 103856. (corresponding author)
Non-linear Relationships Between the Built Environment and Walking Frequency Among Older Adults in Zhongshan, China. Frontiers in Public Health, 2021, 9, 1090. (corresponding author)
Public Transport Use among the Urban and Rural Elderly in China: Effects of Personal, Attitudinal, Household, Social Environment and Built Environment Factors. Journal of Transport and Land Use, 2018, 11(1): 701-709. (first author)
Investigating the Impacts of Built Environment on Vehicle Miles Traveled and Energy Consumption: Differences Between Commuting and Non-commuting Trips. Cities, 2017, 68: 25-36. (highly-cited paper, corresponding author)
Exploring the Influence of Built Environment on Travel Mode Choice Considering the Mediating Effects of Car Ownership and Travel Distance. Transportation Research Part A, 2017, 100: 65-80. (highly-cited paper, corresponding author)
Commuting travel decision-making behavior based on multi-dimensional influencing factors, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press, 2015.
Traffic Management and Control (Undergraduate)
Urban Transport and Land Use (Undergraduate)
Frontiers of Modern Traffic Management and Control (Graduate)
Principles of Urban and Rural Planning (Graduate)
Urban Transport and Road Planning (Graduate)