
Nailu CHEN



Biographical Information

1983 Bachelor Degree at the Institute of east-north heavy mechanical engineering, Faculty of mechanical engineering.
1999 Master Degree at the Yanshan University, School of Materials Science and Engineering.
2006 Ph D degree of Materials Science at the Yanshan University, School of Materials Science and Engineering.
1983 – 2002 Working at Zhengzhou Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering
2003 -  Working at the School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Research Interests

Selected Publications

1、Nailu Chen et al. Improvement of the flow rate distribution in quench tank by measurement and computer simulation. Materials Letters vol.60, no.13-14: 1659-64 June 2006
2、Nailu Chen, et al. Enhancing mechanical properties and avoiding cracks by simulation of quenching connecting rods. Materials Letters vol.61, no.14-15, June 2007:3021-3024

Research Projects

Honors & Awards
