
Xianghuai DONG

Office:Room.249,No. 3 Teaching Bldg.


Dong Xianghuai is a Professor of Institute of Forming Technology & Equipment, School of Materials Science & Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU). Prior to his arrival to SJTU in 2004, he received his Ph.D. degree from Huazhong University...

Biographical Information

Dong Xianghuai is a Professor of Institute of Forming Technology & Equipment, School of Materials Science & Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU). Prior to his arrival to SJTU in 2004, he received his Ph.D. degree from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) in 1991, then he served in his alma mater as a lecturer, an associate professor and a professor. During his work at HUST, he took a three-year leave at Osaka University and Osaka Institute of Technology in Japan as a guest researcher.

Research Interests

Prof. Dong's primary research interests are in numerical simulation of materials processing, optimization of forming process and die design, and micro-forming technology. He has published more than 130 journal articles and 9 books.

Selected Publications

 [1]  Hai Ming Zhang, Xiang Huai Dong, Da Peng Du, Qian Wang. A unified physically based crystal plasticity model for FCC metals over a wide range of temperatures and strain rates. Materials Science & Engineering A, 564(2013):431-441
 [2]  Chen, Zhiying, Dong, Xianghuai. Experiment and meso-damage finite element analysis of uniaxial tension of galvanized steel sheets. Advanced Materials Research, v 472-475, p 547-555, 2012
 [3]  Zhang Haiming, Dong Xianghuai, Wang Qian, Zeng Zhen. An effective semi-implicit integration scheme for rate dependent crystal plasticity using explicit finite element codes. Computational Materials Science, v 54, n 1, p 208-218, March 2012
 [4]  Li, Hezong ; Dong, Xianghuai; Huang, Suxia; Diehl, Alexander; Hagenah, Hinnerk, Material intrinsic length in plastic strain gradient theory and microbending process of metal foils, Advanced Materials Research, v 403-408, p 685-690, 2012
 [5]  Li, He-zong; Dong, Xiang-huai; Shen, Yu; Zhou, Rui; Diehl, Alexander; Hagenah, Hinnerk; Engel, Ulf; Merklein, Marion; Cao, Jian. Analysis of microbending of CuZn37 brass foils based on strain gradient hardening models.  Journal of Materials Processing Technology, v212, n3, p.653-661, 2012
 [6]  Ma Zhihui, Dong Xianghuai, Su Hongjuan, Wang Ruyan. Isothermal extrusion properties of Zr55Cu30Al10Ni5 bulk metallic glass. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, v 41, n 10, p 1706-1708, October 2012
 [7]  Hezong, Li; Xianghuai, Dong; Qian, Wang; Yu, Shen; Diehl, A.; Hagenah, H.; Engel, U.; Merklein, M. Determination of material intrinsic length and strain gradient hardening in microbending process. International Journal of Solids and Structures, v 48, n 1, p 163-174, January 1, 2011
 [8]  Lijun Fu, Xianghuai Dong, Fang Peng and Peng Wang. A generally suited method to get initial guess solutions for one-step and multi-step simulations of tube and profile forming based on parameterization. Int. J. Numer. Meth. Biomed. Engng. 2011; 27:1622–1639
 [9]  Shi Fei, Dong Xianghuai. 3D numerical simulation of filling and curing processes in non-isothermal RTM process cycle. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, v 47, n 7, p 764-770, July 2011

Research Projects

Prof. Dong has led more than 20 research projects sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Ministry of Science and Technology of China, Ministry of Education of China, and many companies.

Honors & Awards

 Professor Dong has got a second-class and a third-class award for scientific and technologic progress respectively, issued by Ministry of Education of China.
