
Xiongqi PENG



Biographical Information


 Ph.D. 2003 Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern University, USA
 M.Eng. 1998 Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore
 M.Eng. 1995 Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
 B.Eng. 1992 Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China

Professional Appointments:

 2010-present Professor, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China            
 2006-2009 Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China 
 2003-2006 Post-doc Research Fellow, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern University, USA

Research Interests

Solid mechanics, spine biomechanics, composite mechanics, composite forming, sheet metal forming, constitutive modeling of a wide range of materials including woven composites, biomaterials, package materials, fiber reinforced composites.

Selected Publications


 1. Peng XQ (2010) Material Characterization and Forming Simulation of Textile Composites, VDM Publishing, Germany (ISBN: 978-3-639-30178-6)
 2. Peng XQ (2011) Matrix Theory with Application, Northwestern Polytechnical University Press, China (ISBN: 978-7-5612-3181-4)

Selected Journal Articles

 3. Peng XQ, Guo GD, Zhao N (2013) An anisotropic hyperelastic constitutive model with shear interaction for cord-rubber composites, Composites Science and Technology. 78, 69-74.
 4. Peng XQ, Wang Y, Shi SQ, Guo ZY (2012) Biomechanical analysis of lumbar interbody fusion with an anisotropic hyperelastic model for annulus fibrosis, Archive of Applied Mechanics. 83, 579-590.
 5. Peng XQ, Yin HL, Chen J, Liu X (2012) A phenomenological thermal-mechanical viscoelastic constitutive modelling for polypropylene wood composites, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 2012, Article ID 793617, 7 pages.
 6. Peng XQ, Zia-Ur-Rehman (2011) Textile composite double dome stamping simulation using a non-orthogonal constitutive model, Composites Science and Technology, 71(8), 1075-1081. 
 7. Peng XQ, Ding FF (2011) Validation of a nonorthogonal constitutive model for woven composite fabrics via hemispherical stamping simulation, Composites Part A. 42(4), 400-407.
 8. Peng XQ, Guo ZY, Zia-Ur-Rehman1, Harrison P (2010) A Simple anisotropic fiber reinforced hyperelastic constitutive model for woven composite Fabrics, International Journal of Material Forming, 3, 723-726.
 9. Peng XQ, Guo ZY and Moran B (2006) An anisotropic hyperelastic constitutive model with fiber-matrix shear interaction for the human annulus fibrosus. Journal of Applied Mechanics, 73, 815-824.
 10. Peng XQ and Cao J(2005) A continuum mechanics based non-orthogonal constitutive model for woven composites. Composites: Part A, 36, 859¬-874.

Research Projects

 1. NSFC Project: Fundamental Mechanics Research on Hot Drape Forming for Composites
 2. NSFC Project: Thermoforming of Thermoplastic Woven Composites.
 Shanghai Technology Innovation Project: Light-weight Carbon Fiber Composite Components for New Energy Automobile.

Honors & Awards

1. Outstanding Faculty, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2012
2. Fellow, Chinese Society for Composite Materials, 2012
3. Second Prize, Natural Science Award of the Chongqing Municipal, 2011
4. Member, American Society for Composites, 2010
5. Terminal Year Cabell Fellowship, Northwestern University, 2003
