

Title:Associate Professor


Research Interests
 Constitutive equation modeling of metallic material in microforming process; scale effects in microforming process...

Biographical Information

Research Interests

Constitutive equation modeling of metallic material in microforming process; scale effects in microforming process;
Numerical simulation of material processing; numerical simulation & optimization of equipments and structures.

Selected Publications

 [1] Shen Yu, Yu Hu-ping. Construction of a composite model of decreasing flow stress scale effect[J]. Journal of materials processing technology, 2009, 209(17): 5845-5850 (SCI&EI, IF: 1.143).
 [2] Shen Yu, Yu Hu-ping, Xue-yu Ruan. Discussion and Prediction on Decreasing Flow Stress Scale Effect[J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2006, 16(1): 132-136 (SCI&EI, IF: 0.321).
 [3] Shen Yu, Yu Hu-ping, Xue-yu Ruan. Simulation study on fluctuant flow stress scale effect[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University, 2006, 7(8): 1343-1350 (EI).
 [4] Y. SHEN, H. P. YU, X. Y. RUAN, X. F. YIN. The Test Study of Micro Copper Cylinder Upsetting[C]. Proceedings of the 1st ICNFT. Harbin: 2004. 165-170 (ISTP).
 [5] Shen Yu, Hu-ping YU, Xue-yu RUAN. Influence of Billet Dimensions on Fluctuant Flow Stress Scale Effect[C]. ICMEM2005. Nanjing: 2005. 1258-1261(ISTP).
 [6] SHEN Yu, PENG Hao, Yu Hu-Ping, Chen Jun, Cui Zhen-Shan. Effect of the grain size on the micro-extrusion process[C]. ICTP2008. Korea: 2008, 1117-1121.

Research Projects

 1. Dongfeng Motor Group: “Structural numerical simulation & optimization of vehicle assembly” 11/1/2012-present. Role: Principle Investigator.
 2. Chinese Academy of Sciences: “Structural numerical simulation & optimization of space equipments” 02/1/2011-present. Role: Co-Investigator.
 3. Shanghai General Motors: “Structural numerical simulation & optimization of checking fixture” 01/10/2012-present. Role: Principle Investigator.
 4. Shanghai Volkswagen: “Structural numerical simulation & optimization of vehicle assembly” 10/1/2011-12/31/2011. Role: Principle Investigator.
 5. NSFC key project: “Key technology and fundamental investigation of micro part microforming process” 01/01/2009-12/31/2012. Role: Co-Investigator.
 6. Doctoral Fund of ME: “Research on the material flow and friction mechanism in bulk microforming process” 01/01/2009-12/31/2011. Role: Co-Investigator.
 7. German Federal Ministry of Education and Research: “Investigation on FE-Modelling for thin metal foil forming” 03/01/2008-12/31/2009. Role: Co-Investigator.
 8. Shanghai Automobile Industrial Corporation: “Structural numerical simulation & optimization of IP 21 vehicle” 01/01/2009-06/30/2009. Role: Principle Investigator.
 9. China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation: “Integration of Parameter Design & Simulation of Clutch Assembly” 06/01/2007-07/01/2008. Role: Principle Investigator. 

Honors & Awards
