

Office:Room 403,Material Building F


Welding p arameters and equipment; Resistance welding of novel materials and its parameter optimization; Friction stir spot welding; Welding quality control and welding process simulation

Biographical Information

Dr. Min WANG is a full professor of School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University(SMSE of SJTU). She was educated at SMSE of SJTU and received her BA,MS and PhD degrees in materials processing. Her current research interests include the technology optimization and mechanism of resistance welding for novel materials(Advanced High Strength Steels,Aluminum Alloy etc.), friction stir spot welding, process simulation and quality control of pressure welding. She got award by science&Technology Committee of Shanghai two times in resistance spot welding field. She also published more than 50 pieces of scientific research paper in the same field. She is the delegate of IIW in resistance welding, solid state welding and allied joining processes(C-III) and the director of Chinese welding institute in pressure welding.

Research Interests

Welding parameters and equipment; Resistance welding of novel materials and its parameter optimization; Friction stir spot welding; Welding quality control and welding process simulation

Selected Publications

1. Nannan Chen, Min Wang*, Hui-Ping Wang*,Blair E Carlsonb,Microstructural and mechanical evolution of Al/steel interface with   Fe2Al5 growth in resistance spot welding of aluminum to steel,JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING PROCESSES,34(2018):424-434

2.Nannan Chena, Hui-Ping Wangb,⁎, Min Wanga,⁎, Blair E. Carlsonb, David R. Siglerb,Schedule and electrode design for resistance spot weld bonding Al to steels,Journal of Materials Processing Technology,265(2019):158-172

3. J. Y. Cao, M. Wang*, L. Kong, Microstructure, texture and mechanical properties during refill friction stir spot welding of 6061-T6 alloy, Materials Characterization, 128 (2017):54-62

4. J. Y. Cao, M. Wang* ,L. Kong, L. J. Guo, Numerical modeling and experimental investigation of material flow in friction spot welding of Al 6061-T6, Aug 2016, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 89(2017):2129-2139

5. J.Y. Cao, M. Wang*, L. Kong, L.J. Guo, Hook formation and mechanical properties of friction spot welding in alloy 6061-T6, Jan. 2016, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 230(2016):254-262

6. Zixuan Wan, Hui-ping Wang*, Min Wang*, Blair E Carlson and David R. Sigler, Simulation of Resistance Spot Welding of Al to Zinc-Coated Steel with Improved Representation of Contact Interactions, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 1019 (2016): 749-763

7. Nannan Chen, Hui-ping Wang*, Blair E Carlson, Min Wang*, Fracture mechanisms of Al/steel resistance spot welds in coach peel and cross tension testing, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 252(2018): 348-361

8. Nannan Chen, Hui-ping Wang*, Blair E Carlson, Min Wang*, Fracture mechanisms of Alsteel resistance spot welds in lap shear test, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 243(2017):347-354

9. Wan, Zixuan, Wang, Hui-Ping*, Chen, Nannan, Wang, Min*, Carlson, Blair E., Characterization of Intermetallic Compound at the Interfaces of Al-steel Resistance Spot Welds, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 242(2017):12-237

10.Xinsheng Liao, Xiaodong Wang, Zhenghong Guo, Min Wang*,Microstructures in a high strength dual phase steel suffering from resistance spot welding, Materials Characterization, 61(2010): 341-346

Research Projects

1.Industrialization and manufacturing of the high-performance roll-welded Ti tube applied in ocean engineering and desalination equipment. (China key research and development project in 2016, Manufacturing and application development of low-cost anti-corrosion Ti and Ti alloy tube and high-quality Ti strip)

2.Stability of Al-steel resistance spot welding process and its joint failure mechanism, (International collaboration).

3.Fundamental studies on the joining of carbon fiber composite with metal, (Collaboration with Automotive Company).

4.Studies on the interfacial behavior, nugget formation and joint strength of Al-steel adhesive resistance spot welding,(International collaboration).

5.Mechanical properties, parameter optimization and quality assessment of the resistance spot welding of ultra-high strength hot-stamped steel(Shanghai Automobile Industry Technology Development Foundation)

6.Parameter optimization and quality assessment of the resistance projection welding of ultra-high strength hot-stamped steel, (Collaboration with Automotive Company).

Honors & Awards
