
Bingbing ZHAO

Office:Room 407, Material Building A


Teaching Involvements

《Microstructural characterization of materials》

《The materials of civilization》

《Crystal defects》

Biographical Information

2014 – present  Lecturer  Shanghai Jiao Tong University

2011 - 2014  Postdoc.  RWTH-Aachen University

2006 - 2011  Dr.-Ing.  RWTH-Aachen University

2004 - 2006  M.S.  RWTH-Aachen University

2001 - 2004  B.S.  University of Science and Technology Beijing

Research Interests

1.Grain boundary and precipitates in metallic materials

2. High temperature alloys

Selected Publications

1. B. Zhao, J. Fan, Z. Chen, X. Dong*, F. Sun, L. Zhang. Evolution of precipitates in a Cu-containing alumina-forming austenitic steel after short-term mechanical tests. Materials Characterization, 2017.

2. J. Zhou, C. Li, M. Guan, F. Ren, X. Wang, S. Zhang, B. Zhao*. Zener pinning by coherent particles: pinning efficiency and particle reorientation mechanisms, Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 2017.

3. B. Zhao, K. Chang, J. Fan, Z. Chen, X. Dong*, L. Zhang. Annealing effects on precipitation and high-temperature properties of a Cu-containing alumina-forming austenitic steel. Materials Letters, 2016.

4. J. Zhou, S. Zhang, X. Wang, B. Zhao*, X. Dong, L. Zhang. Interaction between coherent second-phase particles and migrating boundaries: Boundary effect and particle reorientation, Scripta Materialia, 2016.

5. B. Zhao, J. Fan, Y. Liu, L. Zhao, X. Dong*, F. Sun, L. Zhang. Formation of L12-ordered precipitation in an alumina-forming austenitic stainless steel via Cu addition and its contribution to creep/rupture resistance, Scripta Materialia, 2015.

6. B. Zhao*, L.S. Shvindlerman, G. Gottstein. The Line Tension of Grain Boundary Triple Junctions in a Cu-Ni Alloy, Materials Letters, 2014.

7. B. Zhao*, A. Ziemons, L.S. Shvindlerman, G. Gottstein. Surface topography and energy of grain boundary triple junctions in copper tricrystals, Acta Materialia, 2012.

8. B. Zhao, G. Gottstein*, L.S. Shvindlerman. Triple Junction Effects in Solids, Acta Materialia, 2011.

9. B. Zhao, J. Ch. Verhasselt, L.S. Shvindlerman, G. Gottstein*. Measurement of grain boundary triple line energy in copper, Acta Materialia, 2010.

10. G. Gottstein, L.S. Shvindlerman, B. Zhao*. Thermodynamics and kinetics of grain boundary triple junctions in metals: Recent developments, Scripta Materialia, 2010.

Research Projects

The size-dependent pinning mechanism of nanoscale precipitates on the grain boundary in austenitic steels, National Natural Science Foundation of China

Honors & Awards

2015 Sponsored by Shanghai Sailing Program, Shanghai Science and Technology Committee

2011 Borchers-Plakette (Dr.-Ing, summa cum laude), RWTH-Aachen University,

2010 Best Poster Award, ReX & GG IV Conference
