
Mingxu XIA

Title:Associate Professor


Dr. Mingxu Xia, associate professor, member of solidification science and technology branch of CMRS. Before he joined in SJTU, he was senior research fellow of BCAST, Brunel University London, UK for 7 years. His research mainly focuses on the atomic mechanism of the nucleation and growth for metallic materials, the casting process control and the solution for the new technology application. The major approaches used for investigation are in situ synchrotron radiation analysis, X-ray analysis, high resolution TEM, et al. and the casting technology aspects are focus on the near-net-shape forming and unidirectional casting. Based on previous investigation, the atomic mechanism of nucleation and its control were proposed. Classical nucleation theory was revisited through experimental point of view. A sort of new equipment for solidification were also invented and used for the fabrication of new functional materials. He published over 90 papers in top journals as ACTA Mater., Appl. Phys. Lett., Metall. Mater. Trans. A and so on, cited by 966 times, 2 chapters in books.

Biographical Information

2018-now, Director of Yinchuan Institute of Materials, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

2015-now, Branch Secretary of Institute of Advanced Materials and Solidification (IAMS), School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China.

2013-now, A/Prof. School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China.

2007-2013, Research Fellow, Senior Research Fellow (Research Fellow II), BCAST, Brunel University, UK.

Research Interests

Nucleation theory

Solidification control

Phase transition in new energy materials

Selected Publications

1.L. Wang, W. Lu, Q. Hu, M. Xia (Corresponding Author), Y. Wang, JG Li, Interfacial tuning for the nucleation of liquid AlCu alloy, Acta Materialia,139(2017)75-85,

2.L. Wang, L. Yang, D. Zhang, M. Xia (Corresponding Author), Y. Wang, J.G. Li, The role of lattice misfit on heterogneous nucleation of pure Aluminum, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 47(2016)5012,

3.M. Xu, X. Ge, W. Yao, S. Tang, W. Lu, M. Qian, Y. Fu, H. Xie, T. Qiao, Q. Hu, J. Li, M. Xia (Corresponding Author), Atomic distance tuning effect for nucleation in liquid iron, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 49(2018)4419-4423

4.M. Xu, L. Wang, W. Lu, L. Zeng, HB Nadendla, Y. Wang, J. Li, Q. Hu, M. Xia (Corresponding Author), JG Li, The nucleation potency of in situ-formed oxides in liquid iron, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 49(2018)1762-1769.

5.J.H. Li, L. Wang, X. Zhong, M. Xia (Corresponding Author), S. Haigh, P. Schumacher, Cu segregation on the interface between Al2O3 substrate and Al-1.4Cu alloy, Materials Characterization. 129(2017)300,

6.L. Bolzoni, M. Xia, N. Hari Babu, Formation of equiaxed crystal structures in directionally solidified Al-Si alloys using Nb-based heterogeneous nuclei, Scientific Reports, 6(2016)39554

7.D. Zhang, L. Wang, M. Xia (Corresponding Author), N. Hari Babu, J.G. Li, Misfit paradox on nucleation potency of MgO and MgAl2O4 for Al, Materials Characterization, 119(2016)92-98.

8.Z. Fan, Y. Wang, M. Xia, A. Sumathy, Enhanced heterogeneous nucleation in AZ91D alloy by intensive melt shearing, Acta Materialia, 57(2009)4891-4901.

9.M. Xia (Lead Author), S. Zhang, J. Li, C. Ma. Thermal stability and its prediction of bulk metallic glass systems, Applied Physics Letters, 88(2006)261913.

10.M. Xia (Lead Author), S. Zhang, C. Ma, J. Li, Evaluation of Glass-forming ability for metallic glasses based on order-disorder competition, Applied Physics Letters, 89(2006)091917.

Research Projects

Epitaxial growth during heterogeneous nucleation, NSFC (51474148), 830K RMB, 2015-2018, PI.

Development of SC turbine blade using SHRS and Variable pulling speed, NSFC (91860121), 600K RMB, 2019-2021, PI.

High efficiency and low-cost processing for single crystal turbine blade, CATIC, 15 Million RMB, 2018-2019, PI.

Refining furnace design for photovoltaic industry, Gibbs new energy, 4.3 Million RMB, 2017-2019, PI.

Fundamentals of shape control and properties control for unidirectional crystal and single crystal turbine blade, MIIT (2017-VII-0008), 3.96 Million RMB, 2018-2022, Co-PI.

Method and technology development for in-situ investigation on the processing under multi-physical field, MOST (2017YFA040382), 5.61Million RMB, 2017-2022, Group leader.

Lab-based image analytical system based on Micro-focus X-ray technology for materials research, NSFC (51727802), 7.34 Million RMB, 2018-2022, Group leader.

Fine-grained design theory for nuclear and critical hydrogen industry, MOST (2017YFB0305301), 1.23 Million RMB, 2017-2021, Group leader.

Honors & Awards
