

Office:Room 205, Materials Building B
Tel:+86-21-3420 3051


Jia Pei obtained her PhD degree from the department of Materials at ETH Zurich. In 2014, she started her career in Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and is an associate professor in the School of Materials Science & Engineering. With backgrounds in chemistry, biomaterials science and surface science and technology, the principal research fields of Dr. Pei lie in surface functionalization and analysis, polymer-based coatings, and cell-material interactions at biointerface. Recently she has been focused on the development of multifunctional coating on biodegradable metals (e.g. Mg, Zn) for controlled degradation and cellular response for implants application. Since 2016, Dr. Pei has been elected as a youth member of Biometal Branch of Chinese Society for Biomaterials (CSBM) and Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Branch of Chinese Society of Biomedical Engineering (CSBE).

Biographical Information

Professor, School of Materials Science & Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2023-present

Associate Prof. School of Materials Science & Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2019-2023

Assistant Prof. School of Materials Science & Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2014-2018

Ph.D. in Materials, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, 2008-2013

M.S. in Chemistry, Nanjing University, 2005-2008

B.S. in Chemistry, Nanjing University, 2001-2005

Research Interests

1.Biointerface;2.Functional Coatings;3.Degradable/absorbable Biomaterials

Selected Publications

[1] Pei J, Hall H, Spencer ND. Biomaterials 2011,32(34):8968-78.

[2] Zhang L†, Pei J†*, Wang H, Shi Y, Niu J, Yuan F, Huang H, Zhang H, and Yuan G*. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2017, 9(11):9437-9448

[3] Li G, Zhang L, Wang L, Yuan G, Dai K, Hao Y and Pei J*. Acta Biomaterialia 2018,65:486-500

[4] Shi Y, Pei J*, Zhang L, Lee B, Yun Y, Zhang J, Li Z, Gu S, Park K, Yuan G*, Corrosion Science 2017,123: 297–309

[5] Shi Y†, Pei J†, Zhang J, Niu J, Zhang H, Guo S, Li Z & Yuan G*. Scientific Reports 2017,7:41796 

[6] Shi Y, Zhang L, Chen J, Zhang J, Yuan F, Shen L, Chen C, Pei J*, Li Z, Tan J, Yuan G. Materials Science and Engineering C 2017,80:1-6

[7] Pei J, Yuan F, Shi Y & Yuan G. Multifunctional biomimetic coatings on magnesium alloys for biomedical implant applications. Frontiers 2016,4

[8] NV Venkataraman, Pei J, Cremmel CV, Rossi A, Spencer ND. Langmuir 2013,29:9935-43

Research Projects

1. National Natural Science Foundation of China (2016-2018), Grant No. 51501115

2. National Key Research and Development Program of China (2016-2020), Grant No. 2016YFC1102401

3. Natural Science Fund by the Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality (2015-2017), Grant No. 15ZR1422600

4. Sino Swiss Science and Technology Cooperation (SSSTC) Cooperation Program (2017-2018), Grant No. EG18-122016

5. SJTU Medicine-Engineering Crossover Fund (2014-2016), Grant No. YG2014MS62

Honors & Awards

1. SJTU Chenxing Award for Excellent Young Scholars (2017-2020)

2. Best Poster Presentation (supervised student) in the 10th Symposium on Biodegradable Metals (2018), Oxford, UK.

3. CSC Scholarship for Study Abroad (2008-2013)

4. Excellent Graduate Student Award by NJU (2007)
