
Dafan DU

Title:Assistant Professor
Office:Room 411, Material Building B


Biographical Information

Dafan Du received his Ph.D. degree in Materials Science and Engineering from Shanghai University in 2017. His undergraduate education was received at Hefei University of Technology, in Hefei, Anhui Province, China in 2009. From Nov. 2018 to Dec.2019, he was doing research work in Enrique Lavernia’s group of University of California, Irvine. Since May 2020, he has been with Shanghai Jiao Tong University, where he is currently an Assistant Professor of the School of Materials Science and Engineering.

Research Interests

1.    Additive manufacturing of metallic alloys
2.    Solidification of metallic alloys with external physical field

Selected Publications

1.    Dafan Du, Anping Dong, Da Shu, Guoliang Zhu, Baode Sun, Xi Li, Enrique Lavernia. 1.    Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 51A (2020) 3354-3359.
2.    Dafan Du, James C. Haley, Anping Dong, Yves Fautrelle, Da Shua, Guoliang Zhu, Xi Li, Baode Sun, Enrique J. Lavernia. Materials and Design 181 (2019) 107923.
3.    Dafan Du, Anping Dong, Da Shu, Guoliang Zhu, Baode Sun, Xi Li, Enrique Lavernia. Materials Science and Engineering: A 760(2019) 469-480.
4.    Dafan Du, Yves Fautrelle, Anping Dong, Da Shu, Guoliang Zhu, Baode Sun, Xi Li. 4.    Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 49 (2018) 4735-4748.
5.    Dafan Du, Yves Fautrelle, Anping Dong, Da Shu, Guoliang Zhu, Baode Sun, Henri Nguyen-Thi, Zhongming Ren, Xi Li. Materials Characterization 141(2018) 423-432.
6.    Dafan Du, Yves Fautrelle, Zhongming Ren, Rene Moreau and Xi Li. ISIJ International. 57 (2017) 833-840.
7.    Dafan Du, Yves Fautrelle, Zhongming Ren, Rene Moreau, Xi Li. Acta Materialia 121 (2016) 240-256.
8.    Dafan Du, Guang Guan, Annie Gagnoud, Yves Fautrelle, Zhongming Ren, Xionggang Lu, Hui Wang, Yinming Dai, Qiuliang Wang, Xi Li. Materials Characterization 111 (2016) 31-42.
9.    Dafan Du, Long Hou, Annie Gagnoud, Zhongmin Ren, Yves Fautrelle, Guanghui Cao, Xi Li. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 588 (2014) 190-198.
10.    Dafan Du, Zhenyuan Lu, Annie Gagnoud, Yves Fautrelle, Zhongming Ren, Xionggang Lu, Rene Moreau, Xi Li. Journal of Crystal Growth, 402 (2014)319-324.
11.    Dafan Du, Zhenyuan Lu , Annie Gagnoud, Yves Fautrelle, Zhongming Ren, Xionggang Lu, Rene Moreau, Xi Li. Journal of Materials Research, 30-8(2015)1043-1055.
12.    Dafan Du, Jiang Wang, Yves Fautrelle, Zhongming Ren, Rene Moreau, Xi Li. Philosophical Magazine Letters, 95-8(2015) 425-432.

Research Projects

1.    “Study on the thermoelectric magnetic effects on the microstructure of directionally solidified ternary Al-Cu-Ag alloys” Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51901135)
2.    “Study on the growth morphology and mechanism of the ternary Al-Cu-Ag eutectic alloy under the high magnetic field” Supported by the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (No. 2017M620154)
3.    The International Postdoctoral Fellowship Program from China Postdoctoral Council (No. 20180062).
4.    “Study on the laser cladding technology preparation of Marine microbial corrosion resistant titanium alloy composition gradient” (No.  SL2020MS019)
5.    National Foundation of Science (No. 51171106) Study on the morphology evolution and growth mechanism of the binary alloy under a high static magnetic field. (Co-PI)
6.    National Foundation of Science (No.50801045) Study on the morphology evolution and mechanism of dendrite and cellular in binary alloy under high static magnetic field. (Co-PI)
7.    National Foundation of Science (No. 51690154) Study on the mechanism of phase transformation and nucleation under a high magnetic field. (Co-PI)

Honors & Awards

1.    2019SMC-Moriningstar Postdoc Scholar Award, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
2.    “National Scholarship” for doctoral students
3.    “Kennametal Scholarship” for the doctoral student
4.    Excellent Student of Shanghai University
5.    Excellent Graduates of Shanghai University
6.    CMIRA scholarship: granted by the Rhône-Alpes region Council
