
Shilong LIU

Title:Associate Researcher
Office:Room 505, Materials Building A


Dr. Shilong Liu is focusing on improve mechancal properties of steels and titanium alloys through alloying and microstructural design.

Biographical Information


PhD in Material Science, University of Technology Beijing, China, 2018

BSc in Material Science, Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang, China, 2010

Professional Appointments:

2020. 10- Assistant Researcher of Shanghai JiaoTong University

2018. 03- 2020.10 PosDoc of Shanghai JiaoTong University

Research Interests

Advanced high strength steels; stainless steels; titanium alloys; toughness; microstructure characterization; addictive manufacturing; heat treatment; hot rolling.

Selected Publications

1. S. Liu, Z. Xiong, H. Guo, C. Shang*, R.D.K. Misra, The significance of multi-step partitioning: Processing-structure-property relationship in governing high strength-high ductility combination in medium-manganese steels, Acta Mater. 124 (2017) 159-172.

2. S. Liu*, B. Hu, W. Li, R.D.K. Misra, X. Jin*, Refined heterogeneous phase unit enhances ductility in quenched ultra-high strength steels, Scripta Materialia 194 (2021).

3. Z. Xiong, X. Pang, S. Liu*, Z. Li*, R.D.K. Misra, Hierarchical refinement of nickel-microalloyed titanium during additive manufacturing, Scripta Materialia 195 (2021).

4. Q. Lu, S. Liu*, W. Li, X. Jin*, Combination of thermodynamic knowledge and multilayer feedforward neural networks for accurate prediction of MS temperature in steels, Mater. Des. 192 (2020) 108696.

5. S. Liu, X. Li, H. Guo, S. Yang, X. Wang, C. Shang*, R.D.K. Misra, Selective role of bainitic lath boundary in influencing slip systems and consequent deformation mechanisms and delamination in high-strength low-alloy steel, Philos. Mag. 98(11) (2018) 934-958.

Research Projects

2021 Impact mechanism of nickel-microalloying on the microstructural evolution, strengthening and toughing mechanisms of additive manufacturing titanium alloy (NSFC)

2019 Study of formation mechanism and strengthening mechanism of Cu precipitation in retained austenite of low alloyed steel (CPSF)

2018 Design of high strength, high plastic and high toughness low alloy steel (CPSF)

Honors & Awards

2019 Morningstar Postdoctoral Fellow of Shanghai Jiao Tong University

2018 Super postdoctoral fellow of Shanghai

2018 Postdoctoral Innovative Talent Support Program of China
