

Title:Assistant Researcher
Office:Room.211, Material Building F


Dr. Shan’s major research interests include (1) microstructural modification of thermal barrier coatings for improved corrosion resistance and (2) investigating the microstructure-property correlations for thermal barrier coatings using machine learning.

Biographical Information

Professional Appointments:

2022.01–Now, Assistant Researcher, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

2020.01–2021.12, Postdoctor, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University


2014.02–2019.09, PhD, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

2011.09–2013.07, Master, School of Materials and Metallurgy, Northeastern University

2007.09–2011.07, Bachelor, School of Materials and Metallurgy, Northeastern University

Research Interests

1. Corrosion mechanisms and protection for thermal barrier coatings

2. Machine-learning-based coating property prediction

Selected Publications

1. Xiao Shan, Zhonghua Zou, Lijian Gu, Lixia Yang, Fangwei Guo, Xiaofeng Zhao, and Ping Xiao. Buckling failure in air-plasma sprayed thermal barrier coatings induced by molten silicate attack. 2016, Scripta Materialia.

2. Xiao Shan, Lirong Luo, Wenfu Chen, Zhonghua Zou, Fangwei Guo, Xin Wang, Aiping Zhang, Xiaofeng Zhao, and Ping Xiao. Pore filling behavior of YSZ under CMAS attack: implications for designing corrosion-resistant thermal barrier coatings. 2018, Journal of the American Ceramic Society.

3. Xiao Shan, Wenfu Chen, Lixia Yang, Fangwei Guo, Xiaofeng Zhao, and Ping Xiao. Pore filling behavior of air plasma spray thermal barrier coatings under CMAS attack. 2020, Corrosion Science.

4. Xiao Shan, Huangyue Cai, Fangwei Guo, and Xiaofeng Zhao. Influence of tailoring the pore characteristics of thermal barrier coatings on calcia-magnesia-alumino-silicate (CMAS) attack behavior. 2021, Corrosion Science.

5. Xun Zhang, Xiao Shan, Xiaofeng Zhao, Philip J. Withers, and Ping Xiao. Tracking the calcium-magnesium-alumino-silicate (CMAS) infiltration into an air-plasma spray thermal barrier coating using X-ray imaging. 2020, Scripta Materialia.

Research Projects

2021.01–2022.12, National Natural Science Foundation of China, PI, 200, 000 RMB. Research on structure-property/lifetime relationships of thermal barrier coatings based on machine learning.

Honors & Awards
