
Hongjing DOU

Office:Room 435,Material Building D


Professor at Institute of Composite Materials in Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU)

Research fields at SJTU include cell-like biomaterials, drug delivery carriers, macromolecular self-assembled materials, and cell-material interactions.

Biographical Information

Dr. Hongjing Dou grew up in Henan, a province in the central part of China, where she obtained her BSc in Chemistry and M.E. in Polymer materials. She then moved to Shanghai in 2000 to pursue PhD under the supervision of Prof. Ming Jiang at Fudan University. Her work there focused on the synthesis of polysaccharides-based biomacromolecules and their co-assembly with synthetic polymers. After obtaining her PhD in 2003, Hongjing joined Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) as a lecturer, and was then appointed as an associate professor in 2008 and a professor in 2015. Between 2009 and 2010, Hongjing spent 14 months in Prof. Guojun Liu’s group at Queen’s University in Canada, where she worked on the self-assembly behavior of linear triblockterpolymers. In February of 2015, Hongjing was awarded the Marie-Curie International Incoming Research Fellowship to support her research as a Marie Curie fellow in University of Bristol with the supervision of Profs. Ian Manners and Stephen Mann. From 2021 to now, Hongjing was appointed as tenured professor.

Research Interests

Dr. Dou’s main research field at SJTU is bionanomaterials and their biomedical applications. She focuses on several projects in this area as a project leader. she is responsible for a research group including graduate students/postdocs/research associates that is developing novel co-assembly systems of biomacromolecules and synthetic polymers, including cell-like biomaterials, nanocarriers for delivering drugs and agents, macromolecular self-assembled materials, as well as exploring their biomedical and translational application. 

Selected Publication

1. Liu L….Chen X#, Zhou M#, Dou H#(2023). Single-Cell Diagnosis of Cancer Drug Resistance through the Differential Endocytosis of Nanoparticles between Drug-Resistant and Drug-Sensitive Cancer Cells, ACS Nano,17(19),19372-19386.

2. Yu X….Mann S#, Dou H# (2023), Signal Transduction in Artificial Cells, Small Methods,7(10), 2300231.

3. Guo H….Dou H# (2022). Monodisperse ZIF-8@dextran nanoparticles co-loaded with hydrophilic and hydrophobic functional cargos for combined near-infrared fluorescence imaging and photothermal therapy, Acta Biomaterialia,137, 290-304.

4. Cheng M….Dou H# (2021), Cell Coding Arrays Based on Fluorescent Glycan Nanoparticles for Cell Line Identification and Cell Contamination Evaluation, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,13,37,44054-44064.

5. You J….Dou H# (2021), Redox-Active Micelle-Based Reaction Platforms for In Situ Preparation of Noble Metal Nanocomposites with Photothermal Conversion Capability, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,13,13648-13657.

6. Mukwaya V….Mann S#, Dou H# (2021), Programmable Membrane-Mediated Attachment of Synthetic Virus-like Nanoparticles on Artificial Protocells for Enhanced Immunogenicity, Cell Rep Phys Sci,2(1),100291.

7. Mukwaya V….Dou H# (2020), Lectin-Glycan-Mediated Nanoparticle Docking as a Step toward Programmable Membrane Catalysis and Adhesion in Synthetic Protocells, ACS Nano,14,7899-7910.

8. Guo H….Dai T#, Dou H# (2020), Near-Infrared Fluorescent and Magnetic Resonance Dual-Imaging Coacervate Nanoprobes for Trypsin Mapping and Targeted Payload Delivery of Malignant Tumors, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,12(15),17302.

9. Wang C….Xu G#, Dou H# (2020), Gene/paclitaxel co-delivering nanocarriers prepared by framework-induced self-assembly for the inhibition of highly drug-resistant tumors, Acta Biomaterialia,103,247-258.

10. Dou H#, Li M, …. Manners I (2017), Higher-order assembly of crystalline cylindrical micelles into membrane-extendable colloidosomes, Nat Commun,8, 426. 

Research Projects

In recent 5 years, Prof. Dou is the PI of the following seven projects at SJTU:

(1) Projects 1 and 2 focus on the fabrication of novel polysaccharide-based nanogels through the assembly approach and their biomedical applications. These two projects are funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.

(2) Project 3 focuses on accurate diagnostic reagent for drug resistance of lung cancer based on cell coding glycan materials and its clinical application. This project is funded by Ministry of Science and Technology of China.

(3) Project 4 focuses on protecell-like microcapsules with membrane and their biomedical applications. This project is funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.

(4) Project 5 focuses on the preparation of environment-sensitive nanoparticles based on polysaccharides. This project is funded by the Shanghai Science and Technology Committee.

(5) Project 6 focuses on the fabrication of MR/ultrasonic dual imaging microcapsules through the co-assembly of macromolecules and magnetic nanoparticles. This project is funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.

(6) Project 7 focuses on the fabrication of QD-encoded microbeads and their applications in immunoassays. This project is funded by the Shanghai Science and Technology Committee.

Honors & Awards

Changjiang Scholars Award Program, Ministry of Education of China, 2022.

Program for Professor of Special Appointment (Eastern Scholar Tracking Project) at Shanghai Institutions of Higher Learning, 2021.

Shuguang Program” supported by Shanghai Education Development Foundation and Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, 2018.

Program for Professor of Special Appointment (Eastern Scholar) at Shanghai Institutions of Higher Learning, 2018.

Marie-Curie International Incoming Research Fellowship, 2015.

Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University, Ministry of Education of China, 2013.

Kaiyuan Top Ten Teachers of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2022.

Teaching and Education Award of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2020.

