

Title:Associate Professor


Research Interests
 Electron microscopy characterization of materials, 
 Structure-property relationships in engineering materials, 
 Advanced metals and alloys.

Biographical Information

Aug. 2012~presentVisiting ScholarProfessor Zuo’s Group,Department of Materials
 Science and Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL
 Mar. 2009~presentAssistant Professor School of Materials Science and Engineering
 Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, China
 2005~2009Ph.D. in Materials ScienceShanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, China

Research Interests

1.Electron microscopy characterization of materials,
2.Structure-property relationships in engineering materials,
3.Advanced metals and alloys.

Selected Publications

1. Huang J., Xing H. and Sun J., Structural stability and generalized stacking fault energies in β Ti-Nb alloys: Relation to dislocation properties, ScriptaMaterialia, 2012, (66): 682-685.
2.Xing H. and Sun J., Structure and elastic property of nanosized complex oxide particles in ferric/martensitic alloy: an electron energy-loss spectroscopy study, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2011, (416):331-334.
3.Xing H. and Sun J. Stress-induced ω phase transformation via <111>{112} deformation twinning in a metastable β titanium alloy, Applied physics letters, 2008, 93(3): 031908.
4.Xing H., Sun J., Yao Q., Guo W. Y. and Chen R. Origin of substantial plastic deformation in gum metals, Applied physics letters, 2008, 92(15): 151905.

Research Projects

1. Experimental and theoretical study on the Stress-induced ω phase transformation via deformation twinning in a metastable β titanium alloy
 National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.51101099)
2. Scanning electron nano diffraction and Aberration-corrected STEM study on IrMn-based magnetic tunnel juctions, High spatial and angular resolution mapping of Au nanowire structure
 Joint project with Western Digital Company
3. A FIB/TEM study of formation and mechanism of fatigue crack in High Entropy Alloys
 Joint project with University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and University of Tennessee
4. Fundamental research on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the materials for supercritical-water cooled reactors under irradiation condition,
 National Basic Research Progr am of China (Grant No. 2007CB209803)
5.Experimental and theoretical study on the initial precipitation of the alloy phase in steels
 Key project of National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.2011CB605501)

Honors & Awards

1.2012 ChenXing Award of Young Faculty , Shanghai Jiaotong University
2.2011 Outstanding Faculty Award in School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University
3.2009Major Award of ZhaozhuMulan Scholarship, Shanghai Jiaotong University
4.2008 “Distinguished Scholar Award” in 9th Asia-Pacific Microscopy Conference (APMC9)
5.2008“Distinguished Presentation Award” in 28th Microscopy Conference of China
