
Jiamiao LIANG

Office:Room515, Material Building F


Research Interests
Nanocrystalline aluminium alloy or aluminium matrix composites;
Solid recycling of metal chips.

Biographical Information

Dr. Jiamiao Liang is an engineer of school of materials science and engineering in Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and a visiting scholar of University of New South Wales of Australia. He has presided over and participated in more than 20 projects such as general projects of NSF, national key R & D plan, international cooperation projects of ministry of science and technology, national grid science and technology project, international cooperation fund of Shanghai Jiao Tong University and University of New South Wales. He has applied for 22 national invention patents and 11 authorized patents, and published more than 50 peer-reviewed papers in international journals such as Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A、Journal of Alloys and Compounds、Materials Science and Engineering A etc. He also is the Member and Secretary of the Organizing Committee of the 15th International Conference on Rapid Quenching and Metastable Materials, Member of the Powder Metallurgy Professional Committee of Shanghai Society of Mechanical Engineering, and Member of the Powder Metallurgy Branch of China General Parts Association.

Research Interests

1. Aluminium matrix nanocomposites;
2. High entropy alloy;
3. Powder metallurgy of advanced metal materials

Selected Publications

1. Yuehuang Xie, Tian Xia, Dengshan Zhou, Yifei Luo, Wei Zeng, Zhen Zhang, Jun Wang, Jiamiao Liang* and Deliang Zhang*, A novel nanostructure to achieve ultrahigh strength and good tensile ductility of a CoCrFeNiMn high entropy alloy, Nanoscale 12 (2020) 5347
2. Yuehuang Xie, Dengshan Zhou, Yifei Luo, Tian Xia, Wei Zeng, Chenguang Li, Jun Wang, Jiamiao Liang*, Deliang Zhang*,Fabrication of CoCrFeNiMn high entropy alloy matrix composites by thermomechanical consolidation of a mechanically milled powder,Materials Characterization 148 (2019) 307–316
3. Yuehuang Xie, Yifei Luo, Tian Xia, Wei Zeng, Jun Wang, Jiamiao Liang*, Dengshan Zhou, Deliang Zhang*,Grain growth and strengthening mechanisms of ultrafine-grained CoCrFeNiMn high entropy alloy matrix nanocomposites fabricated by powder metallurgy,Journal of Alloys and Compounds 819 (2020) 152937
4. Chenguang Li, Yuehuang Xie, Mingwei Zhang, Mianmian Ruan, Jun Wang, Jiamiao Liang*, Roland E. Loge, Deliang Zhang*,Enhanced strength and toughness of bulk ultrafine grained Cu by nacre-inspired lamellar structure,Journal of alloys and compounds 826(2020)154234
5. Chenguang Li, Mingwei Zhang, Mianmian Ruan, Jun Wang, Jiamiao Liang*, Deliang Zhang*, A nanograins-attached and ultrathin Cu flake powder fabricated by high energy mechanical milling and dealloying, Materials Letters 265 (2020) 127432
6. Chenguang Li, Wei Zeng, Yuehuang Xie, Jun Wang, Jiamiao Liang*, Roland E. Loge, Deliang Zhang* Annealing hardening and softening of an ultrafine grained Cu-4.5vol.%Al2O3 nanocomposite, Materials Science & Engineering A 778 (2020) 139126
7. Chenguang Li, Yuehuang Xie, Dengshan Zhou, Wei Zeng, Jun Wang, Jiamiao Liang*, Deliang Zhang*, A novel way for fabricating ultrafine grained Cu-4.5 vol% Al2O3 composite with high strength and electrical conductivity, Materials Characterization 155 (2019) 109775
8. Yifei Luo, Yuehuang Xie, Wei Zeng, Jiamiao Liang*, Deliang Zhang*, Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ti-6Al-4V Rods Fabricated by Powder Compact Extrusion of TiH2/Al60V40 Powder Blend, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 50(2019)1643-1654
9. Lei Cao, Wei Zeng, Yuehuang Xie, Jiamiao Liang*, Deliang Zhang*, Effect of powder oxidation on the anisotropy in tensile mechanical properties of bulk Al samples fabricated by spark plasma sintering, Materials Science & Engineering A 764 (2019) 138246
10. Lei Cao, Wei Zeng, Yuehuang Xie, Jiamiao Liang*, Deliang Zhang*,Effect of powder oxidation on interparticle boundaries and mechanical properties of bulk Al prepared by spark plasma sintering of Al powder,Materials Science & Engineering A,742 (2019) 305–308
11. J. M. Liang*, L. Cao, Y. H. Xie, Y. Zhou, Y. F. Luo, K. Q. Mudi, H. Y. Gao, J. Wang,Microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti-48Al-2Cr-2Nb alloy joints produced by transient liquid phase bonding using spark plasma sintering,Materials Characterization 147 (2019) 116–126
12. X. Yao, Y.F. Zheng, M.Z. Quadir, C. Kong, J. M. Liang*, Y.H. Chen, P. Munroe, D.L. Zhang*, Grain growth and recrystallization behaviors of an ultrafine grained Al-0.6 wt%Mg-0.4 wt%Si-5vol.%SiC nanocomposite during heat treatment and extrusion, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 745 (2018) 519-524
13. J. M. Liang, Z. Zhang, M.T. Jia, L. Cao, C. G. Li, H.Y. Gao, J. Wang, D.L. Zhang, The microstructures and tensile mechanical properties of ultrafine grained and coarse grained Al-7Si-0.3Mg alloy rods fabricated from machining chips,Materials Science & Engineering A 729 (2018) 29–36
14. Wenjing Wang, Wei Zeng, Chenguang Li, Jiamiao Liang*, Deliang Zhang*, Microstructure and mechanical properties of ultrafine grained Cu-0.8 wt%C alloy with a bimodal microstructure produced by powder metallurgy techniques, Materials Science & Engineering A 712 (2018) 214–222
15. Tian Xia, Yuehuang Xie, Chao Yang, Wei Zeng, Zhongnan Bi, Jiamiao Liang*, Guoliang Zhu*, Jun Wang,Strengthening effects and thermal stability of the ultrafine grained microstructure of a nickel base superalloy at room and elevated temperatures,Materials Characterization 145 (2018) 362–370
16. X. Yao, Z. Zhang, Y. F. Zheng, C. Kong, M. Z. Quadir, J. M. Liang*, Y.H. Chen, P. Munroe, D.L. Zhang*,Effects of SiC Nanoparticle Content on the Microstructure and Tensile Mechanical Properties of Ultrafine Grained AA6063-SiCnp Nanocomposites Fabricated by Powder Metallurgy, Journal of Materials Science & Technology 33 (2017) 1023–1030

Research Projects

1. J. M. Liang, Investigation of high modulus Al alloy and its application on grounding switch of ultra-high voltage valve hall, State Grid Corporation, Science and Technology Projects, 2018-2020, RMB800,000
2. J. M. Liang, Investigation of aging precipitation mechanism of aluminum matrix composites reinforced by dispersed nanoparticles, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2020-2023, RMB600,000
3. J. M. Liang, Microstructure and mechanical properties of aluminium matrix nanocomposites fabricated by laser additive manufacturing, SJTU-UNSW Collaborative Research Fund,2020-2021, RMB50,000

Honors & Awards

1. Excellent report award of China Materials Conference in 2019
2. Second prize of State Grid Science and Technology Progress in 2018
3. Third prize of China Electric Power Science and Technology Progress in 2018
4. Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC) Scholarship in 2017
5. First prize of Teaching Achievement of Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2014
6. Morningstar Young Scholar Award of Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2013
7. Outstanding Annual Assessment of Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2012
