

Office:Building E, room 203


Research Interests
 Teaching the lecture “Laser Processing Technologies of Materials” for Bachelor-students

Biographical Information

Study experience:
1986.09 - 1991.07 Welding technology and equipment, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Bachelor
1991.09 - 1994.03 Welding technology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Master
2000.04 - 2004.09 University of Hannover, Germany Doctor

Working experience:
1994.04 - 1996.08 Associate lecturer Department of Materials Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
1996.09 - 2005.07 Lecturer School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
2005.08 - now associate Professor School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
2007.03-now Standing vice Director Shanghai Key Laboratory of Materials Laser Processing and Modification

Research Interests

Teaching the lecture “Laser Processing Technologies of Materials” for Bachelor-students

Selected Publications

1) J. Huang, M. Schilf, et al. Laser-MIG Hybrid and Laser Wire Welding of Shipbuilding Steel CCS-B. Laser Assisted Net Shape Engineering 5 (Proceedings of the 5th LANE 2007), Vol.1, 25-28. Sept. 2007, Erlangen, Germany, p163-172
2) Jian Huang, Fr.-W.Bach and D. Windelberg.Numerical simulation of high power MAG welding. Materials Science Forum, Vols.575-578 (2008): 757-762
3) Jian HUANG, Zhuguo LI, et al. Laser welding and laser cladding of high performance materials. Physics Procedia, 2010, Vol.5, part2, p1–8
4) Jun Dai, Jian Huang, et al. Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of High Power CO2 Laser Welded Joint of Mg-Rare Earth Alloy NZ30K. Physics Procedia, 2010, Vol.5, part1, p511-516
5) ZhiguoGao, Jian Huang, Yixiong Wu. Finite Element Modeling of Laser Spot Welded Lap-Joint. Materials Science Forum, Vols.580-582 (2008): 291-294
6) C.W. Yao, J. Huang, B.S. Xu, et al. An investigation on laser butt welding process of copper-steel for controlling the dissimilar materials melting ratio. Welding in the World, 2008, Vol52, n SPEC. ISS., p473-477
7) Lianhai Hu, Jian Huang, et al. Study on Multipass Welding of Thick Section Steels Using CO2 Laser Welding. Proceeding of the International Conference AWST-2010, 15-16 July 2010, Istanbul, Turkey, p725-729
8) Chengwu Yao, Jian Huang, et al. Toughening of Fe-based laser-clad alloy coating. Applied Surface Science (in press)

Research Projects

Honors & Awards
