
Jijin XU

Title:Associate Professor


Research Interests
1) Develop of stress measuring method and stress controlling technology
2) Material mechanical character and welding process simulation

Biographical Information

1997-2001B.S., Major in Materials processing engineering
Taiyuan Heavy Machinery Institute
2001-2004M.S., Major in materials processing engineering
East China Shipbuilding Institute
2004-2007Ph.D, Major in materials processing engineering
Shanghai Jiaotong University
2007-2009Assistant professor in School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
2009-2011Post-doctor in AREVA NP
2011-Assistant professor in School of Materials Science and
Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Research Interests

1) Develop of stress measuring method and stress controlling technology
2) Material mechanical character and welding process simulation

Selected Publications

1)J.J. Xu, P. Gilles, Y.G. Duan, C. Yu. Temperature and Residual Stress Simulations of the NeT Single-Bead-on-Plate Specimen Using SYSWELD.International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping. 99-100(2012): 51-60.
2)J.J. Xu, P. Gilles, Y.G. Duan. Simulation and validation of welding residual stresses based on non-linear mixed hardening model. Strain. 48(2012): 406-414.
3)J.J. Xu, L.G.Chen, C.Z.Ni.A study on the mechanical stress relieving and safety assessment without post-weld heat treatment. Materials Science and Engineering A. 443(2007): 107-113.
4)J.J. Xu, L.G.Chen, C.Z.Ni. Low stress welding technology without post-weld heat treatment. Materials Science and Technology. 2009, 25(8): 976-980
5)J.J. Xu, L.G.Chen, J.H. Wang,C.Z.Ni. Prediction of welding distortion in multipass girth-butt welded pipes of different wall thickness. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 35(2008): 987-993
6)JijinXu, Ligong Chen, Chunzhen Ni. Effect of vibratory weld conditioning on the residual stresses and distortion in multipass girth-butt welded pipes.International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping. 84(2007): 298-303.
7)J.J. Xu, L.G.Chen, C.Z.Ni. Effects of Vibratory Weld Conditioning on the Residual Stresses and Transverse Contraction Distortions in Multipass Welding.Science and Technology of Welding and Joining. 2006, 11(4): 374-378.

Research Projects

Honors & Awards
