
Jing LIU

Office:Room 503,Material Building F


Jing LIU (born in 1985) is currently a lecturer of Materials Science and Engineering.

Biographical Information

Jing LIU (born in 1985) is currently a lecturer of Materials Science and Engineering. She received her B.S. (Materials Science and Engineering) from Tongji University and her MSC degree (Materials Science) from Loughborough University, UK. In 2012, she obtained her PhD degree followed with a postdoctoral position at from Loughborough University. 

Research Interests

Heterogeneous catalysis
 Metal-ceramic composites

Selected Publications

1. Liu, J., Binner, J., Higginson, R., Zhou, Z., Interfacial reactions and wetting in Al-Mg / oxide ceramic interpenetrating composites made by a pressureless infiltration technique, Composites Science and Technology, 72(8), pp. 886-893, 2012.
2. Liu, J., Binner, J., Higginson, R., Dry sliding wear behaviour of co-continuous ceramic foam / aluminium alloy interpenetrating composites produced by pressureless infiltration, Wear, 276-277, pp. 94-104, 2012.
3. Liu, J., Binner, J., Higginson, R., Munnings, C., Ceramic foam / aluminium alloy interpenetrating composites for wear resistance applications, in Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC), USA, 2011, Florida.

Research Projects

Nicole-based catalysts for methane reforming.
 Processing and properties of metal-ceramic interpenetrating composites.
 Spray-freeze drying nanosized ceramic powders.

Honors & Awards
