Green Sustainable Transportation

Course Overview

Course Title:Green Sustainable Transportation

Relevant SDGs:SDG 7, SDG 9, SDG 11

Credit(s):1 credit

Course Description:

Course Overview:This is an English course that systematically teaches the theory of sustainable transportation technologies and their applications in the field of transportation engineering. As an elective, professional course in engineering, this course serves as a bridge between the theory of smart transportation and sustainable transportation technologies and the practice of transportation engineering. The role of analytical methods, analytical thinking, and applications in the field of engineering is an important theoretical practice course that offers methodology framework and worldview.

Course Objective:Through the learning of this course, the engineering students will establish the view of transportation engineering in the era of sustainable development, the basic thinking and theoretical methods of big data in sustainable transportation engineering, and fully and systematically master data-based green sustainable transportation engineering, with the ability of preliminary analysis and application of carbon emission in multimodal transportation, Mobility-as-a-Service and Connected and Autonomous Vehicles, and traffic engineering data and modeling methods. Integrating the development trend of big data and cutting-edge sustainable development technologies in the field of transportation engineering into the teaching, students can keep up with the development pulse of the transportation industry and the trend of green sustainable development.

Major Content:This course primarily offers the methods and working procedures of sustainable transportation technologies and practical applications of system engineering needed to acquire, mine, analyze, and apply to solve traffic engineering problems. It also covers discussion, case analysis, extracurricular exercises, and course design. The main contents include: (1) Introduction to Sustainable Transportation and Related Supporting Technologies; (2) Multimodal Transportation System; (3) Traffic Prediction and Traffic Big Data Mining; (4) Modeling and Analysis of Transportation Carbon Emissions; (5) Frontier Technologies and Applications of Green Sustainable Transportation.

What skills will students get?

  1. Traffic prediction and data modeling methods in sustainable transportation;
  2. Calculation of carbon emission in multimodal transportation;
  3. Frontier technologies in sustainable transportation, include but not limited to discussions and analytics of Mobility-as-a-Service and Connected and Autonomous Vehicles;
  4. Construction and management of green sustainable transportation.

Mode of Teaching

Lecture, tutorial, discussion and seminar


  1. Attendance:20%;
  2. Group presentation:60%;
  3. Final program summary:20%.

Course-specific Restrictions


Class Schedule



Week Day

Time (UTC+8)


Credit hours

Teaching mode

Instructor in charge





Introduction to sustainable transportation and related supporting technologies



Hao Hu





Intermodal transportation system


Tutorial & discussion

Feng Xu





Traffic prediction and traffic big data mining



Zhipeng Zhang





Modeling and analysis of transportation carbon emissions


Tutorial & discussion

Lei Dai





Green and sustainable transportation construction and management



Genserik Reniers & Yawei Chen





Cutting-edge technologies and applications of green and sustainable transportation


Tutorial & discussion

Jie Xue





Final presentation



Hao Hu & Feng Xu & Lei Dai & Zhipeng Zhang & Jie Xue




Dr. Zhipeng Zhang
Dr. Zhipeng Zhang is an Assistant Professor in the School of Naval Architecture, Ocean & Civil Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Dr. Zhang’s research focuses on transportation safety, transportation big data analytics, and intelligent transportation. He has published over 30 papers in peer-reviewed journals and international conferences. Dr. Zhang’s research has been supported by a number of national, provincial and ministerial scientific research projects. Dr. Zhang currently teaches several transportation engineering courses (e.g., Introduction to Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Smart Transportation, and Systems Engineering) at Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
Dr. Hu Hao
Dr. Hu Hao is a Professor in the School of Naval Architecture, Ocean & Civil Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He mainly engaged in teaching and technical services in engineering project management and transportation planning and management. He has published more than 100 journal and conference papers. He hosts lots of essential projects, such as the high-tech ship project of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China, the construction and maintenance of important urban transport infrastructure, the construction and operation management of high-speed railway, the risk management of overseas transport infrastructure investment, the safety of maritime channel, the optimization of Shanghai urban transportation system, the research of Shanghai 2040 urban planning, etc. He won the Shanghai Excellent Teaching Achievement Award, the 3rd prize of the Shanghai Science and Technology Advancement Award, the 2nd prize of the China Railway Society Railway Science and Technology Award, the 1st prize of the Shanghai Railway Bureau Science and Technology Progress Award, and the 2nd class award for scientific and technological advancement of China Federation of Logistics & Purchasing, etc.
Dr. Genserik Reniers
Dr. Genserik Reniers is a Professor at the Delft University of Technology, in the Safety and Security Science Group. He also is a Professor (in a part-time capacity) both at the University of Antwerp and at the KU Leuven (campus Brussels), both in Belgium, lecturing in Process Safety, engineering risk analysis and risk management, MOOC regarding Risk and Safety in Society, etc. He is a world-leading researcher in the field of process safety. His research involves domino effects (escalating accidents) in the process industry, Physical security in the chemical industry, hazmat transportation, dynamic risk assessments and harsh environments, etc. Amongst many other academic achievements and output, he has published 220+ scientific papers in high-quality academic journals, and has (co-)authored and (co-)edited some 40 books. He is a Receiving Editor/Associate Editor/Guest Editor of 5 international journals including Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Safety Science, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, etc.
Dr. Yawei Chen
Dr. Yawei Chen is an assistant Professor in the faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology. She is the coordinator of master course The Urban (Re)development Game, integrating planning, design and property development. Besides, she also acts as mentor supervising master student and PhD students. Her research interests mainly focus on the development of urban strategies of cities in transition to post-industrial knowledge-intensive economy, with special attention to the multi-scalar dynamics within strategic mega projects in European and Asian metropolitans.
Dr. Feng Xu
Dr. Feng Xu, Vice Director of Institute of Engineering Management, Associate Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, has nearly 30 years of experience of teaching, research and consultancy in the field of engineering management. He was main construction manager of Shanghai Disneyland Park project, Shanghai-Hangzhou High-speed Railway project, and so on. He also was the main developer of cloud platforms for Construction Administration Bureau of Shanghai Municipality. He received Shanghai Science and Technology Advancement Award. He has published more than 100 papers and more than 60 papers indexed by SCI and EI.
Dr. Lei Dai
Dr. Lei Dai is currently an Associate Professor at the Department of Transportation Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. His research focus on green shipping management and Arctic shipping. Dr. Dai hosts several research projects funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China, China Association of Science and Technology, Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality, etc. He has published more than 20 research papers and think-tank articles on prestigious journals/magazines such as Transportation Research Part A/D and China Transport News. Several think-tank articles and recommendations written by him have been instructed or accepted by principal leaders of Ministry of Transport, Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China, etc. He won the 2nd class award for scientific and technological advancement of China Federation of Logistics & Purchasing in 2020 and 2022 respectively (rank 1st). Prior to joining Shanghai Jiao Tong University, he served as a senior associate at Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC) management consulting with a special focus on logistics and supply chain consulting for 3 years.
Dr. Jie Xue
Dr. Jie Xue is an Assistant Professor in the School of Naval Architecture, Ocean & Civil Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. His research focuses on the concept of human-like maneuvering for autonomous ships and studies the human-like decision-making method of autonomous ships. By exploring the maneuvering decision-making mechanism of different piloting behaviors, to realize the automatic acquisition and representation of the seafarers' decision-making knowledge in typical navigation scenarios. Thus analyze as well as reproduce the seafarers' behavior in typical navigation scenarios for autonomous ship maneuvering. He has published more than 20 papers in peer-reviewed prestigious journals, e.g., Safety Science, Ocean Engineering, Expert Systems with Applications, etc.

Course Contact

Dr. Jie
