Green Shipping and Marine Renewable Energy

Course Overview

Course Title:Green shipping and marine renewable energy

Relevant SDGs:SDGs 7 & 9

Credit(s):2 credits

Course Description:

The world has abundant natural energy resources from the wind, wave and tides. Being different from the traditional fossil fuels, these energy resources will never run out. Renewable energy is essential for reducing the potential devastating effects of climate change, and protecting the natural environment for future generations. Therefore, when we are talking about the future offshore industry, marine renewable energy stands in the breach. At the same time, the shipping industry is on a revolution for zero emission and unmanned development. There is an urgent demand to develop the technologies to support the sustainable goal in the ocean engineering sectors.This course will introduce the latest technologies in the field of marine engineering and new marine energy in the form of a lecture series, while focusing on the connection between green and smart ships and marine renewable energy resources, and discussing the future green marine network system. This course takes the interaction between teachers and students as a medium. Through direct dialogue with international top scholars with diverse backgrounds, students can exchange knowledge and ideas with teachers on an equal footing and achieve the best integration of teaching and learning.

What skills will students get?

  1. Understand the state-of-the-art technologies in ocean renewable energy and green shipping industry;
  2. Learn the presentation skills;
  3. Learn how to do a group project with the other members in a team.

Mode of Teaching

Lectures, Group discussions and group presentation


  1. Attendance:30%;
  2. Group presentation:70%.

Course-specific Restrictions

Undergraduate and post graduate student with science and engineering background. Students with Naval architecture and Ocean Engineering is preferred but not essential.

Class Schedule

Date Time(UTC+8) Activities Lecturers/students
3rd July 18:00-18:45 Introduction of this lecture series Prof. Zhiming Yuan & Aichun Feng
18:55-19:40 Introduction of marine energy Prof. Zhiming Yuan
19:45-20:20 Group discussion Students
4th July 18:00-19:40 Seminars on "Ocean Science and Marine Technology Research and Education for Sustainable Utilisation of Ocean Resources" Prof. Atilla Incecik
19:45-20:20 Group discussion Students
5th July 18:00-19:40 Seminars on "Ship Power Plants – Contemporary challenges and future prospects" Prof. Gerasimos Theotokatos
19:45-20:20 Group discussion Students
6th July 18:00-19:40 Seminars on "State of the art in Offshore Wind Turbine Dynamics Modelling – an overview" Prof. Maurizio Collu
19:45-20:20 Group discussion Students
7th July 18:00-19:40 Seminars on "Autonomous ship technologies" Prof. Eduardo Aoun Tannuri
19:45-20:20 Group discussion Students
10th July 18:00-20:20 Group Presentation Stduents & Prof. Aichun Feng & Zhiming Yuan
11th July 18:00-19:40 Seminars on "Toward decarbonization on maritime industry" Prof. Byongug Jeong
19:45-20:20 Group discussion Students
12th July 18:00-19:40 Seminars on "How can CFD contribute to efficient and sustainable marine transportation?" Prof. Tahsin Tezdogan
19:45-20:20 Group discussion Students
13th July 16:55-19:40 Seminar on "Tank testing technologies for Offshore Renewable Energy" Prof. Saishuai Dai
19:45-20:20 Group discussion Students
14th July 16:55-20:20 Group Presentation Stduents & Prof. Aichun Feng & Zhiming Yuan


Dr. Aichun Feng
Dr. Aichun Feng is an associate professor in School of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Civil Engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He obtained his phd degree in University of Southampton in 2014 and worked as Post-doc in National University of Singapore before joining in SJTU. He has the Holder of Lloyd Register Educational Trust oversea scholar and Shanghai Oversea High Level Talent. His main research lies in the Ocean Hydrodynamics.
Dr. Zhiming Yuan

Dr. Zhiming Yuan has been a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) (2015-2019) and then a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) (2019- ) in the Department of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Marine Engineering at the University of Strathclyde at Glasgow. His research activity mainly focused on the Marine Hydrodynamics and Offshore Renewable Energy, and he has published more than 100 journal/conference articles on these areas. Dr Yuan is currently acting as the Scientific Managing Editor for Ocean Engineering, Applied Ocean Research, Coastal Engineering, and Marine Structures. He is an ITTC committee member and executive chair of ITTC Maneuvering Committee. He was invited by Prof. Ronald Yeung to carry out joint research at UC Berkeley (05/2017 – 09/2017) under Sir David Anderson Bequest Award. He is currently leading the Hydrodynamics and Ocean Renewable Energy Laboratory (HOREL) at Strathclyde, acting as the first supervisor of 9 PhD students. His research work on wave interference has been selected as Focus on Fluids article of Journal of Fluid Mechanics and highlighted by Nature (Nature. 565(7741):538), and these works have also been widely reported by TheTimes, DailyMail, Today Headline, ScienceNews, etc. In 2022, Dr Zhiming Yuan shared the Ig Nobel prize in the field of Physics for “trying to understand how ducklings manage to swim in formation”.

Eduardo Aoun Tannuri

Eduardo Aoun Tannuri Full Professor at the Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Escola Politécnica, University of São Paulo (EPUSP), principal investigator of the Center for Artificial Intelligence (C4AI USP-IBM-FAPESP) and coordinator of the Maneuvering Simulation Center of the Numerical Offshore Tank (TPN-USP). Member of ITTC Maneuvering Committee (2012-2021). Works on Autonomous Navigation and Control Systems applied to offshore vessels and platforms, Application of IA in Ocean Engineering, Maneuvering and Sea-keeping simulators, with applications to ports, vessels and floating structures design. He was graduated in Mechatronics Engineering, in 1998, and completed his doctorate degree in 2002, both at EPUSP. He coordinates several R&D projects in the area of offshore oils&gas exploration, maritime and river navigation and port development. He has published about 188 papers in conferences and 42 in journals. As the technical coordinator of the Maneuvering Simulation Center of the Numerical Offshore Tank (TPN), he already developed more than 190 simulation studies in different Oil Companies and Ports Operators. He received Brazilian Navy Engineering Merit Award 2017, and National Agency for Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels Innovation Prize 2019.

Atilla Incecik
Professor Atilla Incecik is Associate Principal at the university of Strathclyde. Professor Incecik has been responsible for the development of design and analysis tools and model testing of marine and offshore engineering systems during his research activities both in industry and academia. His current research includes development of dynamic load and response prediction tools for ships, offshore platforms and marine renewable energy devices. Professor Incecik is Research Manager of Industrial Doctoral Centre for Offshore Renewable Energy (IDCORE). He is a member of committees of a number of international professional bodies, an honorary professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Harbin Institute of Technology, and a visiting professor at Zhejiang University. Professor Incecik is Editor-in-Chief of Ocean Engineering Journal.

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