PUM6004 Social Science Methodology
PUM6004 Social Science Methodology

Number of Credits


Teaching Hours


Offering School

School of International and Public Affairs

Course Teacher

Yuan Tian

Course Level

Postgraduate Level

Language of Instruction


First Day of Class

Friday, September 27th, 2024

Last Day of Class

Friday, January 10th, 2025

Course Component


Mode of Teaching


Meeting Time

Week 2-17: Fridays, 12:55 p.m.-15:40p.m.

Click here to view World Clock Meeting Planner

Time Zone

Beijing Time(UTC+8)

Course-specific Restrictions (e.g. Prerequisites / Major / Year of Study)


Course Description

This is an introductory class on social science research. The primary goal of this course is to help students familiarize with social science discipline and some basic social research methods (including both qualitative and quantitative methods). A number of issues central to social science research will be discussed in the class, such as key terms, logics, data collection, design, analysis, and write-up.

The course is divided into six sections. The first section is a fundamental instruction. The second section is the key concepts and two logics of empirical research/ The third section is the data collection instrument introduction. The fourth section is the research design. The fifth section is the data collection. The last section is the research communication and write-up.




Course Assessment

1. Class Participation: 30%

2. Quiz: 30%

3. In-class presentation and report (the last class): 40%
