


专题一:Chinese and US Start-Ups in the Entertainment and Cultural Industries中美文化娱乐创业公司:通过领导力、知识分享和战略沟通达成愿景


  • Patricia Riley, Jinzhang Jiang, Ruoying Xie, Yuehan Wang. Chinese and US Start-Ups in the Entertainment and Cultural Industries, 2018, May, ICA, Prague, organizational communication division, panel presentation.


  • Patricia Riley, Grace Yuehan Wang, Jinzhang Jiang, Ruoying Xie. Chinese and US Start-ups in the Entertainment and Cultural Industries: Achieving Vision Though Leadership, and Strategic Communication Final Report

专题二:Connected Cities and Digital Opportunities:Comparing two Cultural Industries Capitals – Shanghai and Los Angeles连接城市和数字的机会 --- 以上海和洛杉矶为例比较城市间的文化产业资本


  • 周冬. 互联网重塑大国发展之路:基于微观数据的实证研究. 出版社: 经济管理出版社; 第1版 (2017年10月1日),ISBN: 7509654394, 9787509654392. ASIN: B078FHJK8R


  1. 谭香苹, 徐瞿, 陈柳蓉, 金姝彤. 上海互联网发展动态与现状报告.
  2. 谭香苹, 徐瞿, 陈柳蓉, 金姝彤. Report on the Internet Development in Shanghai上海互联网发展动态与现状报告(英文版).
  3. 周中雨, 谭香苹, 徐瞿, 陈柳蓉, 金殊彤. 上海互联网及其对文创产业发展影响实证分析报告.


  1. 周冬, 李本乾, 吴佳屿. 互联网对传统媒介消费使用的影响:基于微观数据的实证研究. 欧宝app官方网站下载学报(哲学社会科学版),2017,25(6):83-94.
  2. 周冬, 朱金玉. 互联网时代的民众诉求和社会监督——来自宏微观数据双层检验.(在审)
  3. 闫馨霏, 周冬. 互联网如何影响个人婚姻决策.(完稿)
  4. Dong Zhou, Internet Utilization and Political Trust: New Evidence from China. (Under Review)
  5. Dong Zhou, Jinyu Zhu. Internet Utilization and Subjective Social Justice. (Under Review) 2017年12月ICA-上海交大媒体与设计学院新媒体高峰论坛,“互联网使用对社会公平感的影响”,最佳论文.
  6. Dong Zhou, and Langchuan Peng. The Relationship Between the Gender Gap in Subjective Well-Being and Leisure Activities in China. Journal of Happiness Studies, 2017, 1-28.


Hernan Galperin, Annette Kim, François Bar. America’s broadband market needs more competition Our world-class creators live in communities where internet access services are far from world-class. MARCH 12, 2017 12:29PM (UTC).

Originally published on The Conversation.  ( It is a piece in a popullar magazine focusing on technology - Salon. Salon is fairly well regarded in the technology circles in the US.)  https://www.salon.com/2017/03/12/americas-broadband-market-needs-more-competition_partner/ .

A brief article in the Los Angeles Times cover the same topic, citing Bar's project: http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-broadband-20180308-story.html(洛杉矶议员Paul Krekorian提议建立一个新的部门去为居民提供负担得起的宽带互联网服务,发表于洛杉矶时报,他提议中引用了Bar的研究项目).


  • François Bar, Hernan Galperin, Annette Kim, XiangYu Li, Matt Bui. Broadband Disparities in Los Angeles County. Final Report.

专题三:Defining China’s New Digital Capitalism: The Legal Contention of BATBAT在中国数字经济中的博弈与冲突--基于中国司法裁判文书的全景研究


  1. 徐剑. 网络版权侵权诉讼中的地方司法保护实证分析. 现代传播(中国传媒大学学报), 2017, 39(1): 111-116.
  2. 徐剑. 中国涉外网络版权侵权诉讼的实证分析. 出版科学, 2017, 25(1): 39-46.
  3. Jian Xu, Yu Hong. The Genesis and Politics of Fragmented Platform Governance in China: Through the Lens of Alibaba and the Legal-Judicial System. (投稿SSCI 期刊)
  4. 徐剑, 洪宇. 混搭式平台治理体系的历史起源与演进政治:基于阿里巴巴的互联网法制研究. (10月20-21号在华东师范的批判传播学年会上宣读)


  • 徐剑.BAT在中国数字经济中的博弈与冲突 ——基于中国司法裁判文书的全景研究.


  • 徐剑. 基于该项研究基础和研究延展,成功申报2017年国家社科基金艺术学重大课题:“文化大数据的共享机制研究”.

专题四:The Business and Phenomena of Live Streaming -A Cross Cultural Perspective从跨文化的角度研究视频直播的经济模式和现象分析期刊论文

  1. Xu, Yi, Jian Lian. Tipping to free-of-charge services - Understanding online tipping behavior by the theory of planned behavior. Mass communication and society mass communication and society. (在审)
  2. Xu, Yi, YE, YIXIN, Jian Lian. Who watch live streaming - examining audiences’ behaviors, personality traits and motivations. The Information Society. (在审)


  • 徐禕. 直播用户的性格、行为和动机的研究Audiences in live streaming - examining user behaviors, personality traits and motivations. 2018尚社新闻论坛 (社科学院主办),2018 上海.


  • 徐禕, 简炼. 直播研究报告.

专题五:Consumer Behavior and Monetization Strategies in Chinese Music Market中国音乐市场消费者行为与资本政策研究


  • 岳林凯, 姜进章@, 陈百助, 孙天澍. 用户持续使用流媒体音乐应用的动机与行为意向的关系研究. 新闻与传播研究.(在审)


  • Baizhu Chen, Shantanu Dutta, Tianshu Sun, Jinzhang Jiang, Lincoln Yue. Consumer Behavior and Monetization in Chinese Music Market, USC-SJTU Institute of Creative and Cultural Industry 2018 Zizhu International Symposium.


  1. 姜进章, 岳林凯. 中国音乐产业市场研究总结报告.
  2. Baizhu Chen, Shantanu Dutta, Tianshu Sun, Jinzhang Jiang, Lincoln Yue. Understanding Music Consumption Behavior and Industry Competition in Music Market of China – A Research Report.

专题六: Provider-Patient Trust, Communication and New Media Apps in Chinese Health Care Environments医患关系与健康新媒体的使用:一个跨文化的比较研究


  • Goodnight, G. & Lyu, J. (22-23 June, 2018). "Transitional Diplomacies of the Anthropocene: China’s Oceanic Ties and South Pacific Islands." [Paper invited to be published in a book tentatively titled Green Communication in China, edited by LIU Jingfang (Fudan University) and Phaedra C. PEZZULLO (University of Colorado) to be published by Michigan State University's Press.]


  1. 王茜. 医患交流的七种模式与患者满意度: 中美两种文化的比较研究. 南京大学特邀报告, 2017.
  2. 王茜. 医患纠纷事件在社交媒体上的传播路径与扩散模式, 2018.


  1. 王茜. 大数据时代传播学研究方法的变革:以内容分析法为例. 2018 ICA Postconference, Prague.
  2. 王茜. 算法技术还是人工编码?大数据内容分析的研究方法之争. 首届中国舆论学年会, 2016.
  3. Yang, Y. (Feb. 12, 2018). Guessing, Caring and Arguing: How Chinese Outpatient Doctors Accomplish Work under Structural Stress. 10th USC GSG Graduate Research Symposium, 2018, Los Angeles, USA. (Won 3rd place in Social Sciences).
  4. Yang. Y. & Goodnight, G. (3-6 July, 2018) "Guessing, Caring and Arguing: How Chinese Outpatient Doctors Accomplish Work under System Stress". The 9th Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation (ISSA). Amsterdam. Netherlands.
  5. Yang. Y. (May, 22, 2018). Changing Chinese Healthcare Through “Medical Big V”? “Elective Affinity” Between Professional Politics and Weibo’S Economy and Its Ambivalence. The 16th Chinese Internet Research Conference (CIRC), 2018, Leiden University. Leiden, Netherlands.
  6. Yang. Y. & Goodnight, G. Patient Assertiveness and Communication Resilience in Medical Encounters: the Chinese cases as a method. Amsterdam ISSA presentation, 2018-
  7. Goodnight, G. & Lyu, J. (22-23 June, 2018). Toward a 21st Century Pysma Diplomacy of the Anthropocene: China's Oceanic Engagements with South Pacific Islands. The 3rd conference of the National Communication Association (NCA) and the Communication University of China (CUC), 2018


  • Gerald Thomas Goodnight. Qian Wang. Yue Yang. Health, Digital Media and Professional Communication in China.


  • 王茜. 算法技术的盲区与智媒时代的数据伦理困境.(在审)

专题七:Big Data Visualization and Visual Analytics for Network Audio-Visual Platforms大数据时代数据关系的视觉建构


  1. 萧冰. 大数据可视化的设计原则:与世界名画的对比分析.
  2. 萧冰. 人工智能与算法技术背景下视听广告产业的发展与挑战.


  1. Bing Xiao. The Visual Construction of Data Relationship in the Era of Big Data,论文集《东方文化与设计哲学》,欧宝app官方网站下载出版社,2017.
  2. 萧冰. 基于认知心理学的大数据可视化设计研究. 论文集《赋能大数据教育》,电子工业出版社,2018.


  1. 萧冰.  “一带一路”国家与城市形象标志设计研究. 第二届东方设计论坛,优秀论文一等奖,大会主旨演讲.
  2. Bing Xiao.  Research of the circle structure used in information design - analysing specific forms used by studio TONNE in their cases. 第25届WSCG 2017 conference,EI检索.
  3. 萧冰. “一带一路”国家城市形象与品牌标志的视觉传播研究. ICA第68届年会.

专题八:Chinese Social Media Entertainment 中国社群娱乐产业研究


  • 禹卫华,饶爱萍, 赖炜, 张永艺. 中美社交媒体生态发展比较研究, 2017.


  • Stuart Cunningham, David Craig. (in negotiation with NYU Press, book). Creator Culture: Studying the Social Media Entertainment Industry. New York University Press, NY USA.


  • David Craig, Heng Cai, and Lyu Junyi. Mapping and managing Chinese social media entertainment: A conversation with Heng Cai, Chinese media entrepreneur. International Journal of Communication, 2016, 10:5436-5472.


  1. David Craig and Lyu Junyi. Chinese live streaming industry, International Communication Association Conference, 2017, San Diego USA.
  2. David Craig and Lyu Junyi. China's social media entertainment: A study on Chinese online debating show Qipashou. International Society for the Study of Argumentation, 2018, Amsterdam Netherlands.
  3. David Craig and Lyu Junyi. 每个人今晚都是网红Everybody wang hong tonight: A critical creator study of China's livestreaming social media industry. 2018, Montreal Canada.


禹卫华. Social Media采集数据系统.
