专题一:Chinese and US Start-Ups in the Entertainment and Cultural Industries中美文化娱乐创业公司:通过领导力、知识分享和战略沟通达成愿景
- Patricia Riley, Jinzhang Jiang, Ruoying Xie, Yuehan Wang. Chinese and US Start-Ups in the Entertainment and Cultural Industries, 2018, May, ICA, Prague, organizational communication division, panel presentation.
- Patricia Riley, Grace Yuehan Wang, Jinzhang Jiang, Ruoying Xie. Chinese and US Start-ups in the Entertainment and Cultural Industries: Achieving Vision Though Leadership, and Strategic Communication Final Report
专题二:Connected Cities and Digital Opportunities:Comparing two Cultural Industries Capitals – Shanghai and Los Angeles连接城市和数字的机会 --- 以上海和洛杉矶为例比较城市间的文化产业资本
- 周冬. 互联网重塑大国发展之路:基于微观数据的实证研究. 出版社: 经济管理出版社; 第1版 (2017年10月1日),ISBN: 7509654394, 9787509654392. ASIN: B078FHJK8R
- 谭香苹, 徐瞿, 陈柳蓉, 金姝彤. 上海互联网发展动态与现状报告.
- 谭香苹, 徐瞿, 陈柳蓉, 金姝彤. Report on the Internet Development in Shanghai上海互联网发展动态与现状报告(英文版).
- 周中雨, 谭香苹, 徐瞿, 陈柳蓉, 金殊彤. 上海互联网及其对文创产业发展影响实证分析报告.
- 周冬, 李本乾, 吴佳屿. 互联网对传统媒介消费使用的影响:基于微观数据的实证研究. 欧宝app官方网站下载学报(哲学社会科学版),2017,25(6):83-94.
- 周冬, 朱金玉. 互联网时代的民众诉求和社会监督——来自宏微观数据双层检验.(在审)
- 闫馨霏, 周冬. 互联网如何影响个人婚姻决策.(完稿)
- Dong Zhou, Internet Utilization and Political Trust: New Evidence from China. (Under Review)
- Dong Zhou, Jinyu Zhu. Internet Utilization and Subjective Social Justice. (Under Review) 2017年12月ICA-上海交大媒体与设计学院新媒体高峰论坛,“互联网使用对社会公平感的影响”,最佳论文.
- Dong Zhou, and Langchuan Peng. The Relationship Between the Gender Gap in Subjective Well-Being and Leisure Activities in China. Journal of Happiness Studies, 2017, 1-28.
Hernan Galperin, Annette Kim, François Bar. America’s broadband market needs more competition Our world-class creators live in communities where internet access services are far from world-class. MARCH 12, 2017 12:29PM (UTC).Originally published on The Conversation. ( It is a piece in a popullar magazine focusing on technology - Salon. Salon is fairly well regarded in the technology circles in the US.) https://www.salon.com/2017/03/12/americas-broadband-market-needs-more-competition_partner/ .
A brief article in the Los Angeles Times cover the same topic, citing Bar's project: http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-broadband-20180308-story.html(洛杉矶议员Paul Krekorian提议建立一个新的部门去为居民提供负担得起的宽带互联网服务,发表于洛杉矶时报,他提议中引用了Bar的研究项目).
- François Bar, Hernan Galperin, Annette Kim, XiangYu Li, Matt Bui. Broadband Disparities in Los Angeles County. Final Report.
专题三:Defining China’s New Digital Capitalism: The Legal Contention of BATBAT在中国数字经济中的博弈与冲突--基于中国司法裁判文书的全景研究
- 徐剑. 网络版权侵权诉讼中的地方司法保护实证分析. 现代传播(中国传媒大学学报), 2017, 39(1): 111-116.
- 徐剑. 中国涉外网络版权侵权诉讼的实证分析. 出版科学, 2017, 25(1): 39-46.
- Jian Xu, Yu Hong. The Genesis and Politics of Fragmented Platform Governance in China: Through the Lens of Alibaba and the Legal-Judicial System. (投稿SSCI 期刊)
- 徐剑, 洪宇. 混搭式平台治理体系的历史起源与演进政治:基于阿里巴巴的互联网法制研究. (10月20-21号在华东师范的批判传播学年会上宣读)
- 徐剑.BAT在中国数字经济中的博弈与冲突 ——基于中国司法裁判文书的全景研究.
- 徐剑. 基于该项研究基础和研究延展,成功申报2017年国家社科基金艺术学重大课题:“文化大数据的共享机制研究”.
专题四:The Business and Phenomena of Live Streaming -A Cross Cultural Perspective从跨文化的角度研究视频直播的经济模式和现象分析期刊论文
- Xu, Yi, Jian Lian. Tipping to free-of-charge services - Understanding online tipping behavior by the theory of planned behavior. Mass communication and society mass communication and society. (在审)
- Xu, Yi, YE, YIXIN, Jian Lian. Who watch live streaming - examining audiences’ behaviors, personality traits and motivations. The Information Society. (在审)
- 徐禕. 直播用户的性格、行为和动机的研究Audiences in live streaming - examining user behaviors, personality traits and motivations. 2018尚社新闻论坛 (社科学院主办),2018 上海.
- 徐禕, 简炼. 直播研究报告.
专题五:Consumer Behavior and Monetization Strategies in Chinese Music Market中国音乐市场消费者行为与资本政策研究
- 岳林凯, 姜进章@, 陈百助, 孙天澍. 用户持续使用流媒体音乐应用的动机与行为意向的关系研究. 新闻与传播研究.(在审)
- Baizhu Chen, Shantanu Dutta, Tianshu Sun, Jinzhang Jiang, Lincoln Yue. Consumer Behavior and Monetization in Chinese Music Market, USC-SJTU Institute of Creative and Cultural Industry 2018 Zizhu International Symposium.
- 姜进章, 岳林凯. 中国音乐产业市场研究总结报告.
- Baizhu Chen, Shantanu Dutta, Tianshu Sun, Jinzhang Jiang, Lincoln Yue. Understanding Music Consumption Behavior and Industry Competition in Music Market of China – A Research Report.
专题六: Provider-Patient Trust, Communication and New Media Apps in Chinese Health Care Environments医患关系与健康新媒体的使用:一个跨文化的比较研究
- Goodnight, G. & Lyu, J. (22-23 June, 2018). "Transitional Diplomacies of the Anthropocene: China’s Oceanic Ties and South Pacific Islands." [Paper invited to be published in a book tentatively titled Green Communication in China, edited by LIU Jingfang (Fudan University) and Phaedra C. PEZZULLO (University of Colorado) to be published by Michigan State University's Press.]
- 王茜. 医患交流的七种模式与患者满意度: 中美两种文化的比较研究. 南京大学特邀报告, 2017.
- 王茜. 医患纠纷事件在社交媒体上的传播路径与扩散模式, 2018.
- 王茜. 大数据时代传播学研究方法的变革:以内容分析法为例. 2018 ICA Postconference, Prague.
- 王茜. 算法技术还是人工编码?大数据内容分析的研究方法之争. 首届中国舆论学年会, 2016.
- Yang, Y. (Feb. 12, 2018). Guessing, Caring and Arguing: How Chinese Outpatient Doctors Accomplish Work under Structural Stress. 10th USC GSG Graduate Research Symposium, 2018, Los Angeles, USA. (Won 3rd place in Social Sciences).
- Yang. Y. & Goodnight, G. (3-6 July, 2018) "Guessing, Caring and Arguing: How Chinese Outpatient Doctors Accomplish Work under System Stress". The 9th Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation (ISSA). Amsterdam. Netherlands.
- Yang. Y. (May, 22, 2018). Changing Chinese Healthcare Through “Medical Big V”? “Elective Affinity” Between Professional Politics and Weibo’S Economy and Its Ambivalence. The 16th Chinese Internet Research Conference (CIRC), 2018, Leiden University. Leiden, Netherlands.
- Yang. Y. & Goodnight, G. Patient Assertiveness and Communication Resilience in Medical Encounters: the Chinese cases as a method. Amsterdam ISSA presentation, 2018-
- Goodnight, G. & Lyu, J. (22-23 June, 2018). Toward a 21st Century Pysma Diplomacy of the Anthropocene: China's Oceanic Engagements with South Pacific Islands. The 3rd conference of the National Communication Association (NCA) and the Communication University of China (CUC), 2018
- Gerald Thomas Goodnight. Qian Wang. Yue Yang. Health, Digital Media and Professional Communication in China.
- 王茜. 算法技术的盲区与智媒时代的数据伦理困境.(在审)
专题七:Big Data Visualization and Visual Analytics for Network Audio-Visual Platforms大数据时代数据关系的视觉建构
- 萧冰. 大数据可视化的设计原则:与世界名画的对比分析.
- 萧冰. 人工智能与算法技术背景下视听广告产业的发展与挑战.
- Bing Xiao. The Visual Construction of Data Relationship in the Era of Big Data,论文集《东方文化与设计哲学》,欧宝app官方网站下载出版社,2017.
- 萧冰. 基于认知心理学的大数据可视化设计研究. 论文集《赋能大数据教育》,电子工业出版社,2018.
- 萧冰. “一带一路”国家与城市形象标志设计研究. 第二届东方设计论坛,优秀论文一等奖,大会主旨演讲.
- Bing Xiao. Research of the circle structure used in information design - analysing specific forms used by studio TONNE in their cases. 第25届WSCG 2017 conference,EI检索.
- 萧冰. “一带一路”国家城市形象与品牌标志的视觉传播研究. ICA第68届年会.
专题八:Chinese Social Media Entertainment 中国社群娱乐产业研究
- 禹卫华,饶爱萍, 赖炜, 张永艺. 中美社交媒体生态发展比较研究, 2017.
- Stuart Cunningham, David Craig. (in negotiation with NYU Press, book). Creator Culture: Studying the Social Media Entertainment Industry. New York University Press, NY USA.
- David Craig, Heng Cai, and Lyu Junyi. Mapping and managing Chinese social media entertainment: A conversation with Heng Cai, Chinese media entrepreneur. International Journal of Communication, 2016, 10:5436-5472.
- David Craig and Lyu Junyi. Chinese live streaming industry, International Communication Association Conference, 2017, San Diego USA.
- David Craig and Lyu Junyi. China's social media entertainment: A study on Chinese online debating show Qipashou. International Society for the Study of Argumentation, 2018, Amsterdam Netherlands.
- David Craig and Lyu Junyi. 每个人今晚都是网红Everybody wang hong tonight: A critical creator study of China's livestreaming social media industry. 2018, Montreal Canada.
禹卫华. Social Media采集数据系统.