通讯地址: 转化医学大楼二楼
电子邮件: gulixu@sjtu.edu.cn
中国生物医学工程学会医用机器人工程与临床应用分会常务委员;中国系统仿真学会医疗仿真专委会委员。国家食药监局医疗器械分类技术委员会专业组委员。担任国际期刊IEEE Trans. On Information Technology in Biomedicine、《世界计算机辅助放射学和手术杂志--IJCARS》编辑委员会委员,以及国内核心期刊《计算机工程》、《中国医疗器械信息》编辑委员会委员,加拿大罗伯兹医学研究院客座研究员,世界计算机辅助放射学与手术学会(CARS)程序委员会委员,第27届IEEE世界医学工程年会程序委员会委员、社交委员会主席,多次担任国际会议MIAR、ITAB、EMBC的程序委员会委员。发表学术论文200余篇,以第一发明人申请并获得了16项国家发明专利授权。承担多项国家科技创新重点、863、自然科学基金、上海市科委等科研项目。荣获2012年中华医学科技奖二等奖、2014年度上海市科技进步一等奖等殊荣。
Zhe Luo, Junfeng Cai, Su Wang, Qiang Zhao, Terry Peters, Lixu Gu*. Magnetic Navigation for Thoracic Aortic Stent-graft Deployment using Ultrasound Image Guidance, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol.60, Issue 3, pp.862-871, 2013.
Guotai Wang, Shaoting Zhang, Feng Li, Lixu Gu*. A new segmentation framework based on sparse shape composition in liver surgery planning system , Medical Physics, Vol. 40, No.5, pp.1-10, 2013. (Cover Paper)
Yiting Guo, Bin Dong, Bing Wang, Hongzhi Xie, Shuyang Zhang, Lixu Gu* Semiautomaic segmentation of aortic valve from sequenced ultrasound image using a novel shape-constraint GCV model, Medical Physics, Vol.41, No.7, pp.1-14, 2014.
Zhe Luo, Junfeng Cai, Terry M. Peters, Lixu Gu*. Intra-Operative 2-D Ultrasound and Dynamic 3-D Aortic Model Registration for Magnetic Navigation of Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation , IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Vol.32, No.11, pp.2152-2165, 2013
Wang G., Zhang S., Xie H., Metaxas D.N., Lixu Gu*, A Homotopy-Based Sparse Representation for Fast and Accurate Shape Prior Modeling in Liver Surgical Planning, Medical Image Analysis, 2015, (19)1: 176–186.
Wang.B, Tian.X, Wang.Q, Yang.Y, Xie.H, Zhang.S, Lixu Gu*., Pulmonary nodule detection in CT images based on shape constraint CV model, Medical Physics, Vol.42, No.3, pp.1241-1254, 2015
Liu J, Zhuang X, Wu L, Lixu Gu. Myocardium Segmentation from DE MRI using Multi-component Gaussian Mixture Model and Coupled Level Set , IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol 64, No 11, pp.2650-2661, 2017.11
Dong Chen, Hongzhi Xie, Shuyang Zhang, Lixu Gu. Lung respiration motion modeling: a sparse motion field presentation method using biplane x-ray images , Physics in Medcine & Biology, Vol 62, pp.7855-7873, 2017.9.20
Yu Zhao,Dong Chen,Hongzhi Xie,Shuyang Zhang, Lixu Gu. Mammographic image classification system via active learning , Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, pp 1-14, 20 July 2018
Zhang Jingyang, Wang Guotai, Xie Hongzhi, Zhang Shuyang,Shi Zhenghui, Lixu Gu. Vesselness-constrained robust PCA for vessel enhancement in X-ray coronary angiograms , Physics in Medicine and Biology,2018.7.20