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通讯地址: 电信群楼2号楼
电子邮件: gzhyan@sjtu.edu.cn

  • 工作经历



    指导学生科技作品“采用高效无线供能胃肠道新型钳位式微机器人诊查系统”获第十三届全国、上海市大学生“挑战杯”竞赛特等奖,并获欧宝app官方网站下载“钱学森杯”科技竞赛特等奖。指导的博士论文“用于肠道诊查微型仿生机器人关键技术研究” 获2018年度中国仪器仪表学会测量控制与仪器仪表领域全国优博论文。指导的本科论文“面向胃肠道无创诊查微型仿生机器人无线通信系统研究”获2019年度欧宝app官方网站下载优异学士学位论文。

  • 研究方向


  • 科研项目


  • 代表性论文专著

    Gao J, Yan G. A Novel Power Management Circuit Using a Super-Capacitor Array for Wireless Powered Capsule Robot[J]. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2017,22(3):1444-1455.

    Gao J, Yan G, He S, et al. Design, analysis, and testing of a motor-driven capsule robot based on a sliding clamper[J]. Robotica, 2017, 35(3):521-536.

    Ke Q, Jiang P, Yan G. Standardized Design of the Transmitting Coils in Inductive Coupled Endoscope Robot Driving Systems[J]. Journal of Power Electronics, 2017, 17(3):835-847.

    Liu, Gang; Yan, Guozheng; Zhu, Bingquan; Lu, Li. Design of a video capsule endoscopy system with low-power ASIC for monitoring gastrointestinal tract [J]. Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 2016, 54(11): 1779-1791.(SCI, IF:1.797)

    Liu, Gang; Yan, Guozheng; Kuang, Shuai; Wang, Yongbing. Detection of small bowel tumor based on multi-scale curvelet analysis and fractal technology in capsule endoscopy [J]. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2016, 70: 131-138.(SCI, IF:1.521)

    Zhao, Kai; Yan, Guozheng. Effect of residual stress on the performance of self-packaging piezoresistive pressure sensor in wireless capsule. [J]. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL, 2016, 249: 242-248.(SCI, IF:2.201)

    Zhao Kai; Yan, Guozheng; Wang, Zhiwu; Jiang, Pingping. Complexity measure analysis of colorectal pressure signal in patients with functional constipation [J]. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 2016, 13(7): 4185-4190.(SCI, IF:1.666)

    Lu, Li; Yan, Guozheng; Kong, Xiangyan; Zhao, Kai; Xu, Fei. Colonic Motility Analysis Using the Wireless Capsule [J]. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2016, 16(9):3272-3281.(SCI, IF:1.889)

    Lu, Li; Yan, Guozheng; Zhao, Kai; Xu, Fei. Analysis of the Chaotic Characteristics of Human Colonic Activities and Comparison of Healthy Participants to Costive Subjects [J]. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2016, 20(1): 231-239.(SCI, IF:2.093)

    Gao, Jinyang; Yan, Guozheng; Wang, Zhiwu; He, Shu; Xu, Fei; Jiang, Pingping; Liu, Dasheng. Design and Testing of a Motor-Based Capsule Robot Powered by Wireless Power Transmission [J]. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2016, 21(2): 683-693.(SCI, IF:3.851)

    Gao, Jinyang; Yan, Guozheng. Locomotion Analysis of an Inchworm-Like Capsule Robot in the Intestinal Tract [J]. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2016, 63(2): 300-310.(SCI, IF:2.468)

    Xu, Fei; Yan, Guozheng; Zhao, Kai; Lu, Li; Wang, Zhiwu; Gao, Jinyang. Quantifying the complexity of human colonic pressure signals using an entropy measure[J]. Biomedical Engineering/Biomedizinische Technik, 2016, 61(1):127-132.(SCI, IF:1.650)

    Kai Zhao, Guozheng Yan, Li Lu, Fei Xu. Low-Power Wireless Electronic Capsule for Long-Term Gastrointestinal Monitoring [J]. Journal of medical systems, 2015, 39(2): 1-11. (SCI, IF: 2.213)

    Jinyang Gao, Guozheng Yan, Zhiwu Wang, Pingping Jiang, Dasheng Liu. A capsule robot powered by wireless power transmission: design of its receiving coil [J]. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2015, 234:133-142. (SCI, IF: 1.903)

    Fei Xu, Guozheng Yan. Toward a wireless electronic capsule with microsensors for detecting dysfunction of human gastric motility [J]. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2015, 15(4): 2194-2202. (SCI, IF: 1.852)

    Shu He, Guozheng Yan, Jinyang Gao, Zhiwu Wang, Pingping Jiang. Frictional and Viscous Characteristics of an Expanding–Extending Robotic Endoscope in the Intestinal Environment [J]. Tribology Letters, 2015, 58(3): 1-10. (SCI, IF:1.739 )

    Zhiwei Jia, Guozheng Yan, Bingquan Zhu. Design of a telemetry system based on wireless power transmission for physiological parameter monitoring [J]. AIP Advances, 2015, 5(4): 041320. (SCI, IF: 1.524)

    Shu He, Guozheng Yan, Zhiwu Wang, Jinyang Gao, Kai Yang. Characteristics of locomotion efficiency of an expanding–extending robotic endoscope in the intestinal environment [J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 2015, 229(7): 515-523. (SCI, IF: 1.329)

    Yu Shi, Guozheng Yan, Wenwen Chen, Bingquan Zhu. Micro-intestinal robot with wireless power transmission: design, analysis and experiment [J]. Computers in biology and medicine, 2015, 66: 343-351. (SCI, IF: 1.240)

    Shu He, Guozheng Yan, Quan Ke, Zhiwu Wang, Wenwen Cheng. A wirelessly powered expanding-extending robotic capsule endoscope for human intestine [J]. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 2015, 16(6): 1075-1084. (SCI, IF: 1.205)

    Wenwen Chen, Guozheng Yan, Zhiwu Wang, Pingping Jiang and Hua Liu, A wireless capsule robot with spiral legs for human intestine, The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, Volume 10, Issue 2, June 2014: 147–161(SCI,IF: 1.532)

    Dasheng Liu, Guozheng Yan, Hiroshi Yamaura. Dynamic delayed feedback control for stabilizing the giant swing motions of an underactuated three-link gymnastic robot [J]. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2014, 78(1): 147-161(SCI,IF: 2.419)

    Fei Xu, Guozheng Yan, Kai Zhao, Li Lu, Jinyang Gao, Gang Liu. A wireless capsule system with ASIC for monitoring the physiological signals of human gastrointestinal tract. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, VOL. 8, NO. 6, DECEMBER, 2014: 871-880(SCI,IF: 3.149)

    Chen, Wenwen; Yan, Guozheng; He, Shu. Wireless powered capsule endoscopy for colon diagnosis and treatment, PHYSIOLOGICAL MEASUREMENT, 2013, 34(11): 1545-1561(SCI,IF: 1.617)

    Dasheng Liu, Guozheng Yan. Stabilization of discretetime chaotic systems via improved periodic delayfeedback control based on polynomial matrix right coprime factorization. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2013, 74(4): 1243-1252(SCI, IF:2.419)

    Zhiwei Jia, Guozheng Yan, Hua Liu, Zhiwu Wang, Pingping Jiang, Yu Shi. The optimization of wireless power transmission: design and realization. The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, 2012, 8(3): 337-347(SCI,IF:1.488)

    Peng Gao, Guozheng Yan, Zhiwu Wang, Pingping Jiang, Hua Liu. Microgroove cushion of robotic endoscope for active locomotion in the gastrointestinal tract. The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, 2012, 8(4): 398-406(SCI,IF: 1.488)

    Zhiwei Jia, Guozheng Yan, Zhiwu Wang, Pingping Jiang, Hua Liu. Efficiency optimization of wireless power transmission systems for active capsule endoscopes. Physiological measurement, 2011, 32(10): 1561(SCI,IF:1.677)

    Peng Gao, Guozheng Yan, Zhiwu Wang, Kundong Wang, Pingping Jiang, Yilu Zhou. A robotic endoscope based on minimally invasive locomotion and wireless techniques for human colon. The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, 2011, 7(3): 256-267(SCI,IF: 1.588)

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