Selected Publications
(1) Zhang Haoruo;Cao Qixin:Detect in RGB, optimize in edge: Accurate 6D pose estimation for texture-less industrial parts,Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
(2) Huang, Xianqun;Cao, Qixin;Zhu, Xiaoxiao: Mixed path planning for multi-robots in structured hospital environment,Journal of Engineering, 2019(14), pp 512-516, 2019
(3) Lin, Minjie; Cao, Qixin; Zhang, Haoruo: PVO:Panoramic Visual Odometry3rd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics, ICARM 2018, 2018.7.18-2018.7.20, 2018
(4) Ji, Baibing; Cao, Qixin; Zhu, Xiaoxiao: Real-time Monocular Dense Mapping of Small Scenes with ORB Features,3rd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics, ICARM 2018, 2018.7.18-2018.7.20, 2018
(5) Rezazadeh, Sina; Bai, Weibang; Sun, Mingjing; Chen, Shihang; Lin, Yanping; Cao, Qixin: Robotic spinal surgery system with force feedback for teleoperated drilling, Journal of Engineering, 2019(14), pp 500-505, 2019
(6) Zhang, Haoruo ; Cao, Qixin: Fast 6D object pose refinement in depth images, APPLIED INTELLIGENCE,卷: 49期: 6页: 2287-2300
(7) Ni, Peiyuan) ; Zhang, Wenguang ; Bai, Weibang; Lin, Minjie ; Cao, Qixin: A New Approach Based on Two-stream CNNs for Novel Objects Grasping in Clutter, JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & ROBOTIC SYSTEMS,卷: 94期: 1页: 161-177
(8) Zhang, Haoruo); Cao, Qixin: Holistic and local patch framework for 6D object pose estimation in RGB-D images, COMPUTER VISION AND IMAGE UNDERSTANDING,卷: 180页: 59-73
(9) Jiangchang Xu, Mengjie Jing, Shiming Wang, Cuiping Yang, Xiaojun Chen*. A review of medical image detection for cancers in digestive system based on artificial intelligence. Expert Review of Medical Devices. 2019; 16(10): 877-889. (特邀综述论文,SCI Indexed, IF:2.228)
(10) Chunxia Qin, Zhenggang Cao, Shengchi Fan, Yiqun Wu, Yi Sun, Constantinus Politis, Chunliang Wang, Xiaojun Chen*. An Oral and Maxillofacial Navigation System for Implant Placement with Automatic Identification of Fiducial Points. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery. 2019;14(2):281-289(SCI Indexed, IF:2.155)
(11) Chunxia Qin, Xingchen Ran, Yiqun Wu, Xiaojun Chen*. The development of non-contact user interface of a surgical navigation system based on Kinect depth camera and a phantom experiment for zygomatic implant placement. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 2019. Published online: Indexed, IF:2.155)
(12) Zongyue Zhao, Xiaojun Chen*. A novel fractal algorithm for 3d-printed continuous porous scaffold design. The Journal of Engineering. 2019; 14:485 - 489 (EI indexed)
1) Wang X, Tao Y, Tao X, et al. An original design of remote robot-assisted intubation system[J]. Scientific reports, 2018, 8.(SCI)
2) Gu K, Cao Q. Research of Maintenance Manipulator in Remote Handling System for Small Openings[M]//Transactions on Intelligent Welding Manufacturing. Springer, Singapore, 2018: 159-165.
3) Qiu Q, Cao Q. Task constrained motion planning for 7-degree of freedom manipulators with parameterized submanifolds[J]. Industrial Robot: An International Journal, 2018, 45(3): 363-370.(SCI)
4) Ni P, Zhang W, Bai W, et al. A New Approach Based on Two-stream CNNs for Novel Objects Grasping in Clutter[J]. Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 2018: 1-17.(SCI)
5) Ni P, Zhang W, Hu K, et al. Learning end-to-end diagnostic policy for passive rehabilitation robot with deep learning[C]//BIBE 2018; International Conference on Biological Information and Biomedical Engineering. VDE, 2018: 1-6.
6) Ni P, Zhang W, et al. An Object Manipulation Method Based on Deep Learning for Nurse-Assistant Robot[C]. The 14th Asian Conference on Computer Aided Surgery (ACCAS) 2018.
7) Babing Ji, Qixin Cao. Real-time monocular 3D perception with ORB-Features [J]. Industrial Robot: An International Journal, Vol. 45 Issue: 6, pp.776-783
8) Ji B, Cao Q, Zhu X. Real-time Monocular Dense Mapping of Small Scenes with ORB Features [C]//Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics (ICARM), 2018 3rd International Conference on. IEEE
9) 吉白冰,曹其新.一种用于机器人抓取的单目实时三维重建系统[J].机械设计与制造.(已录用)
10) Ma Z, Cao Q, Zhang H, et al. A fast and omni-directional 3D reconstruction system of objects[C]//2018 4th International Conference on Control, Automation and Robotics (ICCAR). IEEE, 2018: 410-415.
11) Xianqun Huang, Qixin Cao, Weibang Bai, Xiaoxiao Zhu. Mixed path planning for Multi-Robots in structured hospital environment [J]. AI-Aided Diagnosis and Medical Robotics: The Journal of Engineering. (Accepted, EI)
12) Yang L, Cao Q, Lin M, et al. Robotic hand-eye calibration with depth camera: A sphere model approach[C]//2018 4th International Conference on Control, Automation and Robotics (ICCAR). IEEE, 2018: 104-110.(Accepted, EI)
13) Zhang H, Cao Q. Fast 6D Object Pose Refinement in Depth Images [J]. Applied Intelligence, 2018. (Accepted,SCI)
14) Cao, Qixin; Zhang, Haoruo, Combined Holistic and Local Patches for Recovering 6D Object Pose, ICCVW 2017, (EI)
15) Chen B, Cao Q, Bai W. A design of surgical robotic system based on 6-DOF parallel mechanism[C]//BIBE 2018; International Conference on Biological Information and Biomedical Engineering. VDE, 2018: 1-5.
16) Sina Rezazadeh, Weibang Bai, et al. Robotic Spinal Surgery System with Force Feedback for Teleoperated Drilling, The 14th Asian Conference on Computer Aided Surgery (ACCAS) 2018.
1) Weibang Bai, Qixin Cao, Chuntao Leng, Yang Cao, Masakatsu G. Fujie, Tiewen Pan. A Novel Optimal Coordinated Control Strategy for the Updated Robot System for Single Port Surgery[J]. Int J Med Robotics Comput Assist Surg. 2017;13:e1844.
2) Weibang Bai, Qixin Cao, Pengfei Wang, Peng Chen, Chuntao Leng, Tiewen Pan. Modular Design of a Teleoperated Robotic Control System for Laparoscopic Minimally Invasive Surgery Based on ROS and RT-Middleware[J]. Industrial Robot: An International Journal,2017, Vol.44 Issue: 5, pp.596-608
3) Haoruo Zhang Qixin Cao. Texture-less object detection and 6D pose estimation in RGB-D images. Robotics and Autonomous Systems,Volume 95(2017), 64-79.
4) Zhang HR, Cao QX. Combined Holistic and Local Patches for Recovering 6D Object Pose. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshop (ICCVW 2017).
5) Weibang Bai, Qixin Cao, Yanping Lin, Pengfei Wang, Yonghui Huang. Development of a clinically specialized miniatured slave robot platform for spinal surgery[C]. Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS 2017), Barcelona, Spain, 2017
6) Zhenzhou Shao, Hongxing Wei, Shuiping Yang, Shuo Wang, Qixin Cao, Guofeng Tong, Zhiping Shi, Rui Wang and Yong Guan. Modularity Standardization of Service Robots in China, Advances in Cooperative Robotics, pp. 680-687 (2016)
7) 王力宇, 曹其新, 王雯珊. 平面参数空间的实时三维点云配准方法,《高技术通讯》2017年 第4期 351-358页
8) 达兴鹏, 曹其新, 王雯珊. 移动机器人里程计系统误差及激光雷达安装误差在线标定, 机器人, 2017 , Vol. 39, Issue (2): 205-213
9) 王力宇, 曹其新, 董忠 . 基于EtherCAT 总线的工业机器人控制系统设计, 组合机床与自动化加工技术, 2017
10) 张蕾, 曹其新. 基于开放性实验平台培养机电工程专业学生的实践创新能力, 教育教学论坛, 2017
11) 谭元捷,曹其新, 达兴鹏. 智慧工厂中移动机械臂流水线抓取问题研究- 机电一体化, 2017,9
2011 年发表的论文
Lei Zhang, Qixin CAO,Chuntao Leng, Aolin Tang, Fei Shi:The Development of Walking Assistant Robot for The Elderly,Key Engineering Materials Vols. 467-469 (2011) pp 1893-1898
2010 年发表的论文
1.Chuntao Leng, Qixin Cao, Charles Lo A motion control method for omni-directional mobile robots based on anisotropy, Industrial Robot: An International Journal,37/1 (2010), PP.23–35
2.Baoshun Li, Qixin Cao, Lei Zhang, Jay Lee, Chuntao Leng, Yaoliang Li A 3D Surface Modeling and Measuring System for Pneumatic Caisson, Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering(ASCE),24/3 (2010),PP.223-240
3.沈冬燕,曹其新, 基于速度交叉耦合的三轮全方位移动机器人多轴协调运动,机电一体化,2010,16(1),PP.50-52
4.Zhuang Fu, Fei Ni, Qixin Cao, Yanzheng Zhao, The facial texture analysis for the automatic portrait drawing, Z. Fu et al. /Pattern Recognition, 43 (2010), PP.962-971
5.Zhongwei Wang, Qixin Cao, Nan Luan, Lei Zhang, Development of an autonomous in-pipe robot for offshore pipeline maintenance, Industrial Robot: An International Journal, 37/2 (2010), PP.177-184
6.Yanwen Huang, Qixin Cao, Chuntao Leng, The path-tracking controller based on dynamic model with slip for one four-wheeled OMR, Industrial Robot: An International Journal, 37/2 (2010), PP.193-201.
7. Wenshan Wang, Qixin Cao, Chengcheng Deng, and Zhong Liu, Auto-Creation and Navigation of the Multi-area Topological Map for 3D Large-Scale Environment, LSMS/ICSEE 2010, LNBI 6330, pp. 307–315.
8. Leibin Yu, Qixin Cao, Changyong Li, and Changwu Qiu, On-line Planning of Nonholonomic Mobile Manipulators Based on Stability Twist Constraint, J. of the Braz.Soc.of Mech.Sci.&Eng. April-June 2010 ,Vol.XXXII, No.2, pp.165-170.
9. Zhen Zhang, Qixin Cao,Chuntao Leng, and Peihua Chen, A Simplified Modular Petri Net for the Walking Assistant Robot, Z. Zeng et al. LNEE 67, pp. 529-536.
10. Xiaoxiao Zhu, Qixin Cao, Hongbing Tan, and Aolin Tang, Omni-direction Vision Based Tracking and Guiding System for Walking Assistant Robot, Z. Zeng et al, LNEE 67,pp.537-543.
11. Aolin Tang, Qixin Cao, and Chuntao Leng, Fault Tolerant Control on Omnidirectional Soccer Robot with Motor Failure, Proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, July 6-9 2010, pp. 6466- 6469.
12. Fei Shi, Qixin Cao, Chuntao Leng, and Hongbing Tan, On Force Sensing-Controlled Human-Machine Interaction System For Walking Assistant Robot, Proceedings of the 8th Woeld Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, July 6-9 2010, pp. 6528-6533.
2009 年发表的论文
1.Zhang Zhen, Cao Qixin, Charles Lo, Design and Integration of a Modular Platform for Indoor Mobile Robots, Advanced Computer Control, 2009. ICACC '09. International Conference on22-24 Jan. 2009, Page(s):560–565
2.Zhang Zhen, Cao Qixin, Lei Zhang and Charles Lo, A CORBA-based cooperative mobile robot system, Industrial Robot, 2009 Page(s):36-44
3.Zhuang Fu, Fei Ni, Qinxin Cao, Yanzheng Zhao, The facial texture analysis for the automatic portrait drawing, Pattern Recognition, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 7 July 2009
4.Changwu Qiu, Qixin Cao, Leibin Yu and Shouhong Miao, Improving the stability level for on-line planning of mobile manipulators, Robotica (2009) volume 27, pp. 389–402.
5.Zhang Zhen, Cao Qixin, Charles Lo and Zhang Lei, A CORBA-based simulation and control framework for mobile robots, Robotica (2009) volume 27, pp. 459–468.
6.庄慧敏, 曹其新, 探测车基于可视路标的全局定位, 欧宝app官方网站下载学报, 2009, 43(6),PP 871-874
7.张蕾, 曹其新, 李杰, 一种新型的自适应蚁群聚类算法, 欧宝app官方网站下载学报, 2009,43(6),PP 906-909
8.臧若兰, 曹其新, 非凸多面体碰撞检测简化算法, 机电一体化, 2009, 2, PP 51-53
9.基于CORBA的机器人功能组件开发与系统仿真.南京理工大学学报, 2009, 8, PP 110-116
10. Chuntao Leng, Qixin Cao, Motion planning for omni-directional mobile robots based on anisotropy and artificial potemtial field method , Industrial Robot: An International Journal,
Vol.36 No.5, 2009
11. Fiajun Gu, Qixin Cao, Path planning using hybrid grid representation on rough terrain, Industrial Robot, 2009 , Vol.36, No.5 pp497-502
12.Yang Yang, Qixin Cao, Charles Lo, and Zhen Zhang, Pose Estination Based on Four Coplanar Point Correspondences, 2009 Sixth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery Vol.5, pp410
13.Chuntao Leng, Qixin Cao, and Charles Lo, An Improved Sliding Mode Control Method for Omni-directional mobile robots based on motion characteristics, CMIT2009, The 2009 International Conference on Mechatronics and Information Technology, December 3-5, 2009, Gwangju, Korea2009
14. 王忠巍, 曹其新,栾楠,张蕾, 基于强化学习的自主移动机器人反应式自救控制, 欧宝app官方网站下载学报, 2009, 43(11),PP 1751-1755
15.李长勇, 曹其新,郭峰, 基于主色直方图特征匹配的蔬果分类方法, 欧宝app官方网站下载学报 2009
16.Changyong Li, Qixin Cao,and Feng Guo,A Method for color classification of fruits based on machine vision, WSEAS Transactions on Systems, 2009, 8(2):312-321(EI:20092412121231)
17. Bao shun Li, Lo Vui Hong, Qixin Cao, Lei Zhang, Jay Lee, A 3D Curve Grouping Methods and Its application, the 2009 Conference on Environment Science and Information application Technology. July 4-5,2009, Wuhan,China
18. Outlier mining based abnormal machine detection in intelligent maintenance, Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2009,14(6):695-700
19. 吴晓,曹其新, 基于颜色和区域运动目标识别的研究, 广西大学学报(自然科学版), 2009年 03期
20. 陆顺寿, 曹其新, 开展创新实践教学 提高当代大学生综合素质, 实验室研究与探索, 2009年 09期
21. PeiHua Chen, Qixin Cao, Charles Lo, Zhen Zhang, and Yang Yang, Robot Virtual Assembly Based on Collision Detection in Java3D, Artificial Intelligence and Computational Intelligence, Volume 5855/2009, pp. 270-277
22.Changwu Qiu, Qixin Cao and Shouhong Miao,An on-line task modification method for singularity avoidance of robot manipulators, Robotica, Jul, 2009, Vol.27,No.4
23.Zhuang Hui Ming, Cao Qixin , Global localization of explorer based on visible landmarks, Shanghai Jiaotong Daxue Xuebao, Jun,2009, pp 871-874.
24. Cao Qixin, Zhang Zhen, Wang Xuan, Fan Zheng, Yang Yang, Development and simulations of robot technology components based on CORBA, Nanjing Li Gong Daxue Xuebao, Aug, 2009,pp110-116.
25.Zhang Lei, Cao Qixin, Lee Jay, A new self-adaptive clustering algorithm based on ant swarm, Shanghai Jiaotong Daxue Xuebao, Jun,2009,pp 906-909.
2008 年发表的论文
1. Modeling and analysis of the dynamics of an omni-directional mobile manipulators system, journal of intelligent and robotic systems, 2008,52(1): 101-120 (SCI:000254964000004, EI:081911237778), impactor: 0.459 (2007)
2. Resolve redundancy with constraints for obstacle and singularity avoidance subgoals, International journal of roboticsand automation, 2008,23(1):22-30 (SCI:000246987000037, EI:081411184694), impactor
3. Hierarchical and Distributed Autonomous Navigation for Lunar Rover, Proceedings of the SICE Annual Conference 2008
4. Trajectory planning based on hand operation for the un-redundant arm of service robot,WSEAS TRANSACTIONS onSYSTEMS,2008, Volume 7,pp.759-768
5. Fruit location and stem detection method for strawberry harvesting robot, Transactions of the CSAE, 2008,24(10):89-94
6. 类人机器人脚面扭滑建模与分析, 高技术通讯, 2008, 2:147-150.
7. 基于信息融合的海底管道机器人自主定位控制, 欧宝app官方网站下载学报, 2008, 42(10):1707-1711.(EI Accessionnumber: 084811749968)
8. 海底管道检测机器人智能控制器的研制, 高技术通讯, 2008, 18(2):142-146. (EI Accession number: 081111147434)
9. 基于多传感器数据融合的管道机器人精确定位技术, 机器人, 2008, 30(3):238-241. (EI Accession number:082611337388)
10. 一种无人化气压沉箱三维地貌建模、测量及避碰系统, 欧宝app官方网站下载学报, 2008, 42 (10): 1717-1720
11. 基于机器视觉的烟箱包装带识别定位算法研究, 华中科技大学学报, 2008, 36(s1):61-65 (EI:084811749630)
12. 基于权值模板匹配算法的全自主足球机器人目标识别, 厦门大学学报(自然科学版), 2008,47(6)
13. 白点定位图像处理算法, 中国矿业大学学报, 2008, 37(6):830-833
14. Development of new pipeline maintenance system for repairing early-built offshore oil pipelines, 2008 IEEEInternational Conference on Integration Technology (IEEE ICIT 2008), Chengdu, China, April 21-24, 2008, pp.1-6.(EI Accession number: 084411670088)
15. An approach of manipulator control for service-robot FISR-1 based on motion imitating, pp.1-5,IEEEICIT2008,Chengdu,China, Apr 21-24 2008
16. BGA焊点气孔缺陷的特殊结构光质量检测, 微型电脑应用, 2008年10期
17. 面向移动机器人的拓扑地图自动生成, 华中科技大学学报(自然科学版),2008年S1期
18. 晶圆对心转台亚微米级径跳误差补偿方法, 机械工程学报, 2008年09期
19. 基于颜色和区域的运动目标识别, 科技信息(科学教研),2008年25期
20.基于计算机仿真的全景视觉镜面设计, 微计算机信息, 2008年16期
21. 一种新的白点定位图像处理算法, 西南科技大学学报,2008年9月Vol.23 No.3
22.Machine Performance Degradation Assessment Based on PCA-FCMAC,Natural Computation, 2008. ICNC '08. Fourth International Conference on,Volume 2,18-20 Oct. 2008 Page(s):443–447
23. New wafer prealigner based on multi-sensor fusion,Intelligent Control and Automation, 2008. WCICA 2008. 7th World Congress on,25-27 June 2008 Page(s):3455–3458
24. Development of new pipeline maintenance system for repairing early-built offshore oil pipelines,Industrial Technology, 2008. ICIT 2008. IEEE International Conference on,21-24 April 2008 Page(s):1–6
25. The development of a wafer prealigner based on the multi-sensor integration,Assembly Automation 2008 Page(s): 77-82
26. Wafer prealigning robot based on shape center calculation, The Industrial Robot. Bedford: 2008. Vol. 35, Iss. 6; p. 536
27. A new method for facial features quantification of caricature based on self-reference model, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (IJPRAI),Volume: 22,No.8Year:2008,pp:1647-1668
28.Overview of design and R&D of solid breeder TBM in China, Fusion Engineering and Design 83 (2008) 1149–1156
29. A Self-adaptive Predictive Policy for Pursuit-evasion Game, Journal of Information Science and Engineering 24, 1397-1407 (2008)
30.A Motion Planning Method for Omni-directional Mobile Robot Based on the Anisotropic Characteristics,International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, Vol. 5, No. 4 (2008),ISSN 1729-8806, pp. 327-340
2007 年发表的论文
1.Image processing method for eyes location based on segmentation texture, Sensors and Actuators A 143 (2008) 439–451
2. A Distributed Control and Simulation System for Dual Arm Mobile Robot, Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation, 2007. CIRA 2007. International Symposium on, 20-23 June 2007 Page(s):450–455
3. An evolutional artificial potential field algorithm based on the anisotropy of omnidirectional mobile robot, Proceedings of the SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Dec. 2007,67942C-1-6
4. An amendatory dynamic model with slip for four-wheeled omnidirectional mobile robot, Proceedings of the SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Dec. 2007,pages: 1-6
5. An image processing approach for jigsaw puzzle assembly, Assembly Automation ,2007: vol.27, no.1 ,Page(s) 25-30
6. 四轮全方位移动机器人各向相异性研究, 智能系统学报, 2007年03期
7. 面向服务机器人的简易编程环境设计, 欧宝app官方网站下载学报,2007年 11期
8. 基于激光三维扫描的沉箱地貌显示系统研究, 机电工程技术, 2007年 11期
9. NIR Hyperspectral Imaging Measurement of Sugar Content in Peach Using PLS Regression,欧宝app官方网站下载学报(英文版),2007年 05期
10. 肖像漫画绘制机器人技术研究,自然杂志, 2007年 04期
11. 基于Java 3D的仿人型机器人三维仿真,欧宝app官方网站下载学报,2007年 08期
12. 肖像绘制机器人的漫画处理方法,欧宝app官方网站下载学报, 2007年 08期
13. 基于压应力中心的仿人机器人离散轨迹运动控制,欧宝app官方网站下载学报,2007年 08期
14. 基于多方位视觉的果实形状特征的提取研究,农业工程学报,2007年 07期
15. 基于CORBA技术的机器人模块化设计的研究进展,机器人技术与应用,2007年 03期
16. RoboCup比赛环境下足球机器人路径规划研究, 智能系统学报,2007年04期
17.A New Wafer Prealigner,Robotic Welding, Intelligence and Automation,Volume 362/2007,pp. 501-508
2006 年发表的论文
1.Redundant Manipulator Control with Constraints for Subgoals,Automation Science and Engineering, 2006. CASE '06. IEEE International Conference on,8-10 Oct. 2006 Page(s):212 - 217
2. Velocity Analysis of Omnidirectional Mobile Robot and System Implementation,Automation Science and Engineering, 2006. CASE '06. IEEE International Conference on,8-10 Oct. 2006 Page(s):81–86
3. Operation Principle of a Bend Enhanced Curvature Optical Fiber Sensor,Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2006 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on,9-15 Oct. 2006 Page(s):1966–1971
4. An Evolutionary Artificial Potential Field Algorithm for Dynamic Path Planning of Mobile Robot,Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2006 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on,9-15 Oct. 2006 Page(s):3331–3336
5. Multiagent cooperation based entertainment robot,ROBOTICA,SEP-OCT 2006,vol.: 24 ,pages: 643-648
6. 一种变化光线下的拼图机器人识别系统,机电一体化, 2006年 05期
7. 双臂移动机器人三维仿真与离线编程系统的研究,机电一体化,2006年 05期
8.自行直立双轮移动机器人设计与实现,欧宝app官方网站下载学报,2006年 11期
9. 对抗环境下足球机器人路径规划,欧宝app官方网站下载学报, 2006年 11期
10. 机器人图标化编程环境的设计及实现,机器人, 2006年 06期
11. 双臂移动机器人的图形化编程与仿真控制系统(英文),系统仿真学报,2006年 09期
12. 基于机器视觉的镀锌板粉化区域的提取方法,华中科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2006年 09期
13. 基于短期预测的追捕方法,欧宝app官方网站下载学报,2006年 07期
14. 基于GPRS的公路隧道太阳能照明监测及控制系统,机电一体化,2006年 03期
15. 一种基于群体智能聚类的设备性能横向比较算法,欧宝app官方网站下载学报,2006年 03期
16. 基于视觉和里程计信息融合的移动机器人自定位,机器人, 2006年 03期
17. 一种时变非线性系统的自适应逆控制仿真,系统仿真学报,2006年03期
2005 年发表的论文
1. A binocular machine vision system for ball grid array package inspection,Assembly Automation , vol.25, no.3 ,pages: 217-22 /2005
2. Adaptive inverse control of an omni-directional mobile robot,Advances in Natural Computation. First International Conference, ICNC 2005. Proceedings, Part III (Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 3612),pages:723-6|lxi+1326/2005
3. Auto-bonding robot for space solar cells,Robotica ,vol.23, pt.5 pages:561-5 /Sept.-Oct. 2005
4. 基于全景视觉与里程计的移动机器人自定位方法研究, 机器人,2005年 01期
5. A Modified Clustering Algorithm Based on Swarm Intelligence,Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Advances in Natural Computation,Volume 3612/2005,pages:535-542
6. 简化线形大分子的动力学建模与仿真, 欧宝app官方网站下载学报,2005年 12期
7. 基于OHTA颜色空间的瓜果轮廓提取方法, 农业机械学报,2005年 11期
8. 一种多尺度墨点分布算法及硬件实现, 计算机工程与应用,2005年 29期
9. 机器人图形化编程与三维仿真环境, 机器人, 2005年 05期
10. 基于PCA-CMAC的设备性能退化评估(英文), 东南大学学报(英文版),2005年 03期
11. 空间太阳能电池串自动布贴系统的研究, 机械设计与制造,2005年 07期
12. 压电型惯性冲击机构的驱动波形分析, 压电与声光,2005年 03期
13. A Machine Vision System for Ball Grid Array Package Inspection, 欧宝app官方网站下载学报(英文版),2005年 02期
14. 空间太阳电池封装机器人, 欧宝app官方网站下载学报,2005年 06期
15. 具有双负压吸盘的爬壁机器人吸附特性, 欧宝app官方网站下载学报,2005年 06期
16. 基于信任度分配的小脑模型节点控制器改进算法及其收敛性分析, 欧宝app官方网站下载学报,2005年 03期
17. 海底管道检测机器人自主缺陷定位的模糊控制研究, 机器人,2005年 03期
18. 设备退化状态识别的两种方法, 机床与液压,2005年 01期
19. A Modified Clustering Algorithm Based on Swarm Intelligence
, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3612/2005,pp. 535–542
2004 年发表的论文
1.Study on quality control in the bonding processing of space solar cell, Business of Electronic Product Reliability and Liability, 2004 International Conference on, Apr 27-30, 2004 Page(s):9 – 12
2. A machine vision system of ball grid array inspection on RT-Linux OS, Business of Electronic Product Reliability and Liability, 2004 International Conference on, Apr 27-30, 2004 Page(s):81 – 85
3. Solar cell crack inspection by image processing, Business of Electronic Product Reliability and Liability, 2004 International Conference on, Apr 27-30, 2004 Page(s):77 – 80
4. Study on color image processing based intelligent fruit sorting system, Intelligent Control and Automation, 2004. WCICA 2004. Fifth World Congress on, Volume 6, 15-19 June 2004 Page(s):4802 - 4805 Vol.6
5. Robust mobile robot on-the-fly localization: using geometrical feature matching method, Intelligent Control and Automation, 2004. WCICA 2004. Fifth World Congress on, Volume 6, 15-19 June 2004 Page(s):4749 - 4753 Vol.6
6. Adhesive dispensing robot used for the bonding operation of space solar cell, Intelligent Control and Automation, 2004. WCICA 2004. Fifth World Congress on, Volume 6, 15-19 June 2004 Page(s):4745 - 4748 Vol.6
7. An object tracking and global localization method using omnidirectional vision system, Intelligent Control and Automation, 2004. WCICA 2004. Fifth World Congress on, Volume 6, 15-19 June 2004 Page(s):4730 - 4735 Vol.6
8. A hybrid one-by-one learning with incremental learning algorithm in CMAC, Intelligent Control and Automation, 2004. WCICA 2004. Fifth World Congress on, Volume 3, 15-19 June 2004 Page(s):2415 - 2418 Vol.3
9. Frontier-I: an autonomous mobile robot for multi-robot tasks, Intelligent Control and Automation, 2004. WCICA 2004. Fifth World Congress on, Volume 5, 15-19 June 2004 Page(s):4676 - 4680 Vol.5
10. Advanced Credit-Assignment CMAC Algorithm for Robust Self-Learning and Self-Maintenance Machine, 清华大学学报(英文版),2004年 05期
11. An object tracking and global localization method using the cylindrical projection of omnidirectional image,哈尔滨工业大学学报(英文版),2004年 05期
12. A feature extraction and correspondence algorithm for laser range finder with sensor uncertainty, 哈尔滨工业大学学报(英文版),2004年 04期
13. 自主式足球机器人的信息与知识传播, 华中科技大学学报(自然科学版),2004年 S1期
14. 激光和全维视觉融合的移动机器人自定位(英文), 华中科技大学学报(自然科学版),2004年 S1期
15. 基于多线程的钢管智能探伤系统. 计算机工程与应用,2004年 31期
16. Inverse Perturbation Method for Inverse Eigenvalue Problem Based on Finite Element Analysis, 东华大学学报(英文版),2004年 01期
17. 简化线形大分子动力学模型, 系统仿真学报,2004年 10期
18. 基于USB2.0协议的大容量数据传输模块设计, 计算机工程与应用, 2004年 13期
19. 面向智能维护的嵌入式无线预诊断智能体技术, 机械设计与研究,2004年 02期
20. 全方位高速瓜果图像采集系统的研究, 农业工程学报,2004年 02期
21. 机械结构动力优化振型反问题求解的逆摄动方法, 起重运输机械, 2004年 02期
22.A Modi?ed CMAC Algorithm Based on Credit Assignment, Neural Processing Letters 20: 1–10, 2004.Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
23. Development and applications of wall-climbing robots with a single suction cup,Robotica ,Vol.22,No.6 (Nov. 2004),pp.643-648
2003 年发表的论文
1. 基于蓝牙模块的导诊服务机器人无线通讯系统设计, 中国康复医学杂志, 2003年 11期
2. 洗衣机远程监控系统的研究与应用, 机械与电子,2003年 02期
3. 蓝牙无线通讯技术在AGV中的应用, 机械与电子, 2003年 02期
4. 基于视觉伺服的倒立摆实验平台的研究, 机械设计与研究,2003年 04期
5. 基于GPS的联合收割机智能测产仪器研制, 机电工程, 2003年 02期
6. 太阳能电池自动封装系统的研究, 组合机床与自动化加工技术,2003年 08期
7. 基于模糊彩色聚类方法的西红柿缺陷分割研究, 农业工程学报, 2003年 03期
8. 神经网络在机器人运动控制中的应用研究, 机械科学与技术,2003年 02期
9. 具有输入饱和特性的中型足球机器人运动控制研究, 计算机工程与应用, 2003年 18期
10. 远程监控技术在信息家电领域的研究与应用, 计算机工程与应用, 2003年 17期
11. 中型自主式足球机器人平台设计回顾, 机器人, 2003年 04期
12. 移动机器人多目标彩色视觉跟踪系统, 机器人,2003年 01期
2002 年发表的论文
1. RV12L-6R焊接机器人动力学分析及计算机仿真研究, 应用科学学报, 2002年 03期
2. RV12L-6R机器人轨迹规划及其应用研究, 机械设计与研究, 2002年 01期
3. 基于计算机图形学的机器人臂部构型分析及工作空间仿真研究, 机电工程, 2002年 03期
4. 机器人奇异形位分析及协调控制方法, 欧宝app官方网站下载学报, 2002年 08期
5. 6R机器人轨迹规划及其在焊接中的应用, 机械设计, 2002年 10期
1. 秧苗嫁接机器人视觉与识别的研究, 农业机械学报, 2001年 04期
2. 基于彩色图像处理的西红柿品质特征的提取研究, 机器人, 2001年 S1期
3. 神经网络在机器人路径规划中的应用研究, 机器人, 2001年 S1期
4. IVECO横梁焊接机器人轨迹规划及计算机仿真研究, 机器人, 2001年 S1期
5. 轮式移动机器人WMR的运动分析, 机器人, 2001年 S1期
1999 年发表的论文
1. 草莓拣选机器人的开发, 欧宝app官方网站下载学报, 1999年 07期
2. 基于神经网络的黄瓜等级判别, 农业机械学报, 1999年 06期
3. 种盘秧苗生产中图像处理与机器人技术, 农业机械学报, 1999年 05期
4.Orientation and Shape Extraction of Strawberry by Color Image Processing, ASAE, No. 993161
1. 日本蔬菜和水果拣选机器人的发展状况, 机械设计与研究, 1998年 04期
1997 年发表的论文
1. Molecular analysis of T cell receptor beta variability in a patient with orofacial granulomatosis, Gut. London: May 1997. Vol. 40, Iss. 5; p. 683 (4 pages)
1995 年发表的论文
1. 神经网络理论在土壤侵蚀预报方面应用的探讨,水土保持学报, 1995年 01期