Educational Background
2003-2006, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Ph.D
Professional Experience
2018-now Full Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering,Shanghai Jiao Tong University
2010-2018 Associate Professor,School of Mechanical Engineering,Shanghai Jiao Tong University
2008-2010 Assistant Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering,Shanghai Jiao Tong University
2006-2008 Postdoc, School of Mechanical Engineering,Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Visit and Post Experience
Oct.2011-Oct.2012 Research Fellow(Funded by China Scholarship Council), Harvard Medical School
Sep.2013-Dec.2013 Visiting Professor,TIMC-IMAG(CNRS,France)
Jun.2015-Aug.2015 Visiting Professor, OMFS-IMPATH lab(KU Leuven, Belgium)
Jun.2016-Aug.2016 Visiting Professor, CISTIB lab(the University of Sheffield, UK)
Research Interests
Prof. Xiaojun Chen is with Institute of Biomedical Manufacturing, School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), China. He received his Ph.D from SJTU in 2006, and then furthered his research as a postdoctoral fellow at the same institution until 2008. After that, he has been working at SJTU as assistant professor (2008-2010), associate professor (2010-2018), and full professor(2018-now). His research focuses on biomedical image analysis, image-guided interventions, artificial intelligence in biomedical physics and analysis, VR/AR/MR technology in medicine, medical robotics, biomedical manufacturing, etc. As a visiting professor, he had worked at the Surgical Planning Laboratory, Harvard Medical School during Oct 2011~ Oct 2012; the TIMC-IMAG lab, CNRS, France during Sep~Dec 2013; the OMFS-IMPATH lab, KU Leuven, Belgium during Jun~Aug 2015, and the CISTIB lab, the University of Sheffield, UK during Jun~ Aug 2016.
He is the author and co-author of more than 200 peer-reviewed journal/conference articles in MedIA, IEEE-TMI, IEEE-TBME, IEEE-TVCG, CMIG, CMPB, IJCARS, etc., the owner of more than 30 patents, and have delivered more than 50 lectures in the prestigious international conferences including IEEE-EMBC, IEEE-ITAB, MICCAI, CARS, iSMIT, CAI, etc. He was granted Second Prize of National Science & Technology Progress Award of China (2019), Chinese Society of Stomatology Science and Technology Award (2018), Jiangsu Province Science & Technology Award (2017), China Medical Science and Technology Award (2016), Shanghai Science & Technology Award (2010), Shanghai Medical Science & Technology Award (2008).
Research Projects
He is the PI of more than 30 research projects, including eight funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China(One key project), two funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China(MOST), and several international collaboration projects including PHC-Cai Yuanpei and Xu Guangqi Program (China-France), NSFC-RS Cooperation and Exchange Program (China-UK), NSFC-DFG Cooperation and Mobility Exchange Program(China-Germany), NSFC-STINT Cooperation Project(China-Sweden), NSFC Joint Research Fund for Overseas Scholars (China-Belgium), MOST International Cooperation Project(China-Israel), International Research Project Funded by Shanghai municipal government (China-USA-Austria), etc.
Selected Publications
He is the author and co-author of more than 200 peer-reviewed journal/conference articles in Medical Image Analysis, IEEE-TMI, etc. The recent journal papers are as follows:
(1) Puxun Tu, Hongfei Ye, Haochen Shi, Jeff Young, Meng Xie, Peiquan Zhao, Ce Zheng, Xiaoyi Jiang, Xiaojun Chen.Phase-specific augmented reality guidance for microscopic cataract surgery using spatiotemporal fusion network. Information Fusion. 2025;113:102604.
(2) Jiangchang Xu, Yining Wei, Shuanglin Jiang, Huifang Zhou, Yinwei Li, Xiaojun Chen. Intelligent surgical planning for automatic reconstruction of orbital blowout fracture using a prior adversarial generative network. Medical Image Analysis. 2025; 99:103332.
(3) Haitao Li , Xingqi Fan , Baoxin Tao, Wenying Wang, Yiqun Wu, Xiaojun Chen. ZygoPlanner: A three-stage graphics-based framework for optimal preoperative planning of zygomatic implant placement. Medical Image Analysis. 2025; 101: 103401.
(4) Bolun Zeng, Huixiang Wang, Xingguang Tao, Haochen Shi, Leo Joskowicz, Xiaojun Chen. A bidirectional framework for fracture simulation and deformation-based restoration prediction in pelvic fracture surgical planning. Medical Image Analysis. 2024; 97:103267.
(5) Jiaxuan Liu , Haitao Li, Bolun Zeng , Huixiang Wang, Ron Kikinis, Leo Joskowicz, Xiaojun Chen. An End-to-End Geometry-Based Pipeline for Automatic Preoperative Surgical Planning of Pelvic Fracture Reduction and Fixation. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging.2025; 44(1):79-91
(6) Enpeng Wang, Yueang Liu, Puxun Tu, Zeike A. Taylor, Xiaojun Chen. Video-based Soft Tissue Deformation Tracking for Laparoscopic Augmented Reality-based Navigation in Kidney Surgery. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging.2024; 43(12):4161-4173
(7) Bolun Zeng, Huixiang Wang, Jiangchang Xu, Puxun Tu, Leo Joskowicz, Xiaojun Chen. Two-Stage Structure-focused Contrastive Learning for Automatic Identification and Localization of Complex Pelvic Fractures. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 2023. 42(9): 2751-2762
(8) Bolun Zeng, Li Chen, Yuanyi Zheng, Xiaojun Chen. Adaptive Multi-dimensional Weighted Network with Category-aware Contrastive Learning for Fine-grained Hand Bone Segmentation. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics.2024;28(7):3985-3996. (Cover and featured paper)
(9) Yi Zhang, Bolun Zeng, Jia Li, Yuanyi Zheng, Xiaojun Chen. A Multi-Task Transformer with Local-Global Feature Interaction and Multiple Tumoral Region Guidance for Breast Cancer Diagnosis. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. 2024;28(11): 6840-6853.
(10) Jiangchang Xu, Jie Gao, Shuanglin Jiang, Chunliang Wang, Örjan Smedby, Yiqun Wu, Xiaoyi Jiang, Xiaojun Chen. Automatic Segmentation of Bone Graft in Maxillary Sinus Via Distance Constrained Network Guided by Prior Anatomical Knowledge. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. 2024; DOI: 10.1109/JBHI.2024.3505262.
(11) Mingjun Gong, Xiaojun Chen. 3D Surface-Closed Mesh Clipping Based on Polygonal Partitioning for Surgical Planning. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 2024; 30 (7): 3374-3385.
(12) Yizhou Chen, Shuojie Gao, Puxun Tu, Xiaojun Chen. Automatic 3D Teeth Reconstruction from Five Intra-oral Photos Using Parametric Teeth Model. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 2024;30(8): 4780-4791.
(13) Puxun Tu, Pingping Hu, Junfeng Wang, Xiaojun Chen. From Coarse to Fine: Non-Rigid Sparse-Dense Registration for Deformation-Aware Liver Surgical Navigation. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 2024; 71(9): 2663-2677.
(14) Puxun Tu, Chunxia Qin, Yan Guo, Dongyuan Li, Abel J Lungu, Huixiang Wang, Xiaojun Chen. Ultrasound image guided and mixed reality-based surgical system with real-time soft tissue deformation computing for robotic cervical pedicle screw placement. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 2022; 69 (8): 2593 2603
Other Professional Activities
He is the Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Medical Engineering & Physics(Elsevier), executive editorial board member of Physics in Medicine & Biology (IOP), associate editor of Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics(Elsevier), Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine (Springer), Computer Assisted Surgery(Taylor & Francis), IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics, and editorial board member of International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (Springer), International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery (Wiley), etc., a guest editor of Frontiers Robotics and AI and a scientific board member of the CAI (the International Academy of Computer Aided Implantology) academy, the DDS (the International Digital Dentistry Society), Chinese Digital Orthopedics Society of SICOT (the Société Internationale de Chirurgie Orthopédique et de Traumatologie), Medical Imaging Committee of the Chinese Society of Image and Graphics (CSIG), Expert Committee of the Chinese Medical Robot Standardization, etc. Since 2008, he has been a regular reviewer of MedIA, IEEE-TMI, IEEE-TBME, IEEE-JBHI, IEEE-TMECH, IJCARS, IJMRCAS, CMIG, CMPB, CIBM, CMBBE, ERMD, PMB, MEP, CAS, JIM, JMIHI, JHE, etc. and edited 4 special issues for Frontiers Robotics and AI and Electronics (Bioelectronics Section). Especially, he was awarded IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging Distinguished Reviewer and Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics Outstanding Reviewer in 2022, and also named in "the worlds top 2% of Scientists List" in the field of Biomedical Engineering in 2023 and 2024 (Elsevier Data Repository).
Honors and Awards
2019 National Science & Technology Progress Award
2018 Chinese Society of Stomatology Science and Technology Award
2017 Jiangsu Province Science & Technology Award
2016 China Medical Science and Technology Award
2009 Shanghai Science & Technology Award
2007 Shanghai Medical Science & Technology Award