Selected Publications
1.Shihang Chen, Fang Wang, Yanping Lin*, Qiusheng Shi and Yanli Wang. Ultrasound-guided needle insertion robotic system for percutaneous puncture. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery. 2021, 16(3): 475–484.
2.Shihang Chen, Zhaojun Li, Yanping Lin*, Fang Wang, and Qixin Cao. Automatic ultrasound scanning robotic system with optical waveguide-based force measurement.International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery.DOI:10.1007/s11548-021-02385-2.
3.Shi, Jiangang, Hou, Yang, Lin, Yanping, Chen, Huajiang, Yuan, Wen. Role of Visuohaptic Surgical Training Simulator in Resident Education of Orthopedic Surgery. World Neurosurgery. 2018, 3, 111:e98-e104
4.Hou, Yang; Shi, Jiangang; Chen, Huajiang; Yuan, Wen; Lin, Yanping; Yuan, W. Virtual surgery simulation versus traditional approaches in training of residents in cervical pedicle screw placement. Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery, 2018.6, 138(6): 777~782.
5.Hou Y, Yanping L, Shi J, Chen H, Yuan W. Effectiveness of the Thoracic Pedicle Screw Placement Using the Virtual Surgical Training System: A Cadaver Study. 2018, 15(6):677-685.
6.王振寰,黄永辉,林艳萍, 等.骨组织钻削过程有限元模拟研究进展[J].欧宝app官方网站下载学报(医学版),2018,38(5):561-564.
7.侯洋,梁磊,林艳萍, 等.虚拟手术仿真在脊柱外科医师教学培养及手术训练中的应用及展望[J].脊柱外科杂志,2018,16(3):174-178.
9.侯洋,梁磊,林艳萍, 等.基于力反馈的虚拟手术训练系统在骨科住院医师临床教学中的应用[J].脊柱外科杂志,2018,16(5):293-296.
10.Lin Y, Chen H, Yu D, Zhang Y, Yuan W. A predictive bone drilling force model for haptic rendering with experimental validation using fresh cadaveric bone. Int J Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery. 2017;12(1):91-8.(SCI)
11.Xiaojie Guo, Yanping Lin, Xiangsen Zeng, Huixiang Wang, Fang Wang. N-wedge phantom-based closed-form freehand ultrasound spatial calibration. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery. 2016,11(supp1): S224-S225.
12.Liu, Zhixu, Lin, Yanping, Zhang, Lei, Yang, Chi, Shen, Steve GF, Wang, Xudong. Endoscopic-Assisted Navigation-Guided Removal of Long-standing Metallic Foreign Body Near to the Sphenoid. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery. 2015,26(2):122-124.
13.Lin Yanping, Yu Dedong, Chen Xiaojun, Wang Xudong, Shen Guofang, Wang Chengtao。 Simulation and Evaluation of Bone Sawing Procedure for Orthognathic Surgery Based on Experimental Force Model. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, ASME. 2014,136(3), p034501-1-7. (SCI,IF:1.748)
14.Yanping Lin,Xudong Wang; Fule Wu; Xiaojun Chen; Chengtao Wang; Guofang Shen.Development and validation of a surgical training simulator with haptic feedback for learning bone-sawing skill. Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 2014(48), p122-129. (SCI,IF:2.482)
15.Lin Yanping, Chen Xiaojun, Ye Ming, Wang Xudong, Shen Guofang and Wang Chengtao. A pilot application of image-guided navigation system in mandibular angle reduction surgery. Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery (2010) 63, p593-e596.(SCI,IF:1.660).
16.Yan-ping Lin, Cheng-tao Wang, Ke-rong Dai. Reverse engineering in CAD model reconstruction of customized artificial joint. Medical engineering & physics. v 27, n 2, March, 2005, p 189-193(ISI:000226651500010 EI:05048798838)(他引57次)(SCI,IF:2.216)
17.Lin Yanping, Zhang Shilei, Chen Xiaojun, Wang Chengtao. A novel method in the design & fabrication of dental splint. The international journal of advanced manufacturing technology. 28 (9): 919-922 APR 2006.(SCI,IF:1.205)
18.Lin Yanping , Zhang Shilei Chen Xiaojun, Wang Chengtao. Computer-Aided Surgical Simulation and Navigation in Reconstruction of Old Complicated Cranio-maxillofacial Fractures. 2011 3rd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Technology (ICBBT 2011). Procedia Environmental Sciences 2011, 8: 536 – 542. ICESB 2011: 25-26 November 2011, Maldives.(EI)
19.Lin Yanping, Wang Xudong, Chen Xiaojun, Wang Chengtao. An Image-Guided Navigation System for Mandibular Angle Surgery. The 4th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE 2010).ISSN:2151-7614 .18-20 June 2010 .Chengdu .(EI)
20.Wang Xudong, Lin Yanping, Yu Hongbo, Cheng Andrew Hua-an, Sun Hao ,Wang Chengtao,Shen, Guofang. Image-Guided Navigation in Optimizing Surgical Management of Craniomaxillofacial Fibrous Dysplasia. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery. 2011, 22(5): 1552-1556. (SCI)
21.Zhang Jianguo, Lin Yanping, Wang Chengtao, Liu Zhihong, Yang Qingming. Criteria of human-computer interface design for computer assisted surgery systems. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (English edition). 2008, 13(5): 538–541.
22.Chen Xiaojun, Lin Yanping, Wu Yiqun, Wang Chengtao. Real-time motion tracking in image-guided oral implantology. The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery. 2008;4(4):339-347.
23.X.D. Wang, Y.P. Lin, G.F. Shen, S.L. Zhang, M. Cai, H. Yuan, H.B. Yu, C.T. Wang. Navigation surgery for fibrous dysplasia in the cranio-maxillofacial regions. International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. 2009, Vol 38, No.5 p:522
24.X.D. Wang, Y.P. Lin, G.F. Shen, S.L. Zhang, M. Cai, H. Yuan, H.B. Yu, C.T. Wang. Precise temporomandibular joint glenoid fossa reconstruction by self-developed navigation system. International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. 2009, Vol 38, No.5 p:592
25.Lin Yanping, Wang Chengtao, Chen Xiaojun. Real-time Navigation in Orthognathic Surgery. 2005 27th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.
26.Chen Xiaojun, Lin Yanping, Wang Chengtao, Shen Guofang, Zhang Shilei, Wang Xudong. A surgical navigation system for oral and maxillofacial surgery and its application in the treatment of old zygomatic fractures. The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery. 2011;7(1):42-50