Research Projects
Coordination between geometry and performance for metal forming-additive manufacturing of integrally stiffened cylinders, Sub-project of National Program on Basic Research Project of China, ¥5,100,000, (Participator), 01/2018-12/2022
High-performance Ultra-High-Strength Steel, National Key R&D Program of China(2017YFB0304400), ¥15,000,000, (Participator), 01/2018-12/2022
Research on Advanced hot stamping technology and Its Industralization, Baosteel Co., Ltd., ¥970,000, (PI), 04/2017-03/2019
Forming Technology for Complex Thin-walled Stainless Steel Corrugated Side Wall,
CRRC Qingdao Sifang Co., Ltd, ¥700,000, (PI), 01/2018-01/2019
Size effect and Control for stator lamination manufacturing with ultra-thin electrical steel sheets, Joint Funds of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (U1360203), ¥2,000,000, (PI), 01/2014-12/2017
Thermal-mechanical Fatigue Life Prediction for hot stamping die, Baosteel Co., Ltd., ¥1,150,000, (PI), 04/2015-4/2016
Plastic processing technology, mould and equipment, National Outstanding Youth Science Foundation(51222505), ¥1,000,000, (PI), 01/2013-12/2015
Residual Stress Regulation during machining for large-scale thinned-walled structures, National Program on Key Basic Research Project of China (973 Program), (2010CB731703), ¥3,900,000, (PI), 01/2010-08/2014
Numerical Simulation and Processing Optimization on Roller hemming for automotive panels, National High-tech R&D Program of China (863 Program) (2007AA04Z145), ¥650,000, (PI), 09/2007-08/2009
Selected Publications
[1] 林忠钦,李淑慧,于忠奇,蒋浩民,汽车板精益成形技术(国家自然科学基金研究专著),机械工业出版社,32万字,2009年,I S B N:9787111262299, 2010中国机械工业科学技术一等奖(著作类)
[2] 林忠钦,李淑慧,朱亚群,《车身覆盖件冲压成形仿真》 , 机械工业出版社, ISBN9787111152019,2007上海汽车工业教育基金会优秀著作一等奖
[3] 裴瑞琳,李淑慧,张延松,电机用电工钢,(英) Philip, Beckley著,欧宝app官方网站下载出版社 2018.3 (译著)
[31] Shuhui Li*, Ji He*, Bin Gu, Danielle Zeng, Z. CedricXia, Yixi Zhao, Zhongqin Lin, Anisotropic fracture of advanced high strength steel sheets: Experiment and theory, International Journal of Plasticity, 2018(103):95-118
[30] He Ji, Gu B, Li Y, Li S*. Forming Limits Under Stretch-Bending Through Distortionless and Distortional Anisotropic Hardening. ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 2018;140(12):121013-121013-14.
[29] He Ji, Shuhui Li*, Shanshuai Wang, Deformation behavior of sandwich hemispherical structure under axial compression at low temperature, Composite Structures, 2018, 203: 267-277
[28] Zou Danqing, Shuhui Li*, Ji He, The Deformation Induced Martensitic Transformation and Mechanical Behavior of Quenching and Partitioning steels under Complex Loading Process, Materials Science & Engineering A, 2018(715): 243-256
[27] Wang zhe, Shuhui Li*, Ronggao Cui, Xinke Wang, Weigang Zhang, Modeling of Surface Layer and Strain Gradient Hardening Effects on Micro-Bending of Non-oriented Silicon Steel Sheet, Materials Science & Engineering A, 2018(711) : 498~507
[26] Zhe Wang, Shuhui Li *, Ronggao Cui, Xinke Wang, Influence of Grain Size and Blanking Clearance on Magnetic Properties Deterioration of Non-Oriented Electrical Steel, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, 2018.200
[25] Cui R , Li S , Wang Z , et al. A modified residual stress dependent Jile-Atherton hysteresis model[J]. Journal of Magnetism & Magnetic Materials, 2018, 465: 578-584.
[24] Ji He, Shuhui Li*, Wang Zhe, Optimum clearance determination in blanking coarse-grained non-oriented electrical steel sheets: experiment and simulation, International Journal of Materials Forming,
[23] Bin Gu, JI HE, Shuhui Li, Yuan Chen, Yongfeng Li, Cyclic sheet metal test comparison and parameter calibration for springback prediction of dual phase steel sheets. ASME/Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2017,139(9).
[22] Danqing Zou, Shuhui Li*, Ji He. Temperature and Strain rate dependent Deformation Induced Martensitic Transformation and Flow Behavior of Quenching and Partitioning Steels [J]. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2017,680:54-63.
[21] Shanshuai Wang, Shuhui Li*, Ji He. Buckling Behavior of Sandwich Hemispherical Structure Considering Deformation Modes under Axial Compression[J]. Composite Structures, 2017,163:312-324.
[20] Dong L, Li S*, He J. Ductile fracture initiation of anisotropic metal sheets[J]. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2017, 26(7):3285-3298
[19] Dong L, Li S, He J, et al. Investigation on shearing and local formability of hot-rolled high strength plates[J]. Journal of Manufacturing Science & Engineering, 2016,138(9): 091001-091013.
[18] Shanshuai Wang,Shuhui Li,Ji He,Yixi Zhao.Asymmetric Postbuckling Behavior of Hemispherical Shell Structure Under Axial Compression [J]Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 2016, 138(1): 011005.
[17] Shuhui Li, Danqing Zou, Cedric Xia, Ji He. Effect of Strain Rate on Deformation-Induced Martensitic Transformation of Quenching and Partitioning Steels [J]. Steel Research International, 2016, 87(10): 1302-1311.
[16] Shuhui Li*, JiHe, YixiZhao, ShanshuaiWang, LiangDong, RonggaoCui, Theoretical failure investigation for sheet metals under hybrid stretch-bending loadings[J], International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2015, 104: 75–90
[15] Shuhui Li*, Bo Hou, Material Behavior Modeling in Machining Simulation of 7075-T651 Aluminum Alloy[J], ASME/Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 2014, 136: 1-14
[14] Shuhui Li*, Ji He, Z. Cedric Xia, Danielle Zeng, Bo Hou. Bifurcation Analysis of Forming Limits for an Orthotropic Sheet Metal[J]. ASME/Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2014, 136: 1-10.
[13] Hongqing Shen, Shuhui Li*, Xiaofeng Ni, G.L. Chen, A modified displacement adjustment method to compensate for surface deflections in the automobile exterior panels. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2013, 213(11): 1943–1953
[12] Shuhui Li*, Xianfeng Chen, Zhongqin Lin, Study on formability of tube hydroforming through elliptical die inserts[J], Journal of Materials Processing Tech,2012, 212: 1916
[11] Shuhui Li*, Xing Hu, Yixi Zhao, Zhongqin Lin, Nanqiao Xu,Cyclic hardening behavior of roller hemming in the case of aluminum alloy sheets[J], Materials & Design, 2011, 32: 2308
[10] Shuhui Li*, G.Zeng, Y.F.Ma, Y.J.Guo, X.M.Lai, Residual stresses in roll-formed square hollow sections[J], Thin-Walled Structures, 2009, 47: 505
[9] S.H.Li, G.Zeng, Y.F.Ma, Y.J.Guo, X.M.Lai, Residual stresses in roll-formed square hollow sections, Thin-Walled Structures, Thin-Walled Structures, vol.47, 2009: 505-513
[8] Xianghe Xu, Shuhui Li, Weigang Zhang, Zhongqin Lin, Analysis of thickness distribution of square-sectional hydroformed parts, Journal of Materials Processing & Technology, vol.209, No.16, 2009:158-164
[7] T.K. Shan, S.H. Li, W.G. Zhang, Z.G. Xu, Prediction of martensitic transformation and deformation behavior in the TRIP steel sheet forming, Materials and Design, vol.29, 2008: 1810-1816
[6] Shuhui Li*, YANG Bing, ZHANG Weigang, LIN Zhongqin, Loading path Prediction for tube hydroforming process using a fuzzy control strategy[J], Materials and Design, 2008, 29: 1110
[5] LI Shuhui, YANG Bing, ZHANG Weigang, LIN Zhongqin, Loading path Prediction for tube hydroforming process using a fuzzy control strategy, Materials and Design, vol.29, 2008: 1110-1116
[4] Shuhui Li, Xianghe Xu, Weigang Zhang, Zhongqin Lin. Study on the crushing and hydroforming processes of tubes in a trapezoid-sectional die, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. DOI: 10.1007/s00170-008-1702-3
[3] W.J. Dan, S.H. Li, W.G. Zhang, Z.Q. Lin, The effect of strain-induced martensitic transformation on mechanical properties of TRIP steel, Materials and Design, vol.29, No.3, 2008: 604-612
[2]Shuhui Li*, Dan W. J., Zhang W. G., Lin Z. Q., A model for strain-induced martensitic transformation of TRIP steel with pre-strain[J], Computational Materials Science, 2007, 40: 292-299
[1]Li Shuhui, Lin Zhongqin, Xu Weili, An improved equivalent drawbead model and its application, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, vol.121, 2002: 308-312
Conference Paper:
11.Chun Xu and Shuhui Li, Correlation between Strain and Exfoliating Performance of Galvannealed DP steels,2006 ASME International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering, October 8-11, 2006, Ypsilanti, MI, MSEC2006-21021
12.W. J. Dan, S. H. Li, W. G. Zhang and Z. Q. Lin, A TENSILE CHARACTERIZATION STUDY OF METAL SHEET IN LARGE-STRAIN, 2006 ASME International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering, October 8-11, 2006, Ypsilanti, MI, MSEC2006-21022 (EI 064810269885)
13.B.Yang, S.H.Li, P.Hu, Z.Q.Lin, W.G. Zhang. Finite element simulation of the tube preforming and hydroforming process for an automobile subframe, Proceedings of the International Conference on Tubehydroforming, Kyungju, Korea,10-11, Nov.2005. P: 96-100.