Selected Publications
Under review
1.Peng WANG, Chuangxin HE, Zhiwen DENG, Yingzheng LIU*, Data assimilation of flow-acoustic resonance, Journal of Sound and Vibration, submitted, 2021.1.19
2.Chuangxin He, Peng Wang, Yingzheng Liu*, Sequential Data Assimilation of the Turbulent Flow and Pressure Fields over an Aerofoil, Experiments in Fluids, 2021.1.18
3.Cai Tao, Yan Yong-Zhu, Park Yoonseong, Lee Taekyung, Peng Di, Liu Yingzheng, Ha Chang-Sik, Kim KYUNG CHUN*, Phosphorescence-Based Flexible and Transparent Optical Temperature Sensing Skin Capable of Operating in Extreme Environments, ACS Applied Polymer Materials, submitted, 2021.1.16
4.Yifan Deng, Qian Mao, Peng Wang, Xu Zhang, Yingzheng Liu*,Event-triggered particle image velocimetry measurement of flow dynamics around a self-oscillating membrane, Journal of Fluids and Structures, submitted, 2020.12.16
5.Chuangxin He, Yingzheng Liu*, Data Assimilation for Turbulent Mean Flow and Scalar Fields with Anisotropic Formulation, Experiments in Fluids, submitted, 2020.11.23, revised, 2021.1.18
6.Chuangxin He, Yingzheng Liu*, Lian Gan, Dynamics of the Jet Flow Issued from a Lobed Nozzle: Tomographic Particle Image Velocimetry Measurements, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, submitted, 2020.11.23
7.Xin Wen, Ziyan Li, Shiqi Wang, Yingzheng Liu*, Novel sweeping jet oscillators with high sweeping frequencies, AIAA Journal, submitted, 2020.11.22
8.Zhe Dong,Yongzeng Li, Lingrui Jiao, Weiguo Zhang, Yingzheng Liu, Di. Peng*, Pressure-Sensitive Paint Integrated with Digital Image Correlation for Instantaneous Measurement on Fast-Rotating Blades,Measurement Science and Technology, submitted, 2020.10
9.Xu Zhang, Wenwu Zhou*, Yingzheng Liu, A comprehensive heat transfer study inside a steam turbine valve: experiment, numerical simulation, and simplified model, ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, submitted, 2020.10.22
10.Jiawei Chen, Yingzheng Liu, Zhaomin Cao, Di Peng*,Pressure field measurements using bio-inspired pressure-sensitive film with adjustable sensitivity and range,Experiments in Fluids, submitted, 2020.10.09
11.Kaiwen Zhou, Luanliang Zhou, Simeng Zhao, Xingyu Qiang, Yingzheng Liu, and Xin Wen*, A Data-driven method for flow sensing of aerodynamic parameters using distributed pressure measurements, AIAA Journal, submitted, 2020.8.29
12.Peixun Fang, Chuangxin He*, Peng Wang, Sihua Xu, Yingzheng Liu, Data Assimilation of Steam Flow through a Control Valve Using Ensemble Kalman Filter, ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, submitted, 2020.06.11
13.Wenwu Zhou, Hongri Shao, Mohamed Qenawy, Di Peng, Yingzheng Liu*, Improved Turbine Vane Endwall Film Cooling Effectiveness by Using Sand-dune-inspired Design, ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, submitted, submitted, 2020.06.06
14.Li, X., Liu, X., Liu, Y., Peng, D.*, “Experimental Study of Near-Wall Underexpanded Jet Impingement on a Flat Plate Using Semi-Transparent Pressure-Sensitive Paint,” Experiments in Fluids, submitted, 2020.4.27
15.Richard A. Adjei, Takahiro Bamba, Kenichi Nagao, Kazuaki Nakamura, Weizhe Wang*, Yingzheng Liu, Arbitrary Shape Deformation-based Design for Performance Improvement of a Turbocharger Compressor Volute,Aerospace Science and Technology, submitted, 2020.04.26
16.Xu Liu, Mr Hongyi Shao, Wenwu Zhou, Ying Zheng LIU, Di Peng*, Apparent temperature in temperature-sensitive paint measurement and its effect on surface heat flux determination for hypersonic flows,Measurement Science and Technology, submitted, 2020.04.20
17.Xunchen Liu, Sirui Wang, Guoqing Wang, Jianyi Zheng, Liangliang Xu, Lei Li, Yingzheng Liu, Zhen Huang, Fei Qi, High-speed simultaneous PLIF/PIV imaging of a lifted bi-stable swirling flame under acoustic forcing, Applied Optics
18.R.A. Adjei, C.W. Fan, W.Z. Wang(*), Y.Z. Liu, Multidisciplinary Design Optimization for Performance Improvement of an Axial Flow Fan using Freeform Deformation, ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, Revised, 2019.09
19.N.L. Zhao, W.Z. Wang(*), Y.Z. Liu, Startup Fatigue Behavior Study of a Steam Turbine Rotor Based on Crystal Plasticity with Macroscale Phenomenological Constitutive Models, ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, Under Review, 2018.06
Accepted manuscripts
20.Zhiwen Deng, Chuangxin He*, Yingzheng Liu, A deep neural network based strategy of optimal sensor placement in data assimilation of turbulent flow, Physics of Fluids, submitted, 2020.10, accepted, 2021.1.19
21.Di Peng,Xu Liu,Lingrui Jiao,Ziyan Li,Xin Wen,Chaokai Yuan*,Guilai Han,Yunfeng Liu,Yingzheng Liu* ,Zonglin Jiang,Noise Reduction Method for Temperature-Sensitive Paint Measurement Contaminated by Strong Background Radiation in a High Enthalpy Hypersonic Tunnel, Acta Mechanica Sinica, submitted, 2020.12.15, accepted
22.Peng Wang, Yifan Deng, Qi’an Mao, Yingzheng Liu*, Phase-locking PIV measurements of acoustic-driven flow interactions between tandem deep cavities, Physics of Fluids, submitted, 2020.09.27, accepted, 2020.12.1
23.Hao Fu, Chuangxin He*, Yingzheng Liu, Flow structures of a precessing jet in an axisymmetric chamber, Journal of Visualization, submitted, 2020.08.28, accepted, 2020.11.28
24.Tao Cai, Zhiwen Deng, Yoon Seong Park, Shabnam Mohammadshahi, Yingzheng Liu, Kyung Chun Kim*, Acquisition of kHz-frequency Two-dimensional Temperature Field Using Phosphor Thermometry and Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Assisted Long Short-Term Memory Neural Networks, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, submitted, 2020.8.1, accepted, 2020.10.26
25.Hongyi Shao, Mohamed Qenawy, Di Peng, Yingzheng Liu, Wenwu Zhou*, Influence of Mainstream Flow Oscillations on Spatio-Temporal Variation of Leading-Edge Film Cooling Effectiveness, ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, submitted, 2020.03.19,accepted, 2020.9.8
26.Y.Chen, J.Yang, Y.Z.Liu and H.J.Sung*, "Heat Transfer Enhancement in a Poiseuille Channel Flow by Using Multiple Wall-Mounted Flexible Flags", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, submitted, 2020.7.22, accepted, 2020.9.5
27.Weilun Cheng, Yingzheng Liu, Weizhe Wang, Xiaofeng Zhao, Di Peng, Interface detection in laser drilling of air plasma sprayed thermal barrier coatings by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, submitted, 2020.04.25
28.Wenwu Zhou, Mohamed Qenawy, Di Peng, Xin Wen, Yingzheng Liu*,Turbine Vane Endwall Film Cooling with Barchan-dune Shaped Ramp in a Single-Passage Transonic Wind Tunnel,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, submitted, 2020.4.27, accepted, 2020.8.16
29.H. Hong, Z.W. Cai, W.Z. Wang(*), Y.Z. Liu, An Online Monitoring Method for Creep-Fatigue Life Consumption with Real-Time Damage Accumulation, International Journal of Damage Mechanics, accepted, 2020.08.11
30.Yujia Chen, Jaeha Ryu, Yingzheng Liu and Hyung Jin Sung*, Flapping dynamics of vertically clamped three-dimensional flexible flags in a Poiseuille flow, Physics of Fluids, submitted, 2020.04.15, accepted, 2020.08
31.Peng Wang, Yingzheng Liu, Spinning behavior of flow-acoustic resonant field inside cavity: Vortex shedding mode and diametral acoustic mode, Physics of Fluids, submitted, 2020.06, revised, 2020.07.19, accepted, 2020.8.1
32.Cai, T., Guo, S., Li, Y., Peng, D.*, Zhao, X.*, Liu, Y., Xiao, P., 2019, “Ultra-Sensitive Mechanoluminescent Ceramic Sensor based on Air-Plasma-Sprayed SrAl2O4:Eu2+, Dy3+ Coating,” Sensors and Actuators A: Physical,2020
33.Peng Wang, Yingzheng Liu*, Influence of diametral acoustic mode on the cavity flow dynamics: Zonal large eddy simulation and proper orthogonal decomposition, Physics of Fluids, 2020
34.Xin Wen, Ziyan Li, Luanliang Zhou, Chengji Yu, ZUBAIR MUHAMMAD, Yudan Liu, Shiqi Wang, and Yingzheng Liu*, Flow Dynamics of a Fluidic Oscillator with Internal Geometry Variations, Physics of Fluids, submitted, 2020
35.Chuangxin He, Yingzheng Liu*, Time-resolved Reconstruction of Turbulent Flow Using Linear Stochastic Estimation and Sequential Data Assimilation, Physics of Fluids, 2020
36.Ziyan Li, Yudan Liu, Kaiwen Zhou,Yingzheng Liu, Xin Wen,Jet Sweeping Angle Control by Fluidic Oscillators with Master-Slave Designs, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics,2020
37.Mohamed Qenawy, Lin Yuan, Yingzheng Liu, Di Peng, Xin Wen, Wenwu Zhou*, A Novel Single-Passage Transonic Wind-Tunnel for Turbine-Vane Film Cooling, ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 2020
38.Di Peng, Feng Gu, Zhe Zhong, Ying Zheng LIU*, Thermal Stability Improvement of Sprayable Fast-Responding Pressure-Sensitive Paint for Measurement Above 100 ℃,Chinese Journal of Aeronautics,submitted, 2020.03.18, revised, 2020.5.7, accepted 2020.05.09
39.Xin Wen, Jiajun Liu, Ziyan Li, Di Peng, Wenwu Zhou, Kyung Chun Kim, and Yingzheng Liu*,Dynamics of Adjustable Spreading-Angle Sweeping Jets Impingement upon Convex Cylinders, Aerospace Science and Technology, submitted, 2019.11.26,accepted, 2020.04.09
40.Peng, D., Xie, F., Li, Y., Lin, J.*, Liu, X., Zhong, J., Zhang, Q., Liu, Y.*, 2019, “Experimental Study on Hypersonic Shock-Body Interaction between Bodies in Close Proximity Using Translucent Fast Pressure- and Temperature-Sensitive Paints,” Experiments in Fluids. Accepted, 2020.04.01
41.Chen, J., Liu, Y., Peng, D.*, “A bio-inspired functional film embedded with fluorescent elastic microspheres for pressure sensing”, Applied Physics Letters, 2020
42.Chuangxin He, Lian Gan*, Yingzheng Liu, Dynamics of Compact Vortex Rings Generated by Axial Swirls at Early Stage, Physics of Fluids, submitted, 2020.02.08, accepted, 2020.03.18
43.Yifan Deng, Chuangxin He, Peng Wang, Yingzheng Liu*, Unsteady behaviors of separated flow over a finite blunt plate at different inclination angles, Physics of Fluids, submitted, 2019.12.25,accepted 2020.03.04
44.Jiao, L., Liu, X., Shi, Z., Zhang, W.*, Liang, L., Chen, X., Zhao, Q., Peng, D.*, Liu, Y., 2019, “A two-dimensional temperature correction method for pressure-sensitive paint measurement on helicopter rotor blades”, Experiments in Fluids, accepted, 2020.02.22
45.Chuangxin He, Yingzheng Liu*, Lian Gan, Instantaneous Pressure Determination from Unsteady Velocity Fields Using Adjoint-based Sequential Data Assimilation, Physics of Fluids, submitted, 2020.01, accepted, 2020.02.11
46.Mohamed Qenawy, Han Chen, Di Peng, Yingzheng Liu, Wenwu Zhou*, Flow Structures and Unsteady Behaviors of Film Cooling from Discrete Holes Fed by Internal Crossflow, ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, submitted, 2019.07.07, accepted, 2020.02.02
47.H. Hong, Z.W. Cai, H. Wang, W.Z. Wang(*), Y.Z. Liu, A Model-Guided Neural Network for the Prediction of Creep Behavior under In-Service Conditions, ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Accepted, 2020.04
48.Z.W. Cai, H. Hong, X.F. Zhao, W.Z. Wang(*), Y.Z. Liu, Z.M. Cao, A numerical study of the influence of interface morphology on the stress behavior in thermal barrier coatings near an inclined-film cooling hole, Ceramics International, Accepted, 2020.04
International Journal Publications
49.Yongzeng Li, Cai Tao, Lixia Yang, Songtao Guo, Di Peng, Xiaofeng Zhao, Yingzheng Liu: Effect of Oxygen Partial Pressure on the Phosphorescence of Different Lanthanide Ion (Ln3+)-Doped Yttria-Stabilised Zirconia. Sensors and Actuators B Chemical 04/2020;, DOI:10.1016/j.snb.2020.127666
50.Peng Wang, Li He, Yingzheng Liu: Acoustics-driven vortex dynamics in channel branches with round intersections: Flow mode transition and three-dimensionality. Physics of Fluids 02/2020; 32(2)., DOI:10.1063/1.5141609
51.Hao Fu, Chuangxin He, Yingzheng Liu: Self-sustained oscillation of the flow in a double-cavity channel: a time-resolved PIV measurement. Journal of Visualization 01/2020;, DOI:10.1007/s12650-020-00626-1
52.Deng Yifan, Wang Peng, Cao Zaomin, Liu Yingzheng: Interaction between separation bubble and impinging vortices over a finite blunt plate. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 01/2020;, DOI:10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2020.108534
53.Di Peng, Yingzheng Liu: Fast pressure-sensitive paint for understanding complex flows: from regular to harsh environments. Experiments in Fluids 01/2020; 61(1)., DOI:10.1007/s00348-019-2839-6
54.Zhiwen Deng, Chuangxin He, Yingzheng Liu, Kyung Chun Kim: Super-resolution reconstruction of turbulent velocity fields using a generative adversarial network-based artificial intelligence framework. Physics of Fluids 12/2019; 31.
55.Zhe Dong, Lei Liang, Weiguo Zhang, Lingrui Jiao, Di Peng, Yingzheng Liu: Simultaneous Pressure and Deformation Field Measurement on Helicopter Rotor Blades using a Grid-Pattern Pressure-Sensitive Paint System. Measurement 12/2019; 152:107359., DOI:10.1016/j.measurement.2019.107359
56.Chuangxin He, Lian Gan, Yingzheng Liu: The Formation and Evolution of Turbulent Swirling Vortex Rings Generated by Axial Swirlers. Flow Turbulence and Combustion 11/2019;, DOI:10.1007/s10494-019-00076-2
57.Yujia Chen, Zhiwen Deng, Yingzheng Liu: Time-resolved particle image velocimetry measurement of vortex dynamics behind tandem self-oscillating inverted flags in a channel flow. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science (EXP THERM FLUID SCI) 11/2019; 112:109982., DOI:10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2019.109982
58.Zhenwei Cai, Hui Hong, Di Peng, Xiaofeng Zhao, Weizhe Wang, Yingzheng Liu, Zhaomin Cao: Stress evolution in ceramic top coat of air plasma-sprayed thermal barrier coatings due to CMAS penetration under thermal cycle loading. Surface and Coatings Technology 11/2019; 381:125146., DOI:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2019.125146
59.Yujia Chen, Di Peng, Yingzheng Liu: Heat transfer enhancement of turbulent channel flow using a piezoelectric fan. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 11/2019; 147:118964., DOI:10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2019.118964
60.Peng Wang, Sihua Xu, Li He, Yingzheng Liu: Unsteady behavior of wall-detached flow inside a steam turbine control valve. Physics of Fluids 10/2019; 31(10)., DOI:10.1063/1.5124359
61.XiangTian Li, Yingzheng Liu, Di Peng: Suppression of thermal quenching in fast-responding pressure-sensitive paint by restricting lattice relaxation of luminescent molecules. Journal of Luminescence 10/2019;, DOI:10.1016/j.jlumin.2019.116803
62.Xin Wen, Jiajun Liu, donguk Kim, Yingzheng Liu, Kyung Chun Kim: Study on Three-dimensional Flow Structures of a Sweeping Jet Using Time-resolved Stereo Particle Image Velocimetry. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science (EXP THERM FLUID SCI) 10/2019; 110:109945., DOI:10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2019.109945
63.Peng Wang, Yifan Deng, Yingzheng Liu: Vortex dynamics during acoustic-mode transition in channel branches. Physics of Fluids 08/2019; 31(8)., DOI:10.1063/1.5117301
64.Peng Wang, Fuqi Li, Sihua Xu, Yingzheng Liu: Transient Thermal Behaviors of Ultra-supercritical Steam Turbine Control Valves During the Cold-start Warm-Up Process: Conjugate Heat Transfer Simulation and Field Data Validation. Journal of Heat Transfer 08/2019;, DOI:10.1115/1.4044834
65.Richard Amankwa Adjei, Wei Zhe Wang, YingZheng Liu: Aerodynamic Design Optimization of an Axial Flow Compressor Stator Using Parameterized Free-Form Deformation. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 08/2019; 141(10)., DOI:10.1115/1.4044692
66.Hui Hong, Weizhe Wang, Yingzheng Liu: High-temperature fatigue behavior of a steam turbine rotor under flexible operating conditions with variable loading amplitudes. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 08/2019; 163:105121., DOI:10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2019.105121
67.Ziyan Li, Jiajun Liu, Wenwu Zhou, Yingzheng Liu, Xin Wen: Experimental investigation of flow dynamics of sweeping jets impinging upon confined concave surfaces. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 07/2019; 142., DOI:10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2019.118457
68.Zhiwen Deng, Yujia Chen, Yingzheng Liu, Kyung Chun Kim: Time-resolved turbulent velocity field reconstruction using a long short-term memory (LSTM)-based artificial intelligence framework. Physics of Fluids 07/2019; 31(7)., DOI:10.1063/1.5111558
69.Wenwu Zhou, Lin Yuan, Xin Wen, Yingzheng Liu, Di Peng: Enhanced impingement cooling of a circular jet using a piezoelectric fan. Applied Thermal Engineering 07/2019; 160:114067., DOI:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2019.114067
70.Fuqi Li, Bryan Quay, Peng Wang, Domenic A Santavicca, Weizhe Wang, Sihua Xu, Yingzheng Liu: Transient thermal behaviors of a scaled turbine valve: Conjugate heat transfer simulation and experimental measurement. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 06/2019; 141., DOI:10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2019.06.053
71.Xin Wen, Jiajun Liu, Ziyan Li, Wenwu Zhou, Yingzheng Liu: Flow Dynamics of Sweeping Jet Impingement upon a Large Convex Cylinder. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science (EXP THERM FLUID SCI) 05/2019; 107., DOI:10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2019.05.006
72.Wenwu Zhou, Lin Yuan, Yingzheng Liu, Di Peng, Xin Wen: Heat transfer of a sweeping jet impinging at narrow spacings. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science (EXP THERM FLUID SCI) 05/2019; 103., DOI:10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2019.01.007
73.Hongyu Ma, Peng Wang, Yingzheng Liu, Xin Wen: Light field enhancement of particle image velocimetry measurement using a profiled window and a ray tracing method. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science (EXP THERM FLUID SCI) 04/2019; 106., DOI:10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2019.04.024
74.Songtao Guo, Tao Cai, Xiaofeng Zhao, Di Peng, Ping Xiao, Weizhe Wang, Yingzheng Liu: Generalization of the quantitative stress-intensity relationship of mechanoluminescent sensor SrAl2O4:Eu2+,Dy3+ in elastic domain. Measurement Science and Technology 04/2019;, DOI:10.1088/1361-6501/ab1ca5
75.Lingrui Jiao, Yujia Chen, Di Peng, Yingzheng Liu, James W Gregory: Resolving vortex-induced pressure fluctuations on a cylinder in rotor wake using fast-responding pressure-sensitive paint. Physics of Fluids 04/2019;
76.Zhenwei Cai, Jishen Jiang, Weizhe Wang, Yingzheng Liu, Zhaomin Cao: CMAS penetration-induced cracking behavior in the ceramic top coat of APS TBCs. Ceramics International 04/2019;, DOI:10.1016/j.ceramint.2019.04.152
77.Xin Wen, Ziyan Li, Jiajun Liu, Wenwu Zhou, Yingzheng Liu: Machine learning approach to construct global phase-averaged flow field based on local flow features. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 04/2019; 67., DOI:10.1016/j.flowmeasinst.2019.04.006
78.Sirui Wang, Xunchen Liu, Guoqing Wang, Liangliang Xu, Lei Li, Yingzheng Liu, Zhen Huang, Fei Qi: High-repetition-rate burst-mode-laser diagnostics of an unconfined lean premixed swirling flame under external acoustic excitation. Applied Optics 04/2019; 58(10):C68., DOI:10.1364/AO.58.000C68
79.Yujia Chen, Yuelong Yu, Di Peng, Yingzheng Liu: Heat transfer enhancement of turbulent channel flow using dual self-oscillating inverted flags: Staggered and side-by-side configurations. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 03/2019; 136., DOI:10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2019.03.048
80.Peng Wang, Yingzheng Liu: Intensified flow dynamics by second-order acoustic standing-wave mode: Vortex-excited acoustic resonances in channel branches. Physics of Fluids 03/2019; 31(1):35105., DOI:10.1063/1.5086443
81.Di Peng, Zhe Zhong, Feng Gu, Wenwu Zhou, Fei Qi, Yingzheng Liu: Pressure-Sensitive Paint with Imprinted Pattern for Full-Field Endoscopic Measurement Using a Color Camera. Sensors and Actuators A Physical 03/2019; 290(5):28-35., DOI:10.1016/j.sna.2019.03.009
82.Yifan Deng, Peng Wang, Yingzheng Liu: Phase-locking particle image velocimetry measurement of unsteady flow behaviors: Online dynamic mode decomposition using field-programmable gate array. Physics of Fluids 02/2019; 31(2):25109., DOI:10.1063/1.5086907
83.Xin Wen, Ziyan Li, Di Peng, Wenwu Zhou, Yingzheng Liu: Missing data recovery using data fusion of incomplete complementary data sets: A particle image velocimetry application. Physics of Fluids 02/2019; 31(2):25105., DOI:10.1063/1.5079896
84.Chuangxin He, Yingzheng Liu, Lian Gan, Lutz Lesshafft: Data assimilation and resolvent analysis of turbulent flow behind a wall-proximity rib. Physics of Fluids 02/2019; 31(2):025118., DOI:10.1063/1.5074151
85.Yuelong Yu, Yingzheng Liu, Xavier Amandolese: A Review on Fluid-Induced Flag Vibrations. Applied Mechanics Reviews 01/2019; 71(1)., DOI:10.1115/1.4042446
86.Tao Cai, Yongzeng Li, Songtao Guo, Di Peng, Xiaofeng Zhao, Yingzheng Liu: Pressure effect on phosphor thermometry using Mg4FGeO6:Mn. Measurement Science and Technology 12/2018; 30(2)., DOI:10.1088/1361-6501/aaf618
87.Wenwu Zhou, Han Chen, Yingzheng Liu, Xin Wen, Di Peng: Unsteady analysis of adiabatic film cooling effectiveness for discrete hole with oscillating mainstream flow. Physics of Fluids 12/2018; 30(12):127103., DOI:10.1063/1.5055028
88.Peng Wang, Yifan Deng, Yingzheng Liu: Vortex-excited acoustic resonance in channel with coaxial side-branches: Vortex dynamics and aeroacoustic energy transfer. Physics of Fluids 12/2018; 30(12):125104., DOI:10.1063/1.5055909
89.Wenwu Zhou, Mohamed Qenawy, Yingzheng Liu, Xin Wen, Di Peng: Influence of mainstream flow oscillations on spatio-temporal variation of adiabatic film cooling effectiveness. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 10/2018; 129., DOI:10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2018.09.131
90.Chuangxin He, Yingzheng Liu, Lian Gan: A data assimilation model for turbulent flows using continuous adjoint formulation. Physics of Fluids 10/2018; 30(10):105108., DOI:10.1063/1.5048727
91.Xin Wen, Ziyan Li, Wenwu Zhou, Yingzheng Liu: Interaction of dual sweeping impinging jets at different Reynolds numbers. Physics of Fluids 10/2018; 30(10):105105., DOI:10.1063/1.5054161
92.Jishen Jiang, Lingxin Jiang, Zhenwei Cai, Weizhe Wang, Xiaofeng Zhao, Yingzheng Liu, Zhaomin Cao: Numerical stress analysis of the TBC-film cooling system under operating conditions considering the effects of thermal gradient and TGO growth. Surface and Coatings Technology 10/2018; 357., DOI:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2018.10.020
93.Wenwu Zhou, Di Peng, Yingzheng Liu, Hui Hu: Assessment of film cooling's surface quantities using pressure- and temperature-sensitive paint: Comparisons between shaped and sand-dune inspired holes. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science (EXP THERM FLUID SCI) 10/2018; 101., DOI:10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2018.10.005
94.Wenwu Zhou, Di Peng, Xin Wen, Yingzheng Liu, Hui Hu: Unsteady analysis of adiabatic film cooling effectiveness behind circular, shaped, and sand-dune–inspired film cooling holes: Measurement using fast-response pressure-sensitive paint. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 10/2018; 125., DOI:10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2018.04.126
95.Xin Wen, Yingzheng Liu, Ziyan Li, Yujia Chen, Di Peng: Data mining of a clean signal from highly noisy data based on compressed data fusion: A fast-responding pressure-sensitive paint application. Physics of Fluids 09/2018; 30(9):097103., DOI:10.1063/1.5046681
96.Peng Wang, Hongyu Ma, Yifan Deng, Yingzheng Liu: Influence of vortex-excited acoustic resonance on flow dynamics in channel with coaxial side-branches. Physics of Fluids 09/2018; 30(9):095105., DOI:10.1063/1.5049381
97.Di Peng, Zhe Zhong, Tao Cai, Songtao Guo, Xiaofeng Zhao, Yingzheng Liu: Intergration of Pressure-Sensitive Paint With Persistent Phosphor: A Light-charged Pressure-Sensing System. Review of Scientific Instruments 08/2018; 89(8)., DOI:10.1063/1.5041359
98.Zhiwen Deng, Chuangxin He, Xin Wen, Yingzheng Liu: Recovering turbulent flow field from local quantity measurement: turbulence modeling using ensemble-Kalman-filter-based data assimilation. Journal of Visualization 08/2018;, DOI:10.1007/s12650-018-0508-0
99.Yujia Chen, Yuelong Yu, Wenwu Zhou, Di Peng, Yingzheng Liu: Heat transfer enhancement of turbulent channel flow using tandem self-oscillating inverted flags. Physics of Fluids 07/2018; 30(2018):1., DOI:10.1063/1.5037747
100.Peng Wang, Hongyu Ma, YingZheng Liu: POD and extended-POD analysis of pressure fluctuations and vortex structures inside a steam turbine control valve. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 07/2018; 141(4)., DOI:10.1115/1.4040903
101.Chuangxin He, Yingzheng Liu: A dynamic detached-eddy simulation model for turbulent heat transfer: Impinging jet. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 07/2018; 2018(125)., DOI:10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2018.06.117
102.Yuelong Yu, Xavier Amandolese, Chengwei Fan, Yingzheng Liu: Experimental study and modelling of unsteady aerodynamic forces and moment on flat plate in high amplitude pitch ramp motion. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 07/2018; 846:82-120., DOI:10.1017/jfm.2018.271
103.Nailong Zhao, Weizhe Wang, Yingzheng Liu: Intergranular mechanical behavior in a blade groove-like component by crystal plasticity model with cohesive zone model. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 06/2018; 201., DOI:10.1016/j.engfracmech.2018.06.031
104.Di Peng, Feng Gu, Yongeng Li, Yingzheng Liu: A Novel Sprayable Fast-Responding Pressure-Sensitive Paint Based on Mesoporous Silicone Dioxide Particles. Sensors and Actuators A Physical 06/2018; 279., DOI:10.1016/j.sna.2018.06.048
105.Xin Wen, Hui Tang, Yingzheng Liu: Interaction of twin synthetic jets in attached and separated boundary layers: effects of yaw angle and phase difference. Journal of Visualization 06/2018;, DOI:10.1007/s12650-018-0500-8
106.Ruyun Hu, Yingzheng Liu: Proper orthogonal decomposition of turbulent flow around a finite blunt plate. Journal of Visualization 05/2018;, DOI:10.1007/s12650-018-0496-0
107.WZ Wang, YZ Liu: Continuum damage mechanics-based analysis of creep–fatigue interaction behavior in a turbine rotor. International Journal of Damage Mechanics 05/2018; 28(2):105678951877517., DOI:10.1177/1056789518775174
108.Zahra Ghorbani-Tari, Yujia Chen, Yingzheng Liu: Complementary temperature-sensitive paint measurements and CFD analysis of wall heat transfer of cubes-in-tandem in a turbulent channel flow. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science (EXP THERM FLUID SCI) 05/2018; 98., DOI:10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2018.05.014
109.Jishen Jiang, Weizhe Wang, Xiaofeng Zhao, Yingzheng Liu, Zhaomin Cao, Ping Xiao: Numerical analyses of the residual stress and top coat cracking behavior in thermal barrier coatings under cyclic thermal loading. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 05/2018; 196., DOI:10.1016/j.engfracmech.2018.04.031
110.Lingrui Jiao, Di Peng, Yingzheng Liu: Dynamic Response of Polymer Ceramic Pressure-Sensitive Paint: Improved Model Considering Thickness Effect. AIAA Journal 04/2018; 56(9)., DOI:10.2514/1.J056778
111.Cai Tao, Songtao Guo, Yongzeng Li, Di Peng, Xiaofeng Zhao, Yingzheng Liu: Quantitative stress measurement of elastic deformation using mechanoluminescent sensor: An intensity ratio model. Review of Scientific Instruments 04/2018; 89(4)., DOI:10.1063/1.5024417
112.He Chuangxin, Liu Yingzheng: Jet impingement heat transfer of a lobed nozzle: Measurements using temperature-sensitive paint and particle image velocimetry. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 04/2018; 71(4)., DOI:10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2018.03.017
113.Xin WEN, Yingzheng LIU: Lagrangian Analysis of Sweeping Jets Measured by Time-Resolved Particle Image Velocimetry. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science (EXP THERM FLUID SCI) 04/2018; 97., DOI:10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2018.04.014
114.Chuangxin HE, Yingzheng LIU, Savas YAVUZKURT: Large-Eddy Simulation of Circular Jet Mixing: Lip- and Inner-ribbed Nozzles. Computers & Fluids 04/2018; 168., DOI:10.1016/j.compfluid.2018.04.018
115.Tao Yu, Weiwei Cai, Yingzheng Liu: Rapid tomographic reconstruction based on machine learning for time-resolved combustion diagnostics. Review of Scientific Instruments 04/2018; 89(4):043101., DOI:10.1063/1.5016403
116.Yuelong Yu, Yingzheng Liu, Yujia Chen: Vortex dynamics and heat transfer behind self-oscillating inverted flags of various lengths in channel flow. Physics of Fluids 04/2018; 30(4):045104., DOI:10.1063/1.5022723
117.Di Peng, Jiawei Chen, Lingrui Jiao, Yingzheng Liu: A Fast-Responding Semi-Transparent Pressure-Sensitive Paint Based on Through-Hole Anodized Aluminum Oxide Membrane. Sensors and Actuators A Physical 03/2018; 274., DOI:10.1016/j.sna.2018.02.026
118.Chuangxin He, Yingzheng Liu: Large-eddy simulation of jet impingement heat transfer using a lobed nozzle. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 03/2018; 125(October 2018)., DOI:10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2018.04.105
119.Xin Wen, Yingzheng Liu, Hui Tang: Unsteady Behavior of a Sweeping Impinging Jet: Time-Resolved Particle Image Velocimetry Measurements. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science (EXP THERM FLUID SCI) 03/2018; 96., DOI:10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2018.02.033
120.Peng Wang, Hongyu Ma, YingZheng Liu: Unsteady Behaviors of Steam Flow in a Control Valve with T-Junction Discharge under the Choked Condition: Detached Eddy Simulation and Proper Orthogonal Decomposition. Journal of Fluids Engineering 02/2018; 140(8)., DOI:10.1115/1.4039254
121.Tao Cai, Di Peng, Savas Yavuzkurt, Ying Zheng Liu: Unsteady 2-D film-cooling effectiveness behind a single row of holes at different blowing ratios: Measurements using fast-response pressure-sensitive paint. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 01/2018; 120., DOI:10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2017.12.141
122.Guoqing Wang, Yuyang Li, Wenhao Yuan, Yizun Wang, Zhenbiao Zhou, Yingzheng Liu, Jianghuai Cai: Combustion and Flame Investigation on laminar flame propagation of n-butanol/air and n-butanol/O2/He mixtures at pressures up to 20 atm. Combustion and Flame 01/2018; 191:368-380., DOI:10.1016/j.combustflame.2018.01.025
123.Jishen Jiang, Jiandao Yang, Lei Xiao, Sihua Xu, Weizhe Wang, Yingzheng Liu: Numerical analysis of the impact effect of foreign bodies on a steam strainer in a steam turbine valve. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 01/2018; 32(1):405-413., DOI:10.1007/s12206-017-1241-7
124.Yuelong Yu, Yingzheng Liu, Yujia Chen: Vortex dynamics behind a self-oscillating inverted flag placed in a channel flow: Time-resolved particle image velocimetry measurements. Physics of Fluids 12/2017; 29(12):125104., DOI:10.1063/1.5001967
125.Di Peng, Jiawei Chen, Yuelong Yu, Lingrui Jiao, Yingzheng Liu: A novel laminated OLED–PSP system for measurement on moving surfaces. Journal of Visualization 11/2017;, DOI:10.1007/s12650-017-0458-y
126.B.Q. Xu, J.S. Jiang, Z.H. Zou, W.Z. Wang, X.F. Zhao, Y.Z. Liu, P. Xiao: Time-dependent spalling behavior of thermally grown oxide induced by room temperature interfacial deformation. Surface and Coatings Technology 11/2017; 334., DOI:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2017.11.037
127.Jishen Jiang, Zhonghua Zou, Weizhe Wang, Xiaofeng Zhao, Yingzheng Liu, Zhaomin Cao: Effect of internal oxidation on the interfacial morphology and residual stress in air plasma sprayed thermal barrier coatings. Surface and Coatings Technology 11/2017; 334., DOI:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2017.11.040
128.Peng Wang, Hongyu Ma, Bryan Quay, Domenic A. Santavicca, Yingzheng Liu: Computational Fluid Dynamics of Steam Flow in a Turbine Control Valve with a Bell-Shaped Spindle. Applied Thermal Engineering 10/2017; 129., DOI:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2017.10.104
129.Hongen Jie, Ying Zheng Liu: Large eddy simulation and proper orthogonality decomposition of turbulent flow around a vibrissa-shaped cylinder. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 10/2017; 67:261-277., DOI:10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2017.09.001
130.Shaofei Wang, Yingzheng LIU: Flow structures behind a vibrissa-shaped cylinder at different angles of attack: Complication on vortex-induced vibration. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 09/2017; 68., DOI:10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2017.09.006
131.Di Peng, Lingrui Jiao, Yuelong Yu, Yingzheng Liu, Tetsuya Oshio, Tomoki Kawakubo, Akimitsu Yakushiji: Single-Shot Lifetime-Based PSP and TSP Measurements on Turbocharger Compressor Blades. Experiments in Fluids 08/2017; 58(9)., DOI:10.1007/s00348-017-2416-9
132.Shaofei Wang, Yujia Chen, Yingzheng Liu: Measurement of unsteady flow structures in a low-speed wind tunnel using continuous wave laser-based TR-PIV: Near wake behind a circular cylinder. Journal of Visualization 08/2017;, DOI:10.1007/s12650-017-0445-3
133.Xin WEN, Yingzheng LIU, Hui TANG: Near-field interaction of an inclined jet with a crossflow: LIF visualization and TR-PIV measurement. Journal of Visualization 07/2017;, DOI:10.1007/s12650-017-0437-3
134.Lixia Yang, Di Peng, Xiao Shan, Fangwei Guo, Yingzheng Liu, Xiaofeng Zhao, Ping Xiao: “Oxygen Quenching” in Eu-based Thermographic Phosphors: Mechanism and Potential Application in Oxygen/Pressure Sensing. Sensors and Actuators B Chemical 07/2017; 254., DOI:10.1016/j.snb.2017.07.092
135.Chuangxin HE, Yingzheng LIU: Proper orthogonal decomposition-based spatial refinement of TR-PIV realizations using high-resolution non-TR-PIV measurements. Experiments in Fluids 06/2017; 58(7)., DOI:10.1007/s00348-017-2371-5
136.Weizhe Wang, Sihua Xu, YingZheng Liu: Numerical Investigation of Creep-Fatigue Behavior in a Steam Turbine Inlet Valve under Cyclic Thermomechanical Loading. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 06/2017; 139(11)., DOI:10.1115/1.4036953
137.Zahra Ghorbani-Tari, Yujia Chen, Yingzheng Liu: End-wall heat transfer of a rectangular bluff body at different heights: Temperature-sensitive paint measurement and computational fluid dynamics. Applied Thermal Engineering 05/2017; 122., DOI:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2017.05.040
138.Chuangxin He, Yingzheng Liu: Proper orthogonal decomposition of time-resolved LIF visualization: scalar mixing in a round jet. Journal of Visualization 05/2017;, DOI:10.1007/s12650-017-0425-7
139.Ali Rahimi Khojasteh, Shao Fei Wang, Di Peng, Savas Yavuzkurt, Yingzheng Liu: Structure analysis of adiabatic film cooling effectiveness in the near field of a single inclined jet: Measurement using fast-response pressure-sensitive paint. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 03/2017; 110., DOI:10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2017.03.069
140.Lixia Yang, Di Peng, Chunshan Zhao, Chen Xing, Fangwei Guo, Zhiqi Yao, Yingzheng Liu, Xiaofeng Zhao, Ping Xiao: Evaluation of the in-depth temperature sensing performance of Eu- and Dy-doped YSZ in air plasma sprayed thermal barrier coatings. Surface and Coatings Technology 03/2017; 316:210-218., DOI:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2017.03.029
141.Peng Wang, Yingzheng Liu: Unsteady Flow Behavior of a Steam Turbine Control Valve in the Choked Condition: Field Measurement, Detached Eddy Simulation and Acoustic Modal Analysis. Applied Thermal Engineering 02/2017; 117., DOI:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2017.02.087
142.Nailong Zhao, Weizhe Wang, Jishen Jiang, Yingzheng Liu: Study of creep-fatigue behavior in a 1000 MW rotor using a phenomenological lifetime model. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 02/2017; 31(2):605-614., DOI:10.1007/s12206-017-0113-5
143.Qingshan Zhang, Yingzheng Liu: Separated flow over blunt plates with different chord-to-thickness ratios: Unsteady behaviors and wall-pressure fluctuations. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science (EXP THERM FLUID SCI) 02/2017; 84., DOI:10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2017.02.007
144.Chuangxin He, Yingzheng Liu, Savas Yavuzkurt: A dynamic delayed detached-eddy simulation model for turbulent flows. Computers & Fluids 01/2017; 146., DOI:10.1016/j.compfluid.2017.01.018
145.Tao Cai, Di Peng, Ying Zheng Liu, Xiao Feng Zhao, Kyung Chun Kim: A novel lifetime-based phosphor thermography using three-gate scheme and a low frame-rate camera. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science (EXP THERM FLUID SCI) 01/2017; 80., DOI:10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2016.08.017
146.Peng WANG, Yingzheng LIU: Influence of a circular strainer on unsteady flow behavior in steam turbine control valves. Applied Thermal Engineering 12/2016; 115., DOI:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2016.12.073
147.Di Peng, Lingrui Jiao, Zhijun Sun, Yunsong Gu, Yingzheng Liu: Simultaneous PSP and TSP Measurements of Transient Flow in a Long-Duration Hypersonic Tunnel. Experiments in Fluids 11/2016; 57(12)., DOI:10.1007/s00348-016-2280-z
148.Tao Cai, Dong Kim, Mirae Kim, Yingzheng Liu, Kyungchun Kim: Two-dimensional thermographic phosphor thermometry in a cryogenic environment. Measurement Science and Technology 11/2016; 28(1)., DOI:10.1088/1361-6501/28/1/015201
149.Weizhe Wang, Patrick Buhl, Andreas Klenk, Yingzheng Liu: Influence of high-temperature dwell time on creep-fatigue behavior in a 1000 MW steam turbine rotor. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 10/2016; 166., DOI:10.1016/j.engfracmech.2016.08.018
150.Di Peng, Lixia Yang, Tao Cai, Yingzheng Liu, Xiaofeng Zhao, Zhiqi Yao: Phosphor-Doped Thermal Barrier Coatings Deposited by Air Plasma Spray for In-Depth Temperature Sensing. Sensors 10/2016; 16(10)., DOI:10.3390/s16101490
151.Chuangxin HE, Yingzheng LIU, Di PENG, Savas YAVUZKURT: Measurement of Flow Structures and Heat Transfer behind a Wall-proximity Square Rib using TSP, PIV and Split-Fiber Film. Experiments in Fluids 10/2016; 57(11)., DOI:10.1007/s00348-016-2262-1
152.Tao Cai, Dong Kim, Mirae Kim, Ying Zheng Liu, Kyung Chun Kim: Effect of surface moisture on chemically bonded phosphor for thermographic phosphor thermometry. Measurement Science and Technology 08/2016; 27(1):7., DOI:10.1088/0957-0233/27/9/097003
153.Di Peng, Yingzheng Liu, Xiaofeng Zhao, Kyung Chun Kim: Comparison of lifetime-based methods for two-dimensional phosphor thermometry in high-temperature environment. Measurement Science and Technology 08/2016; 27(1):9., DOI:10.1088/0957-0233/27/9/095201
154.Yuyue Long, Yingzheng Liu: Energy harvesting with two parallel pinned piezoelectric membranes in fluid flow. Journal of Fluids and Structures 08/2016; 65., DOI:10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2016.06.012
155.Jiang Jishen, Bingqian Xu, Weizhe Wang, Richard Amankwa Adjei, Xiaofeng Zhao, Yingzheng Liu: Finte element analysis of the effects of thermally grown oxide thickness and interface asperity on the cracking behavior between the TGO and the bond. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 07/2016; 139(2)., DOI:10.1115/1.4034259
156.Nai-long Zhao, Wei-zhe Wang, Jun-hui Zhang, Ying-zheng Liu: Numerical investigation on life improvement of low-cycle fatigue for an ultra-supercritical steam turbine rotor. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 04/2016; 30(4):1747-1754., DOI:10.1007/s12206-016-0330-3
157.W.Z. Wang, P. Buhl, A. Klenk, Y.Z. Liu: The effect of in-service steam temperature transients on the damage behavior of a steam turbine rotor. International Journal of Fatigue 03/2016; 87., DOI:10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2016.02.040
158.Di Peng, Shaofei Wang, Yingzheng Liu: Fast PSP Measurements of Wall-Pressure Fluctuation in Low Speed Flows: Improvements Using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition. Experiments in Fluids 02/2016; 57(4)., DOI:10.1007/s00348-016-2130-z
159.Weizhe Wang, Patrick Buhl, Andreas Klenk, Yingzheng Liu: A continuum damage mechanics-based viscoplastic model of adapted complexity for high temperature creep-fatigue loading. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 02/2016; 138(9)., DOI:10.1115/1.4032679
160.Jishen Jiang, Weizhe Wang, Nailong Zhao, Peng Wang, Yingzheng Liu, Puning Jiang: Application of a Creep Damage Constitutive Model for the Rotor of a 1000 MW Ultra-Supercritical Steam Turbine. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 02/2016; 138(2)., DOI:10.1115/1.4031323
161.Tao CAI, Di PENG, Yingzheng LIU, Xiaofeng ZHAO: A correction method of thermal radiation errors for high-temperature measurement using thermographic phosphors. Journal of Visualization 01/2016; 19(3)., DOI:10.1007/s12650-015-0332-8
162.Shaofei Wang, Yingzheng LIU: Wake Dynamics Behind a Seal-Vibrissa-Shaped Cylinder: A Comparative Study by Time-Resolved Particle Velocimetry Measurements. Experiments in Fluids 01/2016; 57(3)., DOI:10.1007/s00348-016-2117-9
163.Hongen Jie, Ying Zheng Liu: Large eddy simulation of turbulent flow over a cactus- analogue grooved cylinder. Journal of Visualization 01/2016; 19:61-78.
164.Di Peng, Y.Z. Liu: A Grid-Pattern PSP/TSP System for Simultaneous Pressure and Temperature Measurements. Sensors and Actuators B Chemical 08/2015; 222., DOI:10.1016/j.snb.2015.08.070
165.Weizhe Wang, Yingzheng Liu: Analysis of the sealing performance and creep behavior of the inner casing of a 1000MW supercritical steam turbine under bolt relaxation. Engineering Failure Analysis 08/2015; 57., DOI:10.1016/j.engfailanal.2015.08.012
166.Weizhe Wang, Yingzheng Liu, Puning Jiang: Numerical investigation on influence of real gas properties on nonlinear behavior of labyrinth seal-rotor system. Applied Mathematics and Computation 07/2015; 263., DOI:10.1016/j.amc.2015.03.133
167.Y.Z. Liu, Q.S.Zhang: Dynamic Mode Decomposition of Separated Flow over a Finite Blunt Plate: Time-Resolved Particle Image Velocimetry Measurements. Experiments in Fluids 06/2015; 56(7)., DOI:10.1007/s00348-015-2021-8
168.Hongen Jie, Ying Zheng Liu, H Jie, Y Z Liu, J Vis: Large eddy simulation of turbulent flow over a cactus-analogue grooved cylinder. Journal of Visualization 05/2015; 19(1)., DOI:10.1007/s12650-015-0294-x
169.Qingshan Zhang, Yingzheng Liu: Influence of incident vortex street on separated flow around a finite blunt plate: PIV measurement and POD analysis. Journal of Fluids and Structures 05/2015; 55., DOI:10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2015.03.017
170.Yuelong Yu, Yingzheng Liu: Flapping dynamics of a piezoelectric membrane behind a circular cylinder. Journal of Fluids and Structures 04/2015; 55., DOI:10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2015.03.009
171.T.H. New, Shengxian Shi, Yingzheng Liu: On the flow behaviour of confined finite-length wavy cylinders. Journal of Fluids and Structures 04/2015;, DOI:10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2014.11.006
172.WZ Wang, P. Buhl, A. Klenk, YZ Liu: Study of creep-fatigue behavior in a 1000 MW rotor using a unified viscoplastic constitutive model with damage. International Journal of Damage Mechanics 03/2015; 25(2)., DOI:10.1177/1056789515576766
173.Jianfeng Mao, Weizhe Wang, Junhui Zhang, Yingzheng Liu: Numerical investigation on the dynamic behaviors of turbine valve disc-seat impact at low velocity. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 02/2015; 29(2):507-515., DOI:10.1007/s12206-015-0111-4
174.G. C. Jiao, W. Z. Wang, S. J. Tan, C. Yu, Y. Z. Liu: Crack-tip constraint analysis of SENB specimen under creep condition. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 02/2015; 29(2):501-506., DOI:10.1007/s12206-015-0110-5
175.Min Zhang, Yingzheng Liu, Zhaomin Cao: Modeling of Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting from Freely Oscillating Cylinders in Water Flow. Mathematical Problems in Engineering 11/2014;, DOI:10.1155/2014/985360
176.Qian Wen, Hyun Dong Kim, Ying Zheng Liu, Kyung Chun Kim: Structure Analysis of a Low Reynolds Number Turbulent Submerged Jet Interacting With a Free Surface. Journal of Fluids Engineering 10/2014; 136(10)., DOI:10.1115/1.4027620
177.Shao Fei Wang, Yingzheng Liu, Qing Shan Zhang: Measurement of flow around a cactus-analogue grooved cylinder at ReD=54000: Wall-pressure fluctuations and flow pattern. Journal of Fluids and Structures 10/2014; 50., DOI:10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2014.06.019
178.Qian Wen, Hyun Dong Kim, Ying Zheng Liu, Kyung Chun Kim: Dynamic structures of a submerged jet interacting with a free surface. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science (EXP THERM FLUID SCI) 09/2014; 57., DOI:10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2014.06.005
179.Qingshan Zhang, Yingzheng Liu, Shaofei Wang: The identification of coherent structures using proper orthogonal decomposition and dynamic mode decomposition. Journal of Fluids and Structures 08/2014; 49., DOI:10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2014.04.002
180.Jianfeng Mao, Weizhe Wang, Yingzheng Liu, Junhui Zhang: Comparative Study of Flange-To-Seal Contact Couplings With Bolt Relaxation Under Creep Condition. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 07/2014; 136(7):072503., DOI:10.1115/1.4026656
181.Qi Sun, Jinlong Liu, Haibo Zhang, Jinghao Zheng, Haifa Hong, Yanjun Sun, Huiwen Chen, Jinfen Liu, Qian Wang, Yingzheng Liu: Influence of exercise on three types of fontan modifications. Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology 02/2014; 14(01)., DOI:10.1142/S0219519414500079
182.Shengxian Shi, T.H. New, Yingzheng Liu: Effects of aspect-ratio on the flapping behaviour of energy-harvesting membrane. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science (EXP THERM FLUID SCI) 01/2014; 52:339–346., DOI:10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2013.09.014
183.T. H. New, Shengxian Shi, Yingzheng Liu: Cylinder-wall interference effects on finite-length wavy cylinders at subcritical Reynolds number flows. Experiments in Fluids 09/2013; 54(10):1601., DOI:10.1007/s00348-013-1601-8
184.Benjamin Levy, Yingzheng Liu: The effects of cactus inspired spines on the aerodynamics of a cylinder. Journal of Fluids and Structures 05/2013; 39:335-346., DOI:10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2013.03.006
185.Shengxian Shi, T.H. New, Yingzheng Liu: Flapping dynamics of a low aspect-ratio energy-harvesting membrane immersed in a square cylinder wake. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science (EXP THERM FLUID SCI) 04/2013; 46:151–161., DOI:10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2012.12.007
186.Qing Shan Zhang, Ying Zheng Liu: Wall-pressure fluctuations of separated and reattaching flow over blunt plate with chord-to-thickness ratio c/d = 9.0. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science (EXP THERM FLUID SCI) 10/2012; 42:125–135., DOI:10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2012.04.019
187.Sheng-xian SHI, Ying-zheng LIU, Jian-min CHEN: An experimental study of flow around a bio-inspired airfoil at Reynolds number 2.0×103. Journal of Hydrodynamics 07/2012; 24(3):410–419., DOI:10.1016/S1001-6058(11)60262-X
188.Shengxian Shi, T.H. New, Yingzheng Liu: Improvements to time-series TR-PIV algorithms using historical displacement and displacement variation information. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 06/2012; 29:67–79., DOI:10.1016/j.flowmeasinst.2012.10.011
189.Jianfeng Mao, Weizhe Wang, Yingzheng Liu: Experimental and theoretical investigation on the sealing performance of the combined seals for reciprocating rod. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 06/2012; 26(6)., DOI:10.1007/s12206-012-0421-8
190.P. N. Jiang, W. Z. Wang, Y. Z. Liu, G. Meng: Influence of steam leakage through vane, gland, and shaft seals on rotordynamics of high-pressure rotor of a 1,000 MW ultra-supercritical steam turbine. Archive of Applied Mechanics 02/2012; 82(2)., DOI:10.1007/s00419-011-0547-7
191.Ying Zheng Liu, Liu Liu Shi, Qing Shan Zhang: Proper orthogonal decomposition of wall-pressure fluctuations under the constrained wake of a square cylinder. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science (EXP THERM FLUID SCI) 10/2011; 35(7):1325–1333., DOI:10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2011.05.001
192.Ying Zheng Liu, Liu Liu Shi, Jun Yu: TR-PIV measurement of the wake behind a grooved cylinder at low Reynolds number. Journal of Fluids and Structures 04/2011; 27(3):394-407., DOI:10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2010.11.013
193.Liu Liu Shi, Ying Zheng Liu, Hyung Jin Sung: On the wake with and without vortex shedding suppression behind a two-dimensional square cylinder in proximity to a plane wall. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 10/2010; 98(10-11):492-503., DOI:10.1016/j.jweia.2010.03.002
194.Wei Zhe Wang, Ying Zheng Liu, Guang Meng, Pu Ning Jiang: Influence of rub groove on rotordynamics associated with leakage air flow through a labyrinth seal. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 08/2010; 24(8):1573-1581., DOI:10.1007/s12206-010-0506-1
195.Liu Liu Shi, Ying Zheng Liu, Jun Yu: PIV measurement of separated flow over a blunt plate with different chord-to-thickness ratios. Journal of Fluids and Structures 05/2010; 26(4):644-657., DOI:10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2010.02.001
196.Liu Liu Shi, Ying Zheng Liu, Jin Jin Wan: TR-PIV measurement of separated and reattaching turbulent flow over a surface-mounted square cylinder. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 02/2010; 24(1):421-428., DOI:10.1007/s12206-009-1104-y
197.Jun YU, Liu-liu SHI, Wei-zhe WANG, Ying-zheng LIU: Conditional averaging of TR-PIV measurements of wake behind square cylinder using an improved cross-correlation approach. Journal of Hydrodynamics 02/2010; 22(1-22):29-34., DOI:10.1016/S1001-6058(09)60024-X
198.Liu Liu Shi, Ying Zheng Liu, Jin Jin Wan: Influence of wall proximity on characteristics of wake behind a square cylinder: PIV measurements and POD analysis. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science (EXP THERM FLUID SCI) 01/2010; 34(1):28-36., DOI:10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2009.08.008
199.W. Z. Wang, Y. Z. Liu, G. Meng, P. N. Jiang: A nonlinear model of flow-structure interaction between steam leakage through labyrinth seal and the whirling rotor. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 12/2009; 23(12):3302-3315., DOI:10.1007/s12206-009-1004-1
200.Qing WANG, Wei-zhe WANG, Zhi-min FEI, Ying-zheng LIU, Zhao-min CAO: Simulation of Blood Flow in Intracranial ICA-PComA Aneurysm Via Computational Fluid Dymamics Modeling. Journal of Hydrodynamics 10/2009; 21(5):583-590., DOI:10.1016/S1001-6058(08)60188-2
201.W.Z. Wang, Y.Z. Liu, G. Meng, P.N. Jiang: Nonlinear analysis of orbital motion of a rotor subject to leakage air flow through an interlocking seal. Journal of Fluids and Structures 07/2009; 25(5):751–765., DOI:10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2008.07.009
202.Qi Sun, Dawei Wan, Jinfen Liu, Haifa Hong, Yingzheng Liu, Ming Zhu: Patient-specific computational fluid dynamic simulation of a bilateral bidirectional Glenn connection. Medical & Biological Engineering 09/2008; 46(11):1153-9., DOI:10.1007/s11517-008-0376-1
203.Qi Sun, Dawei Wan, Jinfen Liu, Yingzheng Liu, Ming Zhu, Haifa Hong, Yanjun Sun, Qian Wang: Influence of antegrade pulmonary blood flow on the hemodynamic performance of bidirectional cavopulmonary anastomosis: A numerical study. Medical Engineering & Physics 09/2008; 31(2):227-33., DOI:10.1016/j.medengphy.2008.07.004
204.Y. Z. Liu, F. Ke, H. J. Sung: Unsteady separated and reattaching turbulent flow over a two-dimensional square rib. Journal of Fluids and Structures 04/2008; 24(3):366-381., DOI:10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2007.08.009
205.Li-Qun Shi, Ying-Zheng Liu, Si-Yu Jin, Zhao-Min Cao: Numerical Simulation of Unsteady Turbulent Flow Induced by Two-Dimensional Elevator Car and Counter Weight System. Journal of Hydrodynamics 12/2007; 19(6):720-725., DOI:10.1016/S1001-6058(08)60009-8
206.W. Z. Wang, Y. Z. Liu, H. P. Chen, P. N. Jiang: Computation of rotordynamic coefficients associated with leakage steam flow through labyrinth seal. Archive of Applied Mechanics 06/2007; 77(8):587-597., DOI:10.1007/s00419-007-0115-3
207.Y. Z. Liu, W. Z. Wang, H. P. Chen, Q. Ge, Y. Yuan: Influence of leakage flow through labyrinth seals on rotordynamics: Numerical calculations and experimental measurements. Archive of Applied Mechanics 06/2007; 77(8):599-612., DOI:10.1007/s00419-007-0119-z
208.Feng KE, Ying-zheng LIU, Han-ping CHEN, S. Koyama HIDE: Simultaneous flow visualization and wall-pressure measurement of the turbulent separated and reattaching flow over a backward-facing step. Journal of Hydrodynamics 04/2007; 19(2):180-187., DOI:10.1016/S1001-6058(07)60046-8
209.Wei-Zhe Wang, Ying-Zheng Liu, Pu-Ning Jiang, Han-Ping Chen: Numerical analysis of leakage flow through two labyrinth seal. Journal of Hydrodynamics 02/2007; 19(1):107-112., DOI:10.1016/S1001-6058(07)60035-3
210.Sejong Chun, Ying Zheng Liu, Hyung Jin Sung: Multi-resolution analysis of the large-scale coherent structure in a turbulent separation bubble affected by an unsteady wake. Journal of Fluids and Structures 01/2007; 23(1-23):85-100., DOI:10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2006.07.002
211.Y. Z. Liu, F. Ke, H. P. Chen, H. J. Sung: A wall-bounded turbulent mixing layer flow over an open step: Part 2. Unsteady characteristics. Journal of Turbulence 01/2007; 8(26-26)., DOI:10.1080/14685240601064749
212.Si-yu JIN, Ying-zheng LIU, Wei-zhe WANG, Zhao-min CAO, Hide S. KOYAMA: Numerical evaluation of two-fluid mixing in a swirl micro-mixer. Journal of Hydrodynamics 10/2006; 18(5):542-546., DOI:10.1016/S1001-6058(06)60132-7
213.Feng KE, Ying-zheng LIU, Wei-zhe WANG, Han-ping CHEN: Wall pressure fluctuations of turbulent flow over backward-facing step with and without entrainment: Microphone array measurement. Journal of Hydrodynamics 08/2006; 18(4):393-396., DOI:10.1016/S1001-6058(06)60110-8
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227.Y.-Z. Liu, H.-P. Chen, H.S. Koyama: 3D flow inside bubble-type vortex breakdown: An experimental investigation via LDV. Journal of Hydrodynamics 06/2003; 15(3):44-48.
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13.陈建,施圣贤,刘应征,复杂固体边界流场的三维 PIV 测试技术:任意三维边界识别算法,《实验流体力学》 2015年2期
14.黄倩,刘应征,奚立峰,机械工程教育国际合作模式的探索和实践, 《高等工程教育研究》 2014年5期
15.温谦,沙江,刘应征,淹没射流湍流场的 TR-PIV 测量及流场结构演变的 POD分析,《实验流体力学》 2014年4期
16.惠伟,刘应征,王少飞,蝶阀阀体后双弯管道流场的数值模拟,《动力工程学报》 2014年6期
17.喻超,王炜哲,张军辉,刘应征,超超临界机组高压内缸蠕变强度分析,《动力工程学报》 2014年5期
19.曹洪才,施圣贤,刘应征,任意运动变形边界流场测量PIV算法的研究:薄膜涡激振动,《实验流体力学》 2013年6期
20.焦广臣,王炜哲,蒋浦宁,刘应征,核电汽轮机转子结构应力腐蚀裂纹扩展研究,《汽轮机技术》 2013年2期
21.陈哲,刘应征,轴流压气机抽气对下游叶排流场影响的数值研究,《风机技术》 2012年3期
22.陈建民,刘应征,魏润杰,高频响流场测试TR-PIV系统技术及其应用,《实验流体力学》 2012年1期
23.戴伟,王炜哲,刘应征,陈汉平,径向间隙对刷式密封泄漏特性影响的数值分析,《动力工程学报》 2011年7期
24.刘华锋,王炜哲,蒋浦宁,刘应征,陈汉平,超超临界汽轮机转子蠕变对低周疲劳应变的影响,《动力工程学报》 2010年9期
27.余俊,万津津,施鎏鎏,刘应征,基于连续式激光光源的TR-PIV测试技术,《欧宝app官方网站下载学报》 2009年8期
28.王青,王炜哲,万大伟,费智敏,刘应征,曹兆敏,三例人体颈动脉分叉管血液动力学的数值对比分析,《水动力学研究与进展A辑》 2009年3期
29.万津津,施鎏鎏,余俊,刘应征,贴壁方柱湍流场TR-PIV实验研究, 《实验流体力学》 2009年2期
30.林文进,王炜哲,刘应征,陈汉平,风室试验中轴对称排气引射-混合器的引射特性,《欧宝app官方网站下载学报》 2009年5期
31.林文进,刘应征,靳思宇,林文光,基于虚拟风室模型的排气引射流动三维流场的数值计算,《欧宝app官方网站下载学报》 2009年2期
32.万津津,施鎏鎏,陆佳凯,刘应征,贴壁方柱湍流场高分辨率PIV实验研究,《欧宝app官方网站下载学报》 2009年2期
33.邬文睿,王炜哲,蒋普宁,刘应征,陈汉平,660 MW超超临界汽轮机高压转子的高温蠕变强度分析,《动力工程》 2009年2期
34.邬文睿,万津津,王炜哲,刘应征,600MW亚临界机组主调阀蒸汽流动损失数值分析,《水动力学研究与进展A辑》 2008年5期
35.万大伟,孙琦,刘应征,刘金龙,曹兆敏,刘锦纷,人体主动脉弓内三维血流动力学数值分析,《医用生物力学》 2008年4期
37.刘金龙,刘应征,曹兆敏,钱逸,静脉血栓滤器血栓捕捉特性的体外实验研究,《水动力学研究与进展A辑》 2008年1期
38.王炜哲,刘应征,叶春,陈汉平,袁鹰,葛庆,汽轮机轴封-转子系统动力学特性的数值分析,《动力工程》 2007年6期
39.王炜哲,刘应征,陈汉平,叶春,葛庆,袁鹰, 迷宫轴封气流周向剪切力对转子动态特性系数的影响,《动力工程》 2007年5期
41.王炜哲,施鎏鎏,柴思敏,刘应征,蒋浦宁,1000MW超临界汽轮机主调阀内流动和噪声计算分析,《动力工程》 2007年3期
43.韦康,叶春,葛诵,王炜哲,刘应征,忻建华,气隙激振力对转子临界转速的影响,《动力工程》 2006年1期
44.刘应征,柯峰,Hyung Jin SUNG,壁面压力传声器阵列测量--后台阶湍流相干结构的相关分析,《欧宝app官方网站下载学报》2005年8期
46.刘应征,陈汉平,复杂旋转回流 PIV 速度整场实验研究,《水动力学研究与进展A辑》 2003年5期
47.徐祥开,刘应征,罗次申,陈汉平,有机玻璃板对PDA测量结果影响的研究,《激光技术》 2003年3期
48.刘应征,罗次申,陈汉平,LDV/PIV全场速度测量的误差分析,《欧宝app官方网站下载学报》 2002年10期
50.刘应征,陈汉平,空腔内旋转流动LDA整场测量及实验Re数恒定方法,《流体力学实验与测量》 2001年1期
53.刘应征,陈汉平,圆柱空腔内旋转流动中轴对称涡破裂现象的数值模拟,《计算物理》1999 年
54.刘应征,罗次申,金浩,相位多谱勒技术在粒子测量应用中的若干问题,《船舶工程》1998 年