Selected Publications
Dr. Dong Wang focuses on theoretical foundations of signal processing, statistical learning, machine learning, data mining and their applications to machine and product condition monitoring, fault diagnosis and prognostics. Main contributions are summarized as follows: 1) theories and methods of generalized sparsity measures, the design of new sparsity measures, the "bilateral effect" of distinguishing sparsity measures and complexity measures, were proposed for machine and product condition monitoring; 2) physically interpretable prototype neural network was designed, and then degradation models with interpretable model structures and weights were proposed to realize an important goal of using model weights as fault features so as to support monitoring and diagnostic outputs, which provides a new perspective for intelligent fault diagnostics; 3) generalized Brownian motion and state space modeling were proposed to overcome some underlying assumptions in classical prognostic works; 4) an integrated framework of signal processing and statistical learning coined as difference mode decomposition is developed, and intelligent identification, extraction and separation of natural frequency components of original signals, fault induced frequency components and noise components are realized based on Fourier transform, time-frequency transform, spectral correlation transform and other signal processing, which provides a new idea for signal processing and statistical quantification of results.
Dr. Dong Wang has published 180+ journal papers (the first author for 40+ papers) and his works mainly appear in Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing (60+), IEEE和ASME Transactions (60+, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering、IEEE Transactions on Reliability、IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement、IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics、IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics、IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics、ASME Transactions on Journal of Vibration and Acoustics)、Journal of Sound and Vibration、Journal of Power Sources、Reliability Engineering and System Safety、Signal Processing、Journal of Power Sources、Applied Energy、Measurement Science and Technology、Measurement, etc., and they have been cited over 10000+. Please see my publication list on my Google Scholar website.
New Book: Dong Wang and Bingchang Hou, Sparsity Measures and their Signal Processing Applications for Machine Condition Monitoring, Elsevier, 2025, ISBN 978-0-443-33486-3: .
~~~Selected Publications~~~
A********Sparsity Measures and Complexity Measures********A
Dong Wang*, Zhike Peng, Lifeng Xi, The Sum of Weighted Normalized Square Envelope: A Unified Framework for Kurtosis, Negative Entropy, Gini Index and Smoothness Index for Machine Health Monitoring, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 140 (2020), 106725.
Bingchang Hou, Dong Wang*, Jin-Zhen Kong, Jie Liu, Zhike Peng, Kwok-Leung Tsui, Understanding importance of positive and negative signs of optimized weights used in the sum of weighted normalized Fourier spectrum/envelope spectrum for machine condition monitoring, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 174 (2022) 109094.
Dong Wang*, et al. Correlation Dimension and Approximate Entropy for System Health Monitoring: Revisited, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 152 (2021) 107497.
Dong Wang*, Zhike Peng, Lifeng Xi, Theoretical and Experimental Investigations on Spectral Lp/Lq Norm Ratio and Spectral Gini Index for Rotating Machine Health Monitoring, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 18 (2021) 1074 - 1086.
Dong Wang*, et al. Box-Cox Sparse Measures: A New Family of Sparse Measures Constructed from Kurtosis and Negative Entropy, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 160 (2021) 107930.
Tongtong Yan, Dong Wang*, Tangbin Xia, Zhike Peng, Lifeng Xi,Investigations on Generalized Hjorth's Parameters for Machine Performance Degradation Assessment, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Volume 168 (2022) 108720.
Dong Wang*, Some further thoughts about spectral kurtosis, spectral L2/L1 norm, spectral smoothness index and spectral Gini index for characterizing repetitive transients, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 108C (2018) pp. 360-368.
Dong Wang*, Spectral L2/L1 norm: A new perspective for spectral kurtosis for characterizing non-stationary signals, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 104 (2018) 290-293.
Bingchang Hou, Dong Wang*, Tangbin Xia, Yi Wang, Yang Zhao, Kwok-Leung Tsui, Investigations on Quasi-arithmetic Means for Machine Condition Monitoring, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 151 (2021), 107451.
Bingchang Hou, Dong Wang*, Member, IEEE, Tongtong Yan, Yi Wang, Zhike Peng, Kwok-Leung Tsui, Gini Indices Ⅱ and Ⅲ: Two New Sparsity Measures and Their Applications for Machine Condition Monitoring, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 27 (2022) 1211-1222.
Bingchang Hou, Dong Wang*, Tangbin Xia, Lifeng Xi, Zhike Peng, Kwok-LeungTsui, Generalized Gini indices: Complementary sparsity measures to Box-Cox sparsity measures for machine condition monitoring, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing,169 (2022) 108751.
Dong Wang*, Jie Liu, Shilong Sun, Changqing Shen, Bingchang Hou, Tongtong Yan, Zhike Peng, Investigations on the Sensitivity of Sparsity Measures to the Sparsity of Impulsive Signals, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 178 (2022) 109315.
YuTing Wang, Dong Wang*, Investigations on Sample Entropy and Fuzzy Entropy for Machine Condition Monitoring:Revisited, Measurement Science and Technology, 34 (2023) 125104.
Lan Wei, Dong Wang*, Yu Wang, Generalized relative entropy: New look at Rényi entropy and its exploration from complexity measures to sparsity measures with applications in machine condition monitoring, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 223, (2025) 111917.
B********Interpretable Degradation Modeling and Data Fusion********B
Dong Wang* , Bingchang Hou, Tongtong Yan, Changqing Shen, Zhike Peng, New Statistical Learning Perspective for Design of a Physically Interpretable Prototypical Neural Network for Machine Condition Monitoring, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 188 (2023) 110041.
Dong Wang*, Yikai Chen, Changqing Shen, Jingjing Zhong, Zhike Peng, Chuan Li,, Fully Interpretable Neural Networks for Machine Health Monitoring,Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 168 (2022) 108673.
Bingchang Hou, Dong Wang*, Yikai Chen, Hong Wang, Zhike Peng, Kwok Leung Tsui, Interpretable Online Updated Weights: Optimized Square Envelope Spectrum for Machine Condition Monitoring and Fault diagnosis, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 169 (2022) 108779.
Tongtong Yan, Dong Wang*, Tangbin Xia, Lifeng Xi, A Generic Framework for Degradation Modeling Based on Fusion of Spectrum Amplitudes, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 19 (2021), 308 - 319.
Tongtong Yan, Dong Wang*, Jinzhen Kong, Tangbin Xia, Zhike Peng, Lifeng Xi, Definition of Signal-to-Noise Ratio of Health Indicators and Its Analytic Optimization for Machine Performance Degradation Assessment, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 70 (2021).
Tongtong Yan, Dong Wang*, Bingchang Hou, Zhike Peng, Generic Framework for Integration of First Prediction Time Detection with Machine Degradation Modelling from Frequency Domain, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 71 (2022) 464 - 1476.
Tongtong Yan, Yuting Wang, Tangbin Xia, Bingchang Hou, Lifeng Xi, Dong Wang*, Sparse and Flexible Convex-hull Representation for Machine Degradation Modeling, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 72 (2022) 27 - 36.
Tongtong Yan, Dong Wang*, Meimei Zheng, Tangbin Xia, Ershun Pan, Lifeng Xi, Fisher' s Discriminant Ratio Based Health Indicator for Locating Informative Frequency Bands for Machine Performance Degradation Assessment, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 162 (2022) 108053.
Tongtong Yan, Dong Wang*, Shilong Sun, Changqing Shen, Zhike Peng, Novel Sparse Representation Degradation Modeling for Locating Informative Frequency Bands for Machine Performance Degradation Assessment, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 179 (2022) 109372.
Tongtong Yan, Dong Wang*, Tangbin Xia, Ershun Pan, Zhike Peng, Lifeng Xi, Online Piecewise Convex-optimization Interpretable Weight Learning for Machine Life Cycle Performance Assessment, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, (2022) Early Access.
Tongtong Yan, Dong Wang*, Tangbin Xia, Jie Liu, Zhike Peng, Lifeng Xi, Investigation on Optimal Discriminant Directions of Linear Discriminant Analysis for Locating Informative Frequency Bands for Machine Health Monitoring, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 180 (2022): 109424.
Tongtong Yan, Dong Wang*, Tangbin Xia, Ershun Pan, Zhike Peng and Lifeng Xi, New Shapeness Property and Its Convex Optimization Model for Interpretable Machine Degradation Modeling, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 72 (2022), 703 - 715.
Tongtong Yan, Yichu Fu, Ming Lu, Zhinong Li, Changqing Shen, Dong Wang*, Integration of a Novel Knowledge-guided Loss Function with an Architecturally Explainable Network for Machine Degradation Modeling, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 71 (2022): 1-12.
Tongtong Yan, Dong Wang*, Tangbin Xia, Meimei Zheng, Zhike Peng, Lifeng Xi, Entropy-maximization oriented interpretable health indicators for locating informative fault frequencies for machine health monitoring, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 198 (2023) 110461.
Yikai Chen, Dong Wang*, Bingchang Hou, Tangbin Xia, Gaussian assumptions-free interpretable linear discriminant analysis for locating informative frequency bands for machine condition monitoring, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 199 (2023) 110492.
Tongtong Yan, Dong Wang*, Tangbin Xia, Zhike Peng, Lifeng Xi, Sparsity preserving projection aided baselined hyperdisk modeling for interpretable machine health monitoring, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 200 (2023) 110509.
Yu Wang, Dong Wang*, Tongtong Yan, Optimal Squared Wald Statistics based Methodology for On-line Machine Condition Monitoring and Degradation Assessment, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 72 (2023), 3522112.
Xiao Feng, Dong Wang*, Bingchang Hou, Tongtong Yan, Interpretable federated learning for machine condition monitoring: Interpretable average global model as a fault feature library, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 124 (2023) 106632.
Tongtong Yan, Dong Wang*, Meimei Zheng, Changqing Shen, Tangbin Xia, Zhike Peng, retable sparse learned weights and their entropy based quantification for online machine health monitoring, 199 (2023) 110493.
Tongtong Yan, Dong Wang*, Jin-zhen Kong, Zhongxiao Peng, Large Margin-learning Methodology from Time-Frequency Maps and Its Physically Interpretable Weights for Simultaneous Machine Health Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 200 (2023) 110615.
Yichu Fu, Yikai Chen, Dong Wang*, Zhike Peng, Interpretable Fusion Methodology of Health Indices with an Application to Industrial Turbine Cavitation Condition Monitoring, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, (2023) accepted and to appear.
Tongtong Yan, Dong Wang*, Tangbin Xia, Lifeng Xi, Novel Anchor Discrimination Learning for Physics-Informed Machine Degradation Modeling, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, (2023) accepted and to appear.
Bingchang Hou, Jie Liu, Dong Wang*, Easier Computation Approach of Optimized Weights and Its Extensions for Learning Interpretable Machine Fault Features, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, (2023), in press.
Tongtong Yan, Dong Wang*, Yu Wang, Discrimination and Sparsity Driven Weight-oriented Optimization Model for Interpretable Initial Fault Detection and Fault Diagnosis, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, (2023), in press.
Yu Wang, Dong Wang*, Bingchang Hou, Siliang Lu, Zhike Peng, Robust optimized weights spectrum: Enhanced interpretable fault feature extraction method by solving frequency fluctuation problem, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 222 (2025) 111798.
Tongtong Yan, Dong Wang*, Tangbin Xia, Lifeng Xi, Min Xia, Two-dimensional Optimization Framework of Online Interpretable Time-frequency Feature Learning for Practical Machine, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, (2025) accepted and to appear.
C********Remaining Useful Life Prediction********C
Dong Wang*, Kwok-Leung Tsui, Statistical modeling of bearing degradation signals, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 66 (2017) 1331 - 1344.
Dong Wang*, Kwok-Leung Tsui, Brownian motion with adaptive drift for remaining useful life prediction: revisited, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 99 (2018) 691-701.
Dong Wang*, Kwok-Leung Tsui, Two novel mixed effects models for prognostics of rolling element bearings, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 99 (2018) 1-13.
Jin-Zhen Kong, Dong Wang*, Tongtong Yan, Jingzhe Zhu, Xi Zhang, Accelerated Stress Factors based Nonlinear Wiener Process Model for Lithium-ion Battery Prognostics, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 69 (2021), 11665-11674.
Jin-Zhen Kong, Di Cui, Bingchang Hou, Xingchen Liu, Dong Wang*, New Short-Long-Term Degradation Model for Precise Battery Health Prognostics, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 70 (2023) 9527 - 9537.
Jie Liu, Dong Wang,* Jin-Zhen Kong, Zhike Peng, Kwok-Leung Tsui, Similarities and Differences between Batch and Recursive Bayesian Prognostic Methods and State-Space Models based Prognostic Methods with an Emphasis on Additive Gaussian and Brownian Motion Errors , Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, (2023) accepted and to appear.
Jie Liu, Bingchang Hou, Ming Lu, Dong Wang*, Box-Cox transformation based state-space modeling as a unified prognostic framework for degradation linearization and RUL prediction enhancement, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 244 (2024) 109952.
Jinzhen Kong, Jie Liu, Jingzhe Zhu, Xi Zhang, Kwok-Leung Tsui, Zhike Peng & Dong Wang*, Review on Lithium-ion Battery PHM from the Perspective of Key PHM Steps, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 37, (2024): 71. (cover paper)
Jie Liu, Dong Wang*, Yujie Mou, Zikang Chen, and Ming Lu. Adaptive Generalized Time Interval Cumulative Methodology for Optical Port Degradation Modeling in Cloud Computing Service, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, (2025) early access.
Jie Liu, Dong Wang*, Jin-Zhen Kong, Naipeng Li, Zhike Peng, Kwok-Leung Tsui, New Look at Bayesian Prognostic Methods, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, (2025) early access.
D********Mechanical Signal Processing********D
Dong Wang*, Kwok-Leung Tsui, Dynamic Bayesian Wavelet Transform: New Methodology for Extraction of Repetitive Transients, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 88 (2017) 137-144.
Sha Wei, Dong Wang, Zhike Peng, Zhipeng Feng, Variational Nonlinear Component Decomposition for Fault Diagnosis of Planetary Gearboxes under Variable Speed Conditions, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 162 (2022) 108016.
Bingchang Hou, Dong Wang*, Yi Wang, Tongtong Yan, Zhike Peng, Kwok Leung Tsui, Adaptive Weighted Signal Preprocessing Technique for Machine Health Monitoring, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 70 (2021).
Sha Wei, Dong Wang, Hong Wang, Zhike Peng, Time-varying Envelope Filtering for Exhibiting Space Bearing Cage Fault Features, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 70 (2021).
Cristian López, Dong Wang*, Ángel Naranjo, Keegan J. Moore, Box-Cox-Sparse-Measures-Based Blind Filtering: Understanding the Difference between the Maximum Kurtosis Deconvolution and the Minimum Entropy Deconvolution, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 165 (2022) 108376.
Bingchang Hou, Yikai Chen, Hong Wang, Zhike Peng, Kwok-Leung Tsui, Dong Wang*, OSESgram: Data Aided Method for Selection of Informative Frequency Bands for Bearing Fault Diagnosis, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 71 (2022) 3513310.
Bingchang Hou, Dong Wang*, Zhike Peng, Kwok-Leung Tsui, Adaptive Fault Components Extraction by Using an Optimized Weights Spectrum based Index for Machinery Fault Diagnosis, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, (2023) accepted and to appear.
Bingchang Hou, Dong Wang*, Tangbin Xia, Zhike Peng, Kwok Leung Tsui, Difference Mode Decomposition for Adaptive Signal Decomposition, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 191 (2023) 110203.
Bingchang Hou, Xiao Feng, Jinzhen Kong, Zhike Peng, Kwok Leung Tsui, Dong Wang*, Optimized Weights Spectrum Autocorrelation: A New and Promising Method for Fault Characteristic Frequency Identification for Rotating Machine Fault Diagnosis, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 191 (2023) 110200.
Bingchang Hou, Dong Wang*, Optimal Noise Subtraction based Fault Components Extraction for Machinery Fault Diagnosis, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (2023), online Early Access.
Bingchang Hou, Min Xie, Hong Yan, Dong Wang*, Impulsive Mode Decomposition, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 211 (2024) 111227.
Bingchang Hou, Min Xie, Zhike Peng, Dong Wang*, Enspectrumix: Novel Adaptive Methodology for Fault Components Extraction from Vibration Mixtures, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 219 (2024), 111611.