Selected Publications
(1) J. Yan, B.W. Yang, C.Y. Zhao*. Investigation of hydration/dehydration processes in a fluidized bed reactor using MgO/Mg(OH)2 thermochemical energy storage system. Solar Energy,2022, 231:630-645
(2) X.K. Tian, S.C. Lin, J. Yan, C.Y. Zhao*. Sintering mechanism of calcium oxide/calcium carbonate during thermochemical heat storage process. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 428: 131229.
(3) Y.X. Xu, J. Yan, C.Y. Zhao*. Investigation on application temperature zone and exergy loss regulation based on MgCO3/MgO thermochemical heat storage and release process. Energy, 2022, 239: 122155.
(1)Yan J, Lu L, Ma T, Zhou YK, Zhao CY. Thermal management of the waste energy of a stand-alone hybrid PV-wind-battery power system in Hong Kong. Energy Conversion and Management, 2020,203:112261
(2)Yan J, Pan ZH, Zhao CY, Experimental study of MgO/Mg(OH)2 thermochemical heat storage with direct heat transfer mode. Applied Energy, 2020,275: 115356
(3) Xu, T. X.; Tian, X. K.; Khosa, A. A.; Yan, J.; Ye, Q.; Zhao, C. Y.; Reaction performance of CaCO3/CaO thermochemical energy storage with TiO2 dopant and experimental study in a fixed-bed reactor, Energy, 2021, 236: 0-121451.
(4)Xia BQ, Zhao CY*, Yan J, A.A. Khosa, Development of granular thermochemical heat storage composite based on calcium oxide. Renewable Energy, 2020, 147:969-978
(5) Abbas Khosa, Yan J, Zhao CY*. Investigating the effects of ZnO dopant on the thermodynamic and kinetic properties of CaCO3/CaO TCES system. Energy, 2021, 215: 119132
(6)T. Wang, Zhao CY*, Yan J, Investigation on the Ca(OH)2/CaO thermochemical energy storage system with potassium nitrate addition. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2020, 215:110646
(7) 徐钿昕,田希坤,闫君,叶强,赵长颖*. TiO2改性的CaCO3热化学储热的反应性能研究. 储能科学与技术,2021-08-17. 北大核心, CSCD. DOI:10.19799/j.cnki.2095-4239.2021.028.1
(8) 杨博文; 闫君; 赵长颖; 氢氧化镁热化学储热系统流化床反应器性能分析, 储能科学与技术, 2021, 10(5):1735-1744. 北大中文核心期刊.
(9) 赵长颖; 闫君; 赵耀; 如何实现媲美化石能源的大规模储能技术?, 欧宝app官方网站下载学报, 2021, 55(S1):91-92. EI, 北大中文核心期刊.
Before 2020
1. Yan J, Zhao CY. First-principle study of CaO/Ca(OH)2 thermochemical energy storage system by Li or Mg cation doping. Chemical Engineering Science, 2014, 117: 293 - 300
2. Yan J, Zhao CY, Thermodynamic and kinetic study of the dehydration process of CaO/Ca(OH)2 thermochemical heat storage system with Li doping. Chemical Engineering Science, 2015, 138: 86-92
3. Yan J, Zhao CY, Experimental study of CaO/Ca(OH)2 in a fixed-bed reactor for thermochemical heat storage. Applied Energy, 2016, 175: 277-284
4. Yan J, Zhao CY, Pan ZH, The effect of CO2 on Ca(OH)2 and Mg(OH)2 thermochemical heat storage systems. Energy, 2017 ,124:114-123
5. Yan J, Zhao CY, Boqian Xia, Tao Wang. The effect of dehydration temperatures on the performance of the CaO/Ca(OH)2 thermochemical heat storage system. Energy, 2019, 186:115837
6. Pan ZH, Yan J, Zhao CY*, Numerical analyses and optimization of tubular thermochemical heat storage reactors using axisymmetric thermal lattice Boltzmann model. Chemical Engineering Science, 2019, 195:737-747
7. Xia BQ, Pan ZH, Yan J, Zhao CY*, Mesoscopic exploration on mass transfer in porous thermochemical heat storage materials. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 135:52-61
8. Abbas Khosa, Xu TX, Xia BQ, Yan J, Zhao CY*. Technological challenges and industrial applications of CaCO3/CaO based thermal energy storage system-A Review. Solar Energy, 2019,193:618-636
9. 闫君, 潘智豪, 赵长颖,王倩, CaO/Ca(OH)2储热系统试验及CO2失效研究. 工程热物理学报,2017, 38(12): 2679-2685
Yan J, Pan ZH, Zhao CY, Wang Q, Experimental Study on the Performance of CaO/Ca(OH)2 Thermochemical Heat Storage and its Failure under CO2 Environment. JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING THERMOPHYSICS, 2017, 38(12): 2679-2685(In Chinese)
10. 邓畅,潘智豪,闫君, 赵长颖*, 氧化钙-氢氧化钙热化学储热系统放热数值分析. 储能科学与技术,2018, 7(2): 248-254
Deng C, Pan ZH, Yan J, Zhao CY, Numerical study on exothermic process of a CaO-Ca(OH)2 thermochemical heat storage system. Energy Storage Science and Technology,2018, 7(2): 248-254(In Chinese)
11. Book Chapters :Institute of Energy Storage Engineering of the Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China,Energy Storage Technology and Application [M]. Beijing: Chemical Industry Press, 2018. (In Chinese, Participate in writing Chapter Nine)