Selected Publications
Jinwei Chen, Huisheng Zhang*, Study on Nonlinear Identification SOFC Temperature Model Based on Particle Swarm Optimization-Least Squares Support Vector Regression, Journal of Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage, June 2017
Dengji Zhou, Huisheng Zhang*, An Information Fusion Model Based on Dempster–Shafer Evidence Theory for Equipment Diagnosis, ASME Journal of Risk Uncertainty in Engineering system, Oct 2017
Dengji Zhou, Huisheng Zhang*, A Damage Evaluation Model of Turbine Blade for Gas Turbine, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Apri 2017
Dengji Zhou, Huisheng Zhang*, A novel grey prognostic model based on Markov process and grey incidence analysis for energy conversion equipment degradation, Energy, June 2016
Dengji Zhou, Huisheng Zhang*, A new gas path fault diagnostic method of gas turbine based on support vector machine, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, May 2015
Dengji Zhou, Huisheng Zhang*, A dynamic RCM analysis method for natural gas compressor station based on diagnostic and prognostic technology, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Nov 2015
Huisheng Zhang*, Wenshu Zhang, Shilie Weng. Performance analysis on the hybrid power plant of SOFC and steam injected gas turbine, ASME Transactions, Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology, 2012
Huisheng Zhang*, Shilie Weng, Ming Su. “Compact heat exchange reformer used for high temperature fuel cell systems”. (one chapter in the book ”heat exchangers” ISBN 979-953-307-325-4 ), 2011
Huisheng Zhang*, Shilie Weng, Ming Su. Performance comparison of cocurrent and countercurrent flow solid oxide fuel cells,Frontiers in Energy,2011 Vol. 5(2), p207-213
Huisheng Zhang*, Shilie Weng, Ming Su. Hardware-in-the-loop Simulation Study on the Fuel Control Strategy of a Gas Turbine Engine. ASME Transactions, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 2005(3), p693-695 (ISI:000230706100031)
Huisheng Zhang*, Wenshu Zhang, Ming Su, Shilie Weng. Control Performance Study on the Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell Hybrid System . ASME Transactions, Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology, 2009(6), p693-695 (ISI: 000263201300061)
Huisheng Zhang*, Lijin Wang, Shilie Weng, Ming Su. Performance Research On the Compact Heat Exchange Reformer Used for High Temperature Fuel Cell Systems, Journal of Power Sources, Vol.183, 2008, p282-294 (ISI:000259659300038)
Huisheng Zhang*, Shilie Weng, Ming. Su. Control Loop Design and Control Performance Study on Direct Internal Reforming Solid Oxide Fuel Cell, Fuel Cells, 2009 Vol. 5 Issue 5, 722-728 (ISI:000271095700028)
Huisheng Zhang*, Weng Shilie, Su Ming. Dynamic Modeling on the Hybrid Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell-Gas Turbine Bottoming cycle. ASME Transactions, Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology, 2005(2), p94-98 (ISI:000237844700003)
Lijin Wang, Huisheng Zhang*, Shilie Weng. Modeling and Simulation of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Based on the Volume-Resistance Characteristic Modeling Technique, J. of Power Sources, Vol.177, n 2, 2008, p579-589 (ISI: 000253873700041)