The “Zhi-Hong” International Summer School of Advanced Materials (ISS-AM) is organized by School of Materials Science and Engineering (SMSE) at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), aiming at promoting the interactive cultural and academic exchange between top-level scholars and students from all over the world. The ISS-AM is named as “Zhi-Hong” not only to commemorate the school founder Professor Zhihong Zhou, but also to inspire the summer school participants since “Zhi-Hong” in Chinese means “being ambitious”.
“Zhi-Hong” ISS-AM is a two-week program with one theme every year. “Future Materials” will be the theme of the program in 2024.
In the last eight years, the 1st to 8th “Zhi-Hong” ISS-AM were organized successfully. 167 foreign students from over than ten countries and 214 outstanding Chinese students have been selected to attend the past eight events. Many renowned experts and scholars from SJTU and foreign institutes, e.g. Harvard University, Northwestern University, The Ohio State University, University of Cambridge, KTH Royal Institute of Technology,Osaka University, Monash University, have been invited to give academic lectures. Join “Zhi-Hong” International Summer School at SJTU for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! You’ll expand your horizons and make new friends with peers from around the world while studying at the top excellent university in China.
For more information please refer to:The brochure of 2024 SJTU Zhi-Hong ISS-AM(online)
It was one of the best experience of my life."Zhi-Hong" International Summer School not only provided me with quality lectures but also provided a chance to interact with people from different backgrounds where we got the opportunity to share our experiences.It was a combination of fun and knowledge with the best people around.I would highly recommend "Zhi-Hong" summer school to anyone who is interested in material sciences and loves cultural exposures.
My experience at Zhi-Hong International Summer School in Shanghai Jiao Tong University was fabulous.Meeting and interacting with students from different parts of our world as well as learning from academic lectures of known scholars were inspiring and motivating.Thank you,SJTU.