生成式人工智能与管理科学:JMA特刊研讨会在瑞士洛桑召开 发布时间:2024-07-19


202478-9日,我院国际学术期刊《管理分析学报(英文)》 Journal of Management Analytics,简称JMA)在瑞士洛桑国际管理发展学院(IMD)召开了主题为生成式人工智能(GAI)对管理学的颠覆性影响特刊学术研讨会。线下出席会议的人员有:我院才凤艳教授、JMA主编李垣教授、执行主编万国华教授、副主编张鹏翥教授、编委会成员刘益教授、JMA作者代表袭希博士、安泰期刊中心JMA编辑部黄敏妍老师和徐运周老师。线上出席会议的人员有:JMA副主编蒋炜教授、顾问编委Detmar Straub教授(美国)、受邀作者及相关领域的学者们。


On July 8-9th, 2024, Journal of Management Analytics (JMA), founded by Antai College of Economics and ManagementAntai, held the Special Issue Symposium on Generative AI and Management Science at International Institute for Management Development (IMD). Onsite attendees include Professor Fengyan Cai (former Vice Dean of Antai), Professor Yuan Li (Editors-in-Chief of JMA), Professor Guohua Wan (Executive Editor), Professor Pengzhu Zhang (Associate Editor), Professor Yi Liu (Editorial Board member), Doctor Xi Xi (JMA Author), Minyan Huang and Yunzhou Xu (JMA Editorial Office). Online attendees include Professor Wei Jiang (Associate Editor), Professor Detmar Straub (Editorial Advisory Board, USA), selected JMA authors and scholars from related fields.


在生成式人工智能不断融入组织流程和决策的背景下,JMA围绕生成式人工智能与管理学组织了特刊,旨在凝聚相关领域学者,探讨、规范、引领该主题的研究。本次会议特别邀请到美国Temple University教授、JMA顾问编委Detmar Straub作了题为“How Rosy is the Future for Research on AI/GenAI?”的主旨报告。Straub教授对AIGenAI研究的前景持乐观态度,同时也指出了该领域存在的误解和风险,并提出了三种具有可行性的研究方向:Transactional studiesTransformative studies Prescient studies.


In the background of continuous integration of generative AI into organizational processes and decision-making, JMA organized a special issue on the impact of generative AI on management, aiming to bring together scholars to explore the impact, implications and potentials of generative AI on management science research. Dr. Detmar Straub, Professor of Temple University and member of the Editorial Advisory Board of JMA, delivered a keynote speech titled How Rosy is the Future for Research on AI/GenAI. While Professor Straub expressed optimism about the prospects of AI and GenAI research, he also highlighted the prevalent misunderstandings and risks in this field, and proposed three feasible research directions: Transactional studies, Transformative studies, and Presciented studies.


会议还邀请了3篇特刊投稿论文进行汇报,分别题为“How do large language models bring disruptive change to time series forecasting? A survey and framework”(汇报人:袭希博士,中国人民大学)、 “Does Generative Artificial Intelligence Improve the Production Efficiency of Enterprises- Evidence from China” (汇报人:卢文钰,北京林业大学)、“Identifying complaints with informed machine learning–Combing smoke words and GPT-2 embedding in a multi-task framework”(汇报人:方智东,广东工业大学)。现场及线上参会的JMA编委们对汇报内容进行了点评,并对未来进一步的研究路径提出了建议。


The Symposium also invited three papers submitted to the special issue for presentations, including How do large language models bring disruptive change to time series forecasting? A survey and framework (presenter: Dr. Xi Xi, Renmin University of China), Does Generative Artificial Intelligence Improve the Production Efficiency of Enterprises? - Evidence from China (presenter: Lu Wenyu, Beijing Forestry University), and Identifying complaints with informed machine learning - Combining smoke words and GPT-2 embedding in a multi-task framework (presenter: Fang Zhidong, Guangdong University of Technology). The JMA editorial board members commented on the presentations and offered suggestions for future research path.

研讨会举办期间,IMD 执行委员会成员、首席数字化与客户体验官Louis Leclézio带领JMA一行参观了IMD的校园。IMD先进的设施及办学理念让JMA一行印象深刻。JMA执行主编万国华教授介绍了JMA近年来的成果。在了解了JMA的目标、领域和发展历程后,Louis充分认可JMA是一本高质量、对学术社群乃至社会具有明显贡献的SSCI期刊,并且推荐了研究兴趣相近的IMD学者,为今后扩大两院学术合作创造了良好契机。


During the Symposium, Louis Leclézio, Member of Executive Committee and Chief Digital and Customer Experience Officer of IMD, guided the JMA delegation on a campus tour. The JMA team appreciated IMD's advanced facilities and organizational value. Professor Guohua Wan introduced the recent achievements of JMA. Louis fully recognized JMA as a high-quality SSCI journal that contributes to the academic and general society, and recommended IMD scholars with shared interests as potential collaborators for JMA. The meeting created an excellent opportunity for expanding academic cooperation between the two institutions in the future.



来源:Journal of Management Analytics 编辑部
